All men not created equal


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

MARRIAGE IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT OR HUMAN RIGHT it is a God given right of one man and one woman, not two men, two women or one man and five women. It is a right the God only gave to a man and a woman. Man, Government, do not have the right to change God’s word or what God has ordained. There is no room for discussion. Issued settled six thousand years ago.

Man is not equal to woman. All men were not created equal. There is no scripture which says God "created" all men equal. There are many scriptures to show how he created inequality amongst mankind. Psalm 51:5. Isaac and Ishmael in Genesis 16. Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25 are another example. Gay men and straight men. Even those in heaven they are not equal. Matthew 5:19
Add thou not unto his words,.... To the words of God; as the Jews did, by joining their oral law, or the traditions of the elders, to the written word, and preferring them before it; and as the Papists, by making their unwritten traditions, and the sense and determinations of their church, equal to the Scriptures; and as all enthusiasts do, who set up their pretended dreams, visions, revelations, and prophecies, upon a foot with the word of God, or as superior to it; whereas that is, and that only, the rule and standard of faith and practice, and is a sufficient and perfect one; see Deuteronomy 4:2;

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