All The Controversy On Photo On Congresmn WeinerTwiter Acnt Is Media Disgrace!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
All this Media controversy on the Twitter photo that was mildly lewd on Congressman Weiner's twitter account that was sent to a women from Seattle is ridiculous, the media are acting like a bunch of fools and people with their heads not attached properly to their shoulders. First off the photograph doesn't deserve all the public attention the media is giving it, it is a photograph of a guy in his underwear, it is juvenile delinquent behavior the whole episode; for heaven sake there is currently dozens of people being killed on a daily basis by their government in Syria merely because they want their natural rights that any citizen in a country should have and we in America are spending all this time on an adolescent behavior photograph it is absurd. It is a real travesty of justice what the media is doing to Congressman Weiner here in trying to pin responsibility for sending this photo to the Seattle women on the Congressman.

Congressman Weiner has denied sending the photo and because the media has no clear proof to the contrary they shouldn't be trying to imply he is lying, in fact responsible behavior calls for accepting his statements here for the following reasons. First, this guy Weiner is the real deal when it comes to being a congressman, he is not like a lot of other self interested persons in Congress that want to keep getting reelected and get all the perks that that entails and don't really care about making America be the best place it can be. Anthony is out there on the front line taking on those Republicans whether it be the 2011 budget where Republicans were seeking to cut vital programs or the Republican's medicare plan where they are planning to do away with guaranteed government health insurance for seniors and if I recall correctly he fought especially hard for the legislation that recently passed helping first responders to the World Trade Center attacks on 911; Anthony genuinely cares about people and puts himself out in the public eye in an uncommon way in doing so. It doesn't make any sense that a representative that is so serious about the issues and of such high quality would involve himself in such juvenile delinquent behavior. This assessment is coming from a writer who is not a person that is from Anthony's political corner, Anthony is a liberal democrat this writer is a centrist independent. This writer thinks Rep. Weiner and his cohorts are wrong when it comes to government spending the government has to stop all this bloated government and wasteful spending that puts huge numbers of people on the public payroll America can't afford it; the federal government should be going through each federal agency whether it be education department or the department of Health and Human Services and have a study done that determines what every employee does down to the smallest department, the study should be made public and the respective congressional committee should take a financial scalpel and financial meat cleaver whichever merits call for and eliminate all unnecessary staffing, the Republicans got it wrong with just general percentage cuts. Rep Weiner and his cohorts have it wrong with school vouchers no amount of public money no matter how large budgeted for public schools is going to fix many public school systems its throwing money into a black hole because American culture and many American families don't inculcate in children the importance and drive to get a good education like other countries do you could have all Bill Gates and Steve Jobs type of teachers and many children still wouldn't get an education, responsible government should create a voucher system to at least empower parents that have that care for their children to find schools that will give their children an education moreover a society doesn't educate a child unless it educates a child morally public schools don't do this vouchers will empower parents to give their children a full education by sending them to a religious school.

Congressman Weiner likely didn't send this photo because his track record demonstrates he obviously is too smart too be involved in such stupidity; anyone with any sense knows that in our age that if a congressman sends such a photo that fact would likely become public and such a move would cause a firestorm and could jeopardize his or her political career. Moreover, in the last thirty days there was an election to fill the seat of a congressman that had to resign because of sending inappropriate pictures to a women not his wife, the resignation of Representative Chris Lee, it is hard to believe that Congressman Weiner would forget the lessons to be learned by the Lee matter and fall into largely the same mistake.

For the criticism of Congressman Weiner not wanting to make this a criminal matter, I am sure that if a poll was taken asking the question that if you were a Congressperson and your twitter account was hacked like Congressman Weiner's was would you want criminal charges pressed at least a significant number of people wouldn't many Americans are very nice and compassion people and wouldn't want to bring such a stern penalty on the perpetrator(s) which a criminal prosecution would be. With respect to all the condemnation over Congressman Weiner essentially saying he can't say definitively that the photo in question it is not a photo of him, well if you've seen the photograph which is a below waist/above knee photo of a person in their underwear how can most caucasian men say honestly that it is definitely not a photo of them there isn't the detail in the photo to provide such clear answers!
All this Media controversy on the Twitter photo that was mildly lewd on Congressman Weiner's twitter account that was sent to a women from Seattle is ridiculous, the media are acting like a bunch of fools and people with their heads not attached properly to their shoulders.

Oh puhleeze! It's a thousand times milder than the feeding frenzy the Foley text messages instigated.
lol, I'm busting a gut that the weiner is involed in Weinergate.
and don't ya just love the term, MILDLY LEWD
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lol, I'm busting a gut that the weiner is involed in Weinergate.
and don't ya just love the term, MILDLY LEWD

In spite of weenie Wiener's verbiage he DODGES and he DOES NOT answer the simple question that is REPEATEDLY ASKED: "IS THAT PHOTO OF YOU IN THE DRAWERS WITH THE HARD ON ? "






VERY IMPORTANT: If WEINER THE WEENIE is LYING about being hacked into....while actually sending it himself to the girlie, then he is committing a FELONY and the penalty for a Felony is a possible JAIL SENTENCE !!!


The long convoluted OP-ed is by a LIEberrhoidal stooge intent on saving the OBVIOUSLY GUILTY Perverted LIEberrhoidal asshole WEINER the WEENIE.
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A stiff Weiner...
Weiner to Female Reporter: ‘I Was, If You Forgive Me, A Little Bit Stiff Yesterday’
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) mocked his involvement in a Twitter photo scandal on Wednesday, telling a female reporter, “I was perhaps, if you forgive me, a little bit stiff yesterday.”
Emily Miller of The Washington Times asked Weiner on Capitol Hill: “Are there pictures out there of you half undressed?” He responded: “You know, this is part of the problem with the way this has progressed and one of the reasons why I was perhaps, if you forgive me, a little bit stiff yesterday.” When asked why he is making jokes about the situation, Weiner said, “Is there a Weiner joke that hasn’t been made in this context?”

“Let me answer the question,” he continued, “because I have to try to make this determination and maybe you don’t because you’re doing your job but at what point do I say you know what, I’m not going to say what was here and what was in that e-mail. I’m not going to say who got this. I’m going to try to answer the questions that I can about this in the context I can and draw a line.”

Last Friday, a lewd photograph was sent via Weiner’s Twitter account to a 21-year-old woman in Seattle, whom the 46-year-old congressman followed on Twitter. Weiner then issued a statement saying his Twitter account had been hacked and that someone had sent the lewd photograph to the woman as a prank. To date, Weiner has not indicated that he has filed a complaint about the alleged hacking of his twitter account with any law enforcement agency.

lol, I'm busting a gut that the weiner is involed in Weinergate.
and don't ya just love the term, MILDLY LEWD

In spite of weenie Wiener's verbiage he DODGES and he DOES NOT answer the simple question that is REPEATEDLY ASKED: "IS THAT PHOTO OF YOU IN THE DRAWERS WITH THE HARD ON ? "

How comical.

You Teabaggers were convinced Snooki Palin's most-current "LOOKIT ME!!" bus-tour was gonna be such a big event....and, lil' Andy Breitbart has decided Anthony Wiener should be getting more-attention, instead!!


I'm sure Anthony Wiener will redirect all o' public's attention, back to Snooki, as soon as he's able.

oh brother^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:cuckoo:

I hope they run the weiner out on his weiner. We don't need people like that representing us.
All this Media controversy on the Twitter photo that was mildly lewd on Congressman Weiner's twitter account that was sent to a women from Seattle is ridiculous, the media are acting like a bunch of fools and people with their heads not attached properly to their shoulders. First off the photograph doesn't deserve all the public attention the media is giving it, it is a photograph of a guy in his underwear, it is juvenile delinquent behavior the whole episode; for heaven sake there is currently dozens of people being killed on a daily basis by their government in Syria merely because they want their natural rights that any citizen in a country should have and we in America are spending all this time on an adolescent behavior photograph it is absurd. It is a real travesty of justice what the media is doing to Congressman Weiner here in trying to pin responsibility for sending this photo to the Seattle women on the Congressman.

Congressman Weiner has denied sending the photo and because the media has no clear proof to the contrary they shouldn't be trying to imply he is lying, in fact responsible behavior calls for accepting his statements here for the following reasons. First, this guy Weiner is the real deal when it comes to being a congressman, he is not like a lot of other self interested persons in Congress that want to keep getting reelected and get all the perks that that entails and don't really care about making America be the best place it can be. Anthony is out there on the front line taking on those Republicans whether it be the 2011 budget where Republicans were seeking to cut vital programs or the Republican's medicare plan where they are planning to do away with guaranteed government health insurance for seniors and if I recall correctly he fought especially hard for the legislation that recently passed helping first responders to the World Trade Center attacks on 911; Anthony genuinely cares about people and puts himself out in the public eye in an uncommon way in doing so. It doesn't make any sense that a representative that is so serious about the issues and of such high quality would involve himself in such juvenile delinquent behavior. This assessment is coming from a writer who is not a person that is from Anthony's political corner, Anthony is a liberal democrat this writer is a centrist independent. This writer thinks Rep. Weiner and his cohorts are wrong when it comes to government spending the government has to stop all this bloated government and wasteful spending that puts huge numbers of people on the public payroll America can't afford it; the federal government should be going through each federal agency whether it be education department or the department of Health and Human Services and have a study done that determines what every employee does down to the smallest department, the study should be made public and the respective congressional committee should take a financial scalpel and financial meat cleaver whichever merits call for and eliminate all unnecessary staffing, the Republicans got it wrong with just general percentage cuts. Rep Weiner and his cohorts have it wrong with school vouchers no amount of public money no matter how large budgeted for public schools is going to fix many public school systems its throwing money into a black hole because American culture and many American families don't inculcate in children the importance and drive to get a good education like other countries do you could have all Bill Gates and Steve Jobs type of teachers and many children still wouldn't get an education, responsible government should create a voucher system to at least empower parents that have that care for their children to find schools that will give their children an education moreover a society doesn't educate a child unless it educates a child morally public schools don't do this vouchers will empower parents to give their children a full education by sending them to a religious school.

Congressman Weiner likely didn't send this photo because his track record demonstrates he obviously is too smart too be involved in such stupidity; anyone with any sense knows that in our age that if a congressman sends such a photo that fact would likely become public and such a move would cause a firestorm and could jeopardize his or her political career. Moreover, in the last thirty days there was an election to fill the seat of a congressman that had to resign because of sending inappropriate pictures to a women not his wife, the resignation of Representative Chris Lee, it is hard to believe that Congressman Weiner would forget the lessons to be learned by the Lee matter and fall into largely the same mistake.

For the criticism of Congressman Weiner not wanting to make this a criminal matter, I am sure that if a poll was taken asking the question that if you were a Congressperson and your twitter account was hacked like Congressman Weiner's was would you want criminal charges pressed at least a significant number of people wouldn't many Americans are very nice and compassion people and wouldn't want to bring such a stern penalty on the perpetrator(s) which a criminal prosecution would be. With respect to all the condemnation over Congressman Weiner essentially saying he can't say definitively that the photo in question it is not a photo of him, well if you've seen the photograph which is a below waist/above knee photo of a person in their underwear how can most caucasian men say honestly that it is definitely not a photo of them there isn't the detail in the photo to provide such clear answers!

I don't recall you complaining once when the media feeds on mistakes the right makes.
All this Media controversy on the Twitter photo that was mildly lewd on Congressman Weiner's twitter account that was sent to a women from Seattle is ridiculous, the media are acting like a bunch of fools and people with their heads not attached properly to their shoulders. First off the photograph doesn't deserve all the public attention the media is giving it, it is a photograph of a guy in his underwear, it is juvenile delinquent behavior the whole episode; for heaven sake there is currently dozens of people being killed on a daily basis by their government in Syria merely because they want their natural rights that any citizen in a country should have and we in America are spending all this time on an adolescent behavior photograph it is absurd. It is a real travesty of justice what the media is doing to Congressman Weiner here in trying to pin responsibility for sending this photo to the Seattle women on the Congressman.

Congressman Weiner has denied sending the photo and because the media has no clear proof to the contrary they shouldn't be trying to imply he is lying, in fact responsible behavior calls for accepting his statements here for the following reasons. First, this guy Weiner is the real deal when it comes to being a congressman, he is not like a lot of other self interested persons in Congress that want to keep getting reelected and get all the perks that that entails and don't really care about making America be the best place it can be. Anthony is out there on the front line taking on those Republicans whether it be the 2011 budget where Republicans were seeking to cut vital programs or the Republican's medicare plan where they are planning to do away with guaranteed government health insurance for seniors and if I recall correctly he fought especially hard for the legislation that recently passed helping first responders to the World Trade Center attacks on 911; Anthony genuinely cares about people and puts himself out in the public eye in an uncommon way in doing so. It doesn't make any sense that a representative that is so serious about the issues and of such high quality would involve himself in such juvenile delinquent behavior. This assessment is coming from a writer who is not a person that is from Anthony's political corner, Anthony is a liberal democrat this writer is a centrist independent. This writer thinks Rep. Weiner and his cohorts are wrong when it comes to government spending the government has to stop all this bloated government and wasteful spending that puts huge numbers of people on the public payroll America can't afford it; the federal government should be going through each federal agency whether it be education department or the department of Health and Human Services and have a study done that determines what every employee does down to the smallest department, the study should be made public and the respective congressional committee should take a financial scalpel and financial meat cleaver whichever merits call for and eliminate all unnecessary staffing, the Republicans got it wrong with just general percentage cuts. Rep Weiner and his cohorts have it wrong with school vouchers no amount of public money no matter how large budgeted for public schools is going to fix many public school systems its throwing money into a black hole because American culture and many American families don't inculcate in children the importance and drive to get a good education like other countries do you could have all Bill Gates and Steve Jobs type of teachers and many children still wouldn't get an education, responsible government should create a voucher system to at least empower parents that have that care for their children to find schools that will give their children an education moreover a society doesn't educate a child unless it educates a child morally public schools don't do this vouchers will empower parents to give their children a full education by sending them to a religious school.

Congressman Weiner likely didn't send this photo because his track record demonstrates he obviously is too smart too be involved in such stupidity; anyone with any sense knows that in our age that if a congressman sends such a photo that fact would likely become public and such a move would cause a firestorm and could jeopardize his or her political career. Moreover, in the last thirty days there was an election to fill the seat of a congressman that had to resign because of sending inappropriate pictures to a women not his wife, the resignation of Representative Chris Lee, it is hard to believe that Congressman Weiner would forget the lessons to be learned by the Lee matter and fall into largely the same mistake.

For the criticism of Congressman Weiner not wanting to make this a criminal matter, I am sure that if a poll was taken asking the question that if you were a Congressperson and your twitter account was hacked like Congressman Weiner's was would you want criminal charges pressed at least a significant number of people wouldn't many Americans are very nice and compassion people and wouldn't want to bring such a stern penalty on the perpetrator(s) which a criminal prosecution would be. With respect to all the condemnation over Congressman Weiner essentially saying he can't say definitively that the photo in question it is not a photo of him, well if you've seen the photograph which is a below waist/above knee photo of a person in their underwear how can most caucasian men say honestly that it is definitely not a photo of them there isn't the detail in the photo to provide such clear answers!

I don't recall you complaining once when the media feeds on mistakes the right makes.

Hey, you see the Democrats only do, MILDLY LEWD of course it shouldn't be reported or harped on.
Yeah I agree with the Libs! So what? He's a Democrat! What did you expect? She should be under his desk sucking his cock.
Congressman Weiner likely didn't send this photo because his track record demonstrates he obviously is too smart too be involved in such stupidity; anyone with any sense knows that in our age that if a congressman sends such a photo that fact would likely become public and such a move would cause a firestorm and could jeopardize his or her political career.

Ah, the old "no true scotsman" fallacy. Havent seen that in a while.

No matter how smart a man is, the chance of early 20's tail can be too much to ignore.
but but, it was only MILDLY LEWD .


Mother of picture recipient furious at Weiner scandal


Last Updated: 8:13 AM, June 2, 2011

Posted: 2:02 AM, June 2, 2011
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The furious mom of the Seattle college coed at the center of Weinergate yesterday demanded that the cocky congressman come clean about the lewd photo.

"I'm really upset. I feel like he's a person of power and influence, who can make a statement and make all this go away," Carol Mizuguchi said, blasting Rep. Anthony Weiner for his continued snarky sidestepping.

"As her mother, I'm really upset," Mizuguchi told The Post. "I'm pissed off at that."

Mizuguchi's 21-year-old daughter, Gennette Cordova, got the surprise package -- a close-up of an underwear-clad crotch -- over the weekend in a tweet from Weiner's account.

After days of dodging, Weiner yesterday admitted he "can't say with certitude" that the photo isn't of him.

But he continued to deny he sent the picture.

The pol's refusal to clarify things has made a bad situation more difficult for her daughter, Mizuguchi said.

"It's a distraction [for Gennette]," she said. "It's during her finals and she's 21 years old."

The aspiring journalist even dropped one of her classes in the wake of the scandal, according to a faculty adviser.

"She's just trying to have a normal life," Cordova's mom said.

Weiner first claimed his Twitter account was hacked, which is a federal crime. He later backed off and referred to the incident as "a prank."

Cordova is one of 198 people, many of them pretty young women, that Weiner follows on Twitter.

She has said she is a fan of Weiner's but has never personally met the pol.

"It's a terrible thing that this poor woman got dragged into it," Weiner said yesterday on MSNBC.

But Weiner hardly oozed sympathy for Cordova, and almost seemed to cast doubt on her role in the drama while clearly concerned with his own damage control.

Read more: Mother of picture recipient furious at Weiner scandal -
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It shouldn't matter.
BUt the Dems created the politics of personal destruction, so any personal peccadillo is fair game. Larry Craig was disgraced for doing who knows what in a men's bathroom, and nothing illegal at that.
The sight of Weiner, one of the most self righteous assholes in a long time, getting hoisted on this particular petard is too precious to waste.
If he were a Republican, other Republicans would be calling for his resignation.
He needs to resign.
The OP and some others don't understand the REAL violation here.

One thing we must always remember: When dealing with the mainstream press and media as a democrat it is okay to lie to your wife, lie to congress, lie to the American people, lie under oath and even lie to your dog, but if you DARE lie to the press and media they will savage you. And this is what we are seeing.

Add to this the fact that Weiner has really sharp elbows and has made many enemies on both sides of the aisle. This is why no Democrats are defending him at all, in fact they are distancing themselves as much as possible from him.
All this Media controversy on the Twitter photo that was mildly lewd on Congressman Weiner's twitter account that was sent to a women from Seattle is ridiculous, the media are acting like a bunch of fools and people with their heads not attached properly to their shoulders. First off the photograph doesn't deserve all the public attention the media is giving it, it is a photograph of a guy in his underwear, it is juvenile delinquent behavior the whole episode; for heaven sake there is currently dozens of people being killed on a daily basis by their government in Syria merely because they want their natural rights that any citizen in a country should have and we in America are spending all this time on an adolescent behavior photograph it is absurd. It is a real travesty of justice what the media is doing to Congressman Weiner here in trying to pin responsibility for sending this photo to the Seattle women on the Congressman.

Congressman Weiner has denied sending the photo and because the media has no clear proof to the contrary they shouldn't be trying to imply he is lying, in fact responsible behavior calls for accepting his statements here for the following reasons. First, this guy Weiner is the real deal when it comes to being a congressman, he is not like a lot of other self interested persons in Congress that want to keep getting reelected and get all the perks that that entails and don't really care about making America be the best place it can be. Anthony is out there on the front line taking on those Republicans whether it be the 2011 budget where Republicans were seeking to cut vital programs or the Republican's medicare plan where they are planning to do away with guaranteed government health insurance for seniors and if I recall correctly he fought especially hard for the legislation that recently passed helping first responders to the World Trade Center attacks on 911; Anthony genuinely cares about people and puts himself out in the public eye in an uncommon way in doing so. It doesn't make any sense that a representative that is so serious about the issues and of such high quality would involve himself in such juvenile delinquent behavior. This assessment is coming from a writer who is not a person that is from Anthony's political corner, Anthony is a liberal democrat this writer is a centrist independent. This writer thinks Rep. Weiner and his cohorts are wrong when it comes to government spending the government has to stop all this bloated government and wasteful spending that puts huge numbers of people on the public payroll America can't afford it; the federal government should be going through each federal agency whether it be education department or the department of Health and Human Services and have a study done that determines what every employee does down to the smallest department, the study should be made public and the respective congressional committee should take a financial scalpel and financial meat cleaver whichever merits call for and eliminate all unnecessary staffing, the Republicans got it wrong with just general percentage cuts. Rep Weiner and his cohorts have it wrong with school vouchers no amount of public money no matter how large budgeted for public schools is going to fix many public school systems its throwing money into a black hole because American culture and many American families don't inculcate in children the importance and drive to get a good education like other countries do you could have all Bill Gates and Steve Jobs type of teachers and many children still wouldn't get an education, responsible government should create a voucher system to at least empower parents that have that care for their children to find schools that will give their children an education moreover a society doesn't educate a child unless it educates a child morally public schools don't do this vouchers will empower parents to give their children a full education by sending them to a religious school.

Congressman Weiner likely didn't send this photo because his track record demonstrates he obviously is too smart too be involved in such stupidity; anyone with any sense knows that in our age that if a congressman sends such a photo that fact would likely become public and such a move would cause a firestorm and could jeopardize his or her political career. Moreover, in the last thirty days there was an election to fill the seat of a congressman that had to resign because of sending inappropriate pictures to a women not his wife, the resignation of Representative Chris Lee, it is hard to believe that Congressman Weiner would forget the lessons to be learned by the Lee matter and fall into largely the same mistake.

For the criticism of Congressman Weiner not wanting to make this a criminal matter, I am sure that if a poll was taken asking the question that if you were a Congressperson and your twitter account was hacked like Congressman Weiner's was would you want criminal charges pressed at least a significant number of people wouldn't many Americans are very nice and compassion people and wouldn't want to bring such a stern penalty on the perpetrator(s) which a criminal prosecution would be. With respect to all the condemnation over Congressman Weiner essentially saying he can't say definitively that the photo in question it is not a photo of him, well if you've seen the photograph which is a below waist/above knee photo of a person in their underwear how can most caucasian men say honestly that it is definitely not a photo of them there isn't the detail in the photo to provide such clear answers!


And that folks is a good example of the thinking that has this country on the road to ruin. what a bunch of morons
Raise your hand if there is, potentially, a picture of you in your underwear somewhere...


The OP is absolutely right that there is no story here. I understand how the GnOP would want to distract from their dismal outlook, but this is just silly.

Oh, and just to clue in the rightwingers that want to equate this with what Foley did...there is a few HUGE (and glaring) differences. The top of that list, of course, is the lack of hypocrisy. Representative Weiner did not go around preaching "traditional family values" and try to take rights away from gays and lesbians (like Foley and his ilk did). Oh, and we KNOW Foley did what he did...there is no proof that Representative Weiner posted this picture, whether it is of him or not.
Raise your hand if there is, potentially, a picture of you in your underwear somewhere...


The OP is absolutely right that there is no story here. I understand how the GnOP would want to distract from their dismal outlook, but this is just silly.

Oh, and just to clue in the rightwingers that want to equate this with what Foley did...there is a few HUGE (and glaring) differences. The top of that list, of course, is the lack of hypocrisy. Representative Weiner did not go around preaching "traditional family values" and try to take rights away from gays and lesbians (like Foley and his ilk did). Oh, and we KNOW Foley did what he did...there is no proof that Representative Weiner posted this picture, whether it is of him or not.

why do people take pictures of their shorts and shortcomings and blast them around the internet? what the hell?
Raise your hand if there is, potentially, a picture of you in your underwear somewhere...


The OP is absolutely right that there is no story here. I understand how the GnOP would want to distract from their dismal outlook, but this is just silly.

Oh, and just to clue in the rightwingers that want to equate this with what Foley did...there is a few HUGE (and glaring) differences. The top of that list, of course, is the lack of hypocrisy. Representative Weiner did not go around preaching "traditional family values" and try to take rights away from gays and lesbians (like Foley and his ilk did). Oh, and we KNOW Foley did what he did...there is no proof that Representative Weiner posted this picture, whether it is of him or not.

so basically what you just said is weenie has no ethics or morals and therefore should not be accountable for bad behavior.. that's some good damn thinking there libtard.
Raise your hand if there is, potentially, a picture of you in your underwear somewhere....

None for me.

The OP is absolutely right that there is no story here. I understand how the GnOP would want to distract from their dismal outlook, but this is just silly.

Oh, and just to clue in the rightwingers that want to equate this with what Foley did...there is a few HUGE (and glaring) differences. The top of that list, of course, is the lack of hypocrisy. Representative Weiner did not go around preaching "traditional family values" and try to take rights away from gays and lesbians (like Foley and his ilk did). Oh, and we KNOW Foley did what he did...there is no proof that Representative Weiner posted this picture, whether it is of him or not.

Did Foley preach family values or attempt to take away the rights of gays? The lesson to be learned here is that Democrats can get away with murder because they have no values.
Raise your hand if there is, potentially, a picture of you in your underwear somewhere....

None for me.

The OP is absolutely right that there is no story here. I understand how the GnOP would want to distract from their dismal outlook, but this is just silly.

Oh, and just to clue in the rightwingers that want to equate this with what Foley did...there is a few HUGE (and glaring) differences. The top of that list, of course, is the lack of hypocrisy. Representative Weiner did not go around preaching "traditional family values" and try to take rights away from gays and lesbians (like Foley and his ilk did). Oh, and we KNOW Foley did what he did...there is no proof that Representative Weiner posted this picture, whether it is of him or not.

Did Foley preach family values or attempt to take away the rights of gays? The lesson to be learned here is that Democrats can get away with murder because they have no values.

Yep,, I guess if you don't run around preaching about the evils of murder it's okay to murder,, damn I'm impressed with libtard philosophy

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