Alexandre Bissonnette’s classmates say he was a white nationalist who loved President Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The right wing sure did get quite on this

The university student accused of murdering six people at a Quebec City mosque is a fan of Katy Perry, President Trump and French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen, posted anti-feminist comments on social media and dressed as the Grim Reaper for Halloween.

Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, made a brief court appearance late Monday but did not enter a plea to six counts of murder and five counts of attempted murder. No terrorism charges were filed, but Canadian prosecutor Thomas Jacques said the investigation is continuing and that more charges are possible.

Quebec mosque shooting suspect a fan of Katy Perry, Trump
Why hasn't Katy Perry denounced Bissonnette's actions?!
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Then came confirmation of the names of the two men arrested shortly after the shooting. One was Alexandre Bissonnette. But the other! The other had a Moroccan name! Mohamed Belkhadir.

Hah! HAH! See, liberals? President Trump was right. He's keeping America safe. Maybe Justin Trudeau could just shut up and stop yammering about diversity and welcoming refugees and learn a thing or two from the new president. Turns out we aren't so safe from foreign terrorists after all, are we?

Maybe we should be barring immigrants from Muslim countries or at least interrogating them before we let them in to ensure they share our Canadian values.

But then the story changed, as stories tend to do when facts begin to emerge.
Belkhadir, it turns out, was a witness, and called the police himself. The suspected shooter is Bissonnette. Not an immigrant. Not a Muslim. Probably a Christian, judging from his name. And, reportedly, a big admirer of Trump.

By then, though, the attack had already been labelled terrorism, which is a difficult description to walk back.

So, the right-wingers suddenly piped down on social media. Some deleted earlier tweets (step right up, Ezra Levant!). Perhaps Bissonnette was just, you know, a bad apple.

In fact, in the pantheon of Canadian mass murderers, Mr. Bissonnette is entirely unremarkable. Just about every single one in our modern history has been a Canadian-born, Canadian citizen, and usually white and Christian, meaning extreme vetting of immigrants from places like Yemen and Iraq wouldn't have done a thing to prevent their predations.

Simple truth is that white men are Canada's mass shooters: Opinion
Then came confirmation of the names of the two men arrested shortly after the shooting. One was Alexandre Bissonnette. But the other! The other had a Moroccan name! Mohamed Belkhadir.

Hah! HAH! See, liberals? President Trump was right. He's keeping America safe. Maybe Justin Trudeau could just shut up and stop yammering about diversity and welcoming refugees and learn a thing or two from the new president. Turns out we aren't so safe from foreign terrorists after all, are we?

Maybe we should be barring immigrants from Muslim countries or at least interrogating them before we let them in to ensure they share our Canadian values.

But then the story changed, as stories tend to do when facts begin to emerge.
Belkhadir, it turns out, was a witness, and called the police himself. The suspected shooter is Bissonnette. Not an immigrant. Not a Muslim. Probably a Christian, judging from his name. And, reportedly, a big admirer of Trump.

By then, though, the attack had already been labelled terrorism, which is a difficult description to walk back.

So, the right-wingers suddenly piped down on social media. Some deleted earlier tweets (step right up, Ezra Levant!). Perhaps Bissonnette was just, you know, a bad apple.

In fact, in the pantheon of Canadian mass murderers, Mr. Bissonnette is entirely unremarkable. Just about every single one in our modern history has been a Canadian-born, Canadian citizen, and usually white and Christian, meaning extreme vetting of immigrants from places like Yemen and Iraq wouldn't have done a thing to prevent their predations.

Simple truth is that white men are Canada's mass shooters: Opinion
Oh. Since this happened in Canada, Trump kept us safe, right?
I called this quite early, I figured based on the target and it being Quebec, which is historically intolerant, it would probably be a Nationalist/Racist. I was mocked by a few people on here but that's ok, I stood by my assumptions and they were accurate. Not that it mattered after the crime had been committed.

You can have terrorists from all groups in society, it's a matter of being honest about policing, because in Canada they have failed miserably. Some, like the RCMP have been caught committing crimes, such as burning barns and knowingly putting the wrong people in prison just for convenience. A couple of years ago the RCMP illegally took peoples guns from their homes, which they legally owned. Canada is NOT America, let me tell you, individual rights are non existent, nor is innovation and free markets.

The problem is, this narrative is what the Canadian authorities used for decades, and it blinded them to the rise of radicalism. You can also research details of Grant Bristow, a Canadian CSIS agent who was an agent provocateur who was actually #2 man and FUNDING a racist group in Canada. The RCMP have been sending bs intelligence to America for years. Including, one that caused a massive International issue with Maher Arar, again, you can search it out yourself.

The RCMP, TPS, OPP and CSIS have been using this targetting of right wing citizens forever, under the mantra of "public safety". These same agencies misrepresent and justify their existence with this rabbit chasing. Not only have they overstepped their bounds, but they have actually ruined our reputation with our closest allies. Those in Britain and America. This targetting of citizens with conservative, right wing, libertarian views has been in the Canadian handbook rather than going after real and legitimate threats.

Search out Canadas failed history and reliance on the FBI who happen to call it as they see it. Aaron Driver, Jeffery Delisle, the Millennial Bomber. All thwarted by America, while Canadian policing were protecting their asses and violating the rights of Canadian citizens who wanted only to be free, as our American counterparts.

The bottom line: Canada cannot be trusted. Least of which the RCMP and their surrogates.
All of guno's wet dreams have come true, a terrorist who isn't a Muslim. He's literally masturbating on his keyboard, and getting it sticky.
Have they released the video yet? Initially the Muslims interviewed by Reuters reported multiple men. He wasn't captured at the site of the shooting. This guy called the police and turned himself in, supposedly. Do they have the gun used? Pretty odd for a story of this magnitude to have no details of what happened that night. No footage from the CCTV cameras yet, no physical evidence. Just a state released story of "loner right wing extremist man".
Have they released the video yet? Initially the Muslims interviewed by Reuters reported multiple men. He wasn't captured at the site of the shooting. This guy called the police and turned himself in, supposedly. Do they have the gun used? Pretty odd for a story of this magnitude to have no details of what happened that night. No footage from the CCTV cameras yet, no physical evidence. Just a state released story of "loner right wing extremist man".
And why would he have shouted Allahu Akbar?
It will be hilarious if it turns out he's a Muslim who killed these Muslims because they were the wrong kind of Muslim, in his opinion.
To be fair, I can totally see a white bigot yelling out "Allahu Akbar" as a dark sarcasm kind of deal - although I do find it strange that the kid turned himself into the police if that were the case, especially with initial reports saying he was "embarrassed by what he'd done." Meh the whole things weird, not your typical shoot em up, but I doubt we'll ever find out what actually went down because the Canadian Gov basically controls the media.
If they haven't announced a motive or religion yet, that's bad news for the left. It means the media is hiding something very embarrassing.

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