Alvin Bragg's End Run Around the Constitution


That America-hating extremist groomer Jew bastard SOROS!
I wonder when the Republicans will get around to investigating Trump's weaponization of the federal government...

The book contains accounts of how department officials tried to have allusions to Mr. Trump scrubbed from charging papers for Michael D. Cohen, his former personal lawyer, and how the attorney general later tried to have his conviction reversed. It tells of pressure to pursue Mr. Kerry, who had angered Mr. Trump by attempting to preserve the nuclear deal he had negotiated with Iran.

And in September 2018, Mr. Berman writes, two months before the November midterms, a senior department official called Mr. Berman’s deputy, cited the Southern District’s recent prosecutions of two prominent Trump loyalists, and bluntly asserted that the office, which had been investigating Gregory B. Craig, a powerful Democratic lawyer, should charge him — and should do so before Election Day.
The Feds have already passed on prosecution of FEC violations by Trump.
NY State law has a two-year statute of limitation. Bra is far out over is skies on this.
Statute of Limitations

The misdemeanor/felony distinction also bears upon the statute of limitations issues we addressed in our last article. As we noted in our prior piece, it appears more or less certain that prosecutors have a great deal of time left on the clock to charge Trump with a felony for his role in the hush money scheme before the statute of limitations runs. However, it is closer in the event that only a misdemeanor is charged, or if a court ultimately buys Trump’s legal arguments and rules all the felony charges against him must be dismissed (leaving only misdemeanor offenses standing). Misdemeanors in New York are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. As we also noted in our first piece, however, statutes of limitations can be paused for every day Trump spent outside New York after the last criminal act he committed. The last known check Trump signed to reimburse Cohen—which Trump reportedly knew was to be falsely recorded as a legal expense—was apparently signed on December 5, 2017.

The question is therefore how many days Trump has spent outside New York since December 5, 2017. Apparently, the answer is a lot. According to a report by the Washington Post, Trump spent at most 81 days in New York during the rest of his presidency (and very possibly fewer). That left approximately 21 months on the clock at that point to charge him with a misdemeanor. And although it has been approximately 26 months since the end of his presidency and he could theoretically have run out the clock, it seems clear he has not spent approximately 80% of his days in New York (as would have been required for the clock to run by now). That means that so long as the Court of Appeals does not overturn any existing law on the issue, even a misdemeanor is not time-barred.


Alvin Bragg's End Run Around the Constitution

21 Mar 2023 ~~ By Don Brown

Another Soros-funded Democrat prosecutor takes aim at President Donald Trump.
Fearing they cannot legitimately beat him at the ballot box, they resort to open, politically motivated lawfare to keep him out of office.
We’ve endured four years of Mueller's failed "Russia Gate" hoax, two failed, politically driven impeachment trials from radical House Democrats in Congress driven by Nancy Pelosi, not to mention the highly-partisan “January 6” Committee that failed to call a single witness adverse to their pre-cooked “it-was-an-insurrection” narrative, and a host of other Trump-related political prosecutions.
But now, this weekend's announcement from President Trump that he expects to be indicted on Tuesday in Manhattan forecasts the most radical tactic yet that the Democrats will use to block Trump's return to power: lawfare with unfounded charges in the criminal courts.
Let’s be clear. The feds have already declined to prosecute anything surrounding Trump's civil settlement with Stormy Daniels. Perhaps that is because confidentiality clauses are part of millions of civil settlements in lawsuits around the country every day. I’ve seen hundreds in my own career as a civil litigator.
In other words, nothing to see here.
Said Dershowitz, “When I was coming of age in the 1950s Southern prosecutors would target civil rights workers and search for any possible violation of the law, no matter how technical. If they discovered or invented a violation, they would indict, prosecute, convict and sentence the target… That, precisely, is what we are now seeing with the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, targeting the former president and current candidate, Donald Trump.”
Georgetown constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley, also a Democrat and also a political opponent of the president, says that Bragg is “outside of his lane,” for trying to concoct a federal crime against Pres. Trump that the feds already declined to prosecute.
Professors Dershowitz and Turley are both dead on.
Constitutionally, not even a Bragg-manufactured “felony conviction” can stop Trump from serving again. But that won’t stop the Left from fighting to keep Trump off the ballots in these states. Why should the Constitution stand in their way?
Thus, if Bragg’s felony conviction scheme succeeds, a likelihood considering no Republican, and especially not Trump, can get a fair trial in New Woke City, the Trump campaign should sue in federal court in each of these states, for declaratory judgment. Trump should argue that no state law, and no federal law, if one existed, can block him from seeking the presidency, or appearing on the ballot, regardless of Democrat Bragg’s lawfare strategy currently underway in the criminal courts in Manhattan.
State legislatures must rein in out-of-control political prostitute prosecutors like Alvin Bragg, who abuse their offices to advance a political end-game. In the meantime, rest assured that the Constitution will not allow him to succeed in the scheme.

According to Johnathan Turley, in NYC what Trump did is a misdemeanor and has a two year statue of limitation with it. Bragg is trying to use a federal law which has a seven year limitation on it but he cannot prosecute a federal law in NYC. He is trying to make his NYC crime somehow part of a federal crime. The feds looked at this crime and threw it out because they knew it wasn't a good suit. There is no precedent for this and it most likely will be thrown out by an honest judge.
The goal of Maoist Democrats is to never allow this man to be in a position of power again, not even a crossing guard. Their lies and attempts to convict Trump of something, anything has failed miserably.
So, no arrest warrant issued yet, Frustrating Maoist DSA Democrats:


american thinker. lol.
State/County District Attorney's don't prosecute federal crimes. Any Federal crime violation is turned over for prosecution by United States District Attorney's.

If the Manhattan DA files charged based on the Manhattan Grand Jury results, those charges will be based off of New York State Campaign Finance Laws and New York State Business Law.

Just say'n.

The feds already rejected this case. That's why Bragg has Soros' thumb up his ass.
I wonder when the Republicans will get around to investigating Trump's weaponization of the federal government...
The book contains accounts of how department officials tried to have allusions to Mr. Trump scrubbed from charging papers for Michael D. Cohen, his former personal lawyer, and how the attorney general later tried to have his conviction reversed. It tells of pressure to pursue Mr. Kerry, who had angered Mr. Trump by attempting to preserve the nuclear deal he had negotiated with Iran.
And in September 2018, Mr. Berman writes, two months before the November midterms, a senior department official called Mr. Berman’s deputy, cited the Southern District’s recent prosecutions of two prominent Trump loyalists, and bluntly asserted that the office, which had been investigating Gregory B. Craig, a powerful Democratic lawyer, should charge him — and should do so before Election Day.
I remember when Eric Holder described his job as "Obama's wingman".

Alvin Bragg's End Run Around the Constitution

21 Mar 2023 ~~ By Don Brown

Another Soros-funded Democrat prosecutor takes aim at President Donald Trump.
Fearing they cannot legitimately beat him at the ballot box, they resort to open, politically motivated lawfare to keep him out of office.
We’ve endured four years of Mueller's failed "Russia Gate" hoax, two failed, politically driven impeachment trials from radical House Democrats in Congress driven by Nancy Pelosi, not to mention the highly-partisan “January 6” Committee that failed to call a single witness adverse to their pre-cooked “it-was-an-insurrection” narrative, and a host of other Trump-related political prosecutions.
But now, this weekend's announcement from President Trump that he expects to be indicted on Tuesday in Manhattan forecasts the most radical tactic yet that the Democrats will use to block Trump's return to power: lawfare with unfounded charges in the criminal courts.
Let’s be clear. The feds have already declined to prosecute anything surrounding Trump's civil settlement with Stormy Daniels. Perhaps that is because confidentiality clauses are part of millions of civil settlements in lawsuits around the country every day. I’ve seen hundreds in my own career as a civil litigator.
In other words, nothing to see here.
Said Dershowitz, “When I was coming of age in the 1950s Southern prosecutors would target civil rights workers and search for any possible violation of the law, no matter how technical. If they discovered or invented a violation, they would indict, prosecute, convict and sentence the target… That, precisely, is what we are now seeing with the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, targeting the former president and current candidate, Donald Trump.”
Georgetown constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley, also a Democrat and also a political opponent of the president, says that Bragg is “outside of his lane,” for trying to concoct a federal crime against Pres. Trump that the feds already declined to prosecute.
Professors Dershowitz and Turley are both dead on.
Constitutionally, not even a Bragg-manufactured “felony conviction” can stop Trump from serving again. But that won’t stop the Left from fighting to keep Trump off the ballots in these states. Why should the Constitution stand in their way?
Thus, if Bragg’s felony conviction scheme succeeds, a likelihood considering no Republican, and especially not Trump, can get a fair trial in New Woke City, the Trump campaign should sue in federal court in each of these states, for declaratory judgment. Trump should argue that no state law, and no federal law, if one existed, can block him from seeking the presidency, or appearing on the ballot, regardless of Democrat Bragg’s lawfare strategy currently underway in the criminal courts in Manhattan.
State legislatures must rein in out-of-control political prostitute prosecutors like Alvin Bragg, who abuse their offices to advance a political end-game. In the meantime, rest assured that the Constitution will not allow him to succeed in the scheme.

According to Johnathan Turley, in NYC what Trump did is a misdemeanor and has a two year statue of limitation with it. Bragg is trying to use a federal law which has a seven year limitation on it but he cannot prosecute a federal law in NYC. He is trying to make his NYC crime somehow part of a federal crime. The feds looked at this crime and threw it out because they knew it wasn't a good suit. There is no precedent for this and it most likely will be thrown out by an honest judge.
The goal of Maoist Democrats is to never allow this man to be in a position of power again, not even a crossing guard. Their lies and attempts to convict Trump of something, anything has failed miserably.
So, no arrest warrant issued yet, Frustrating Maoist DSA Democrats:


You Jew haters are all the same.
I wonder when the Republicans will get around to investigating Trump's weaponization of the federal government...

The book contains accounts of how department officials tried to have allusions to Mr. Trump scrubbed from charging papers for Michael D. Cohen, his former personal lawyer, and how the attorney general later tried to have his conviction reversed. It tells of pressure to pursue Mr. Kerry, who had angered Mr. Trump by attempting to preserve the nuclear deal he had negotiated with Iran.

And in September 2018, Mr. Berman writes, two months before the November midterms, a senior department official called Mr. Berman’s deputy, cited the Southern District’s recent prosecutions of two prominent Trump loyalists, and bluntly asserted that the office, which had been investigating Gregory B. Craig, a powerful Democratic lawyer, should charge him — and should do so before Election Day.
They won't read what you posted.

And that ain't the half of what Crooked Donald did to weaponize DOJ and govt against his enemies, and favor for his friends and most importantly, for himself!
Link? Never heard him say that, ever???
Then-Attorney General Eric Holder acted as President Barack Obama’s “wingman,” creating a highly politicized Justice Department that would steer investigations away from Democratic allies, including Hillary Clinton, and onto GOP foes such as President Trump, according to a successor.

Google it. Tons of links.
Then-Attorney General Eric Holder acted as President Barack Obama’s “wingman,” creating a highly politicized Justice Department that would steer investigations away from Democratic allies, including Hillary Clinton, and onto GOP foes such as President Trump, according to a successor.

Google it. Tons of links.

Did Holder use that word or was it assigned to him by the press?

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