All-Out War: Trump Administration Slap Down House Democrats' Subpoenas


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
All-Out War: Trump Administration Slap Down House Democrats' Subpoenas

All-Out War: Trump Administration Slap Down House Democrats' Subpoenas
May 07, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
It’s an all-out war. Okay—that was the case after the 2016 election, but now we’re seeing repetitive smackdowns of subpoenas issued by Democrats by the Trump administration. They’re all politically motivated. Trump hasn’t committed a crime. The report on Russian collusion isn’t conclusive on obstruction because the evidence is not sufficient, as deemed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General William Barr, and it totally kills the narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin in the 2016 election. That point is dead, like three shots to the head dead. There was no evidence of this myth from the get-go. It was a manufactured lie peddled by the Democrat-media complex. Period. The collusion aspect was the basis for everything—and now it’s dead. But Democrats are not giving up on their crusade to impeach the president. They want six years worth of tax returns from the president. The Treasury Department refused to comply with the subpoena yesterday.
White House Letter to Cong... : White House Letter to Congress

The Democrats proved Subpoenas mean jack when both Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton refused and didn't honor the subpoenas they received to hand over all of their information or computers and devices!! Instead they either withheld the information citing Executive Privilege or had them all destroyed and they didn't even get a slap on the wrist!!! Democrats are the masters of Hypocrisy!!
Try this. Ask Democrats a polite question like. If President Obama could claim Executive Privileges, why is it wrong for President Trump to do so. Then sit back and watch the fun begin,
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats don't obey subpoenas, don't tell the truth, don't follow the law, can make up crap and go after an opposing party. I am sick to death of listening to the Democrat corruption, lies, and whining and crying when they are told "NO".
I don't feed trolls I block them!
Here comes the bad times dems...all of you dem wannabe presidential candidates are wasting your time and other peoples money....

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