Alert CBP, not Holder, not Nappy stopped Faisal Shahzad flight


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Once again, an alert officer at Customs and Border Protection, not Eric Holder not Janet Nappy and not Emirates Airline prevented Times Square Terrorist from fleeing the country.

Do you understand that? The Airline was happy to have him aboard and whatever systems are in place allowed the most sought after fugitive to board an airline and was literally minutes away from escape.

White grandmothers still get strip searched, but Faisal Shahzad was as free as William Ayers

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch
Once again, an alert officer at Customs and Border Protection, not Eric Holder not Janet Nappy and not Emirates Airline prevented Times Square Terrorist from fleeing the country.

Do you understand that? The Airline was happy to have him aboard and whatever systems are in place allowed the most sought after fugitive to board an airline and was literally minutes away from escape.

White grandmothers still get strip searched, but Faisal Shahzad was as free as William Ayers

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch
Yes, the system worked. It's pretty amazing that putting someone on the no-fly list got into the system in such a short time.

Once again, an alert officer at Customs and Border Protection, not Eric Holder not Janet Nappy and not Emirates Airline prevented Times Square Terrorist from fleeing the country.

Do you understand that? The Airline was happy to have him aboard and whatever systems are in place allowed the most sought after fugitive to board an airline and was literally minutes away from escape.

White grandmothers still get strip searched, but Faisal Shahzad was as free as William Ayers

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch
Yes, the system worked. It's pretty amazing that putting someone on the no-fly list got into the system in such a short time.


Yet he still got on the plane, so tell me how the system prevented him from boarding the plane. If the CBP Officer was on a coffee break, we'd by trying to extradite Faisal from Dubai
Just more lies from this White House. It was sheer luck the bomb didn't go off. Holder & Nappy had nothing to do with it. In reality they were both completely clueless on this. I think they both should just resign before they get us all killed. I definitely don't sleep well at night knowing those two dunces are in charge of protecting us. Scary stuff.
Yup, it was dumb luck.

The American people especially New Yorkers should be extremely concerned about this traveling circus in Washington who are highfiving themselves because Faisal could not set an alarm clock

The Associated Press: Feds didn't call all airlines to warn of suspect

Feds didn't call all airlines to warn of suspect

By EILEEN SULLIVAN (AP) – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON — Law enforcement officials decided not to call all airlines directly on Monday to tell them an important name had been added to the government's "no-fly" list, even as investigators pursued the man they suspected was the Times Square bomber.
So....another uniform cop basically stopped the terror attack, then a uniform fed cop stopped his escape. And it was a uniformed cop that stopped the Ft Hood shooter.

I can't help but remember an old saying, from a historic president, on our brave police officers. Whats that phrase again......the "..police acted stupidly..". Oh yeah, thats it.
Once again, an alert officer at Customs and Border Protection, not Eric Holder not Janet Nappy and not Emirates Airline prevented Times Square Terrorist from fleeing the country.

Do you understand that? The Airline was happy to have him aboard and whatever systems are in place allowed the most sought after fugitive to board an airline and was literally minutes away from escape.

White grandmothers still get strip searched, but Faisal Shahzad was as free as William Ayers

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch

Ok, let's break this down.

From the time a street vender (and Viet Nam War Vet) spotted the smoke coming out of an empty SUV until Law Enforcement arrested Shazad was Fifty-Three (53) Hours Nineteen (19) Minutes.

Exactly how long did it take the bush administration captue Usama Bin Laden? In Years, In Months, In Days, In Hours and In long did it ake for the shrub and his buddies to come on live TV to report the capture of man rsponsible for the single worst terrorist attack in the history of this country?

Perhaps you cannot answer because the shrub, dead-eye dick(less), rummy, condie and asscraft NEVER CAUGHT BIN LADEN. BIN LADEN IS STILL FREE. Never captured, allowed to escape from Tora Bora by the bushies.

Shazad is behind bars, cooperating with the FBI and other federal agencies. Bin Laden, nope, not behind bars. Never captured.

Your bitching for the sake of bitching.

The Obama Administration has behind bars a man who would have detonated a bomb (if it had been built properly, apparently the dofus didn't know how to build one.) in Times Square.

The bushies allowed the man responsible for the September 11, 2001 to escape and remain free.

President Obama is doing a way better job than the shrub ever did.

That is the plain and simple truth. Hurts don't it?
Yup, it was dumb luck.

The American people especially New Yorkers should be extremely concerned about this traveling circus in Washington who are highfiving themselves because Faisal could not set an alarm clock

The Associated Press: Feds didn't call all airlines to warn of suspect

Feds didn't call all airlines to warn of suspect

By EILEEN SULLIVAN (AP) – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON — Law enforcement officials decided not to call all airlines directly on Monday to tell them an important name had been added to the government's "no-fly" list, even as investigators pursued the man they suspected was the Times Square bomber.

Yup, Ann Coulter hit the nail on the head about the Hussein's anti-terror policy:

Second, it would be a little easier for the rest of us not to live in fear if the president's entire national security strategy didn't depend on average citizens happening to notice a smoldering SUV in Times Square or smoke coming from a fellow airline passenger's crotch.

But after the car bomber, the diaper bomber and the Fort Hood shooter, it has become increasingly clear that Obama's only national defense strategy is: Let's hope their bombs don't work!

If only Dr. Hasan's gun had jammed at Fort Hood, that could have been another huge foreign policy success for Obama.

Welcome to
Dumb luck. heh. He used non-explosive fertilizer.................................... and Propane tanks designed not to explode, and used M88's. M88' wasn't just an alarm clock we were "lucky" about. The guy's "plan" was fucking retarted through and through.
Dumb luck. heh. He used non-explosive fertilizer.................................... and Propane tanks designed not to explode, and used M88's. M88' wasn't just an alarm clock we were "lucky" about. The guy's "plan" was fucking retarted through and through.

Yup, guess that's our new national defense policy, lets cross our fingers and hope the terrorists didn't get good enough training. :eusa_pray:
Dumb luck. heh. He used non-explosive fertilizer.................................... and Propane tanks designed not to explode, and used M88's. M88' wasn't just an alarm clock we were "lucky" about. The guy's "plan" was fucking retarted through and through.

Yup, guess that's our new national defense policy, lets cross our fingers and hope the terrorists didn't get good enough training. :eusa_pray:

No, let's put sattelite surveilance on the entire citizenry and live under the always watching eyeballs because there's a few people fukt in the head out there
So, if anything goes wrong - it's Obama, "Nappy", and Holder's fault.

If something goes right, they had nothing to do with it.

I think I get it now.

basically. That way, purveyors of daily rhetoric can never lose! arrrrrhhhh~!
this is an interesting piece on what led FBI to shahzad.

This is how Shahzad was caught - Hindustan Times

"The phone number he had given, three months ago, came up when investigators were checking the record of calls made to or from the prepaid cellular telephone used by the purchaser of the vehicle used in the failed bombing, the report said. It was on matching the phone number that the investigators were led to Shahzad."
I'm pretty sure that putting peoples names on lists because they are from a certain country is profiling and that is exactly how shazhad was caught.

And I'm not talking about the no fly list.
From the article;

"A case of what can only be called sheer luck, Shahzad had been pulled aside for secondary checking because he had been returning from Pakistan."
So, if anything goes wrong - it's Obama, "Nappy", and Holder's fault.

If something goes right, they had nothing to do with it.

I think I get it now.

How exactly is it the failure of the Secretary of Homeland Security Napalitano that an airline failed to update the "No Fly" list issued by HLS. The airline is responsible for doing the updates issued by HLS, HLS does not go to each and every airline daily and sit there as the lists are updated.

The airline failed to the update, HLS did their job.

Oh, what prison is Usama Bin Laden in, I want to know when he was captured.
Dumb luck. heh. He used non-explosive fertilizer.................................... and Propane tanks designed not to explode, and used M88's. M88' wasn't just an alarm clock we were "lucky" about. The guy's "plan" was fucking retarted through and through.

Yup, guess that's our new national defense policy, lets cross our fingers and hope the terrorists didn't get good enough training. :eusa_pray:

No, let's put sattelite surveilance on the entire citizenry and live under the always watching eyeballs because there's a few people fukt in the head out there

What use is that, so we can press rewind and see who carried out an attack successfully. Yea, great national defense strategy. :eek:
Personally, I'm horrified at the actions of Holder and Nappy & Co. The only reason the bomb didn't detonate was because either the alarm wasn't set or it was simply meant to be found prior to detonation. It had NOTHING to do with anything the Administration did! NOTHING! And they're taking Victory laps when they should be getting their asses kicked for nearly letting one get away.

This reminds me-- wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much of how the Progressives we're high-fiving each other over the 93 WTC attack and the subsequent criminal trials. My question then was "Will they each be charged with 30,000 counts of attempted murder?" It was an act of war 10 times worse than Pearl Harbor but Progressives insist on their laurels.

The very idea that I have to show ID everywhere in NYC, that every bridge and tunnel I drive across has at least a dozen cops (what the fuck, to ticket me for talking on a cell phone?) and someone can be tooling around Times Square with a fertilizer diesel fuel bomb really is TERRIFYING!

Holder and Nappy should spend less time kissing each other asses and more time asking "How the fuck did that happen!!!!?"
I am highly amused at some of you here. A man leaves the US with his entire family returning to Paskistan. His hereabouts while in Pakistan are not known. He comes back to the US by himself with no job to go to. Apparently he doesn't even make a watch list.

He basically catches himself and you guys are all, didn't 0bama's gang do a great job. No worries here. Yet everytime someone left a package behind NYC went into a panic. That is what terrorism does people.

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