All the animals are equal. Some are just more equal than others.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
When John Q Public is murdered, the response of the police is to perform what is in essence a cursory investigation. Unless one of the usual suspects is available, the investigation tends to stall out. Baltimore solves almost half of the murders that are committed in the city. I mention that closure rate, because of the interesting story I read yesterday, but was unable to post until today.

A Baltimore Police Detective was shot in the head, and killed. Now someone shot and killed in Baltimore is not an unusual event. About half of the murders remain unsolved as I said above. Yet, let’s examine the response to the death. After all, all of the animals are equal right?

Police Lockdown To End, ACLU Questions Constitutionality

The Baltimore Police set up a cordon around the scene extending about two blocks. The entire neighborhood was blocked off and restricted. This was, according to the police, required while they process the crime scene and gather evidence. Odd isn’t it? If they did that kind of response to every murder, they would need about three times as many cops just to process the murder scenes for days on end.

All of the Animals are equal, just some are more equal than others. This line from Animal Farm describes the response when a cop is killed as opposed to anyone else. Remember the Washington Sniper? No roadblocks. No massive manhunts. Why? Well regular people were targeted. In the end, they found the only two males in the area who had not been on TV as an expert on Snipers.

Now, compare and contrast that with the search for Christopher Dorner in California. This hooligan was targeting cops, and that meant everything was perfectly acceptable. Including shooting up a pick up truck with two women delivering news papers. Roadblocks, rifles and weapons pointed at each motorist who approached one of the roadblocks. Why? Well Dorner was hunting Cops, and that is the worst possible sin to the gang in blue.

The excuse of the police is that if a criminal is so dangerous that he’ll kill a cop, imagine what he’ll do to the rest of the public. Well we know. Baltimore knows. Half of the murders are unsolved. In that, Baltimore is well above the absolute worst cities.

The 10 US cities where it's easiest to get away with murder

All of the animals are apparently not so equal after all.

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