Alaska bear attack leaves teens in serious condition


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Two US teenagers are in a serious condition after a grizzly bear attacked a group of seven students learning survival skills in the state of Alaska.

Four of the teenagers were injured after coming upon a bear walking with her cub, state troopers said.

Emergency responders found the students early on Sunday using a locating beacon and transported them by helicopter.

BBC News - Alaska bear attack leaves teens in serious condition
Their teacher is a dork. ALWAYS MAKE NOISE when walking in bear country. They can hear ya from way off and will avoid YOU.

I wonder if this would have helped.

[ame=] Guard Alaska Bear Pepper Spray: Sports & Outdoors[/ame]
"Walking without instructors".

Duh again. And they thought they were going to last 30 days???
Their teacher is a dork. ALWAYS MAKE NOISE when walking in bear country. They can hear ya from way off and will avoid YOU.


Better yet, stay out of bear country. They are big and powerful, we are weak and puny.
I think the idea that bears will always avoid noise is a dangerous misconception. While it might help with mama bears and cubs, many bear attacks are from hungry and weaker bears who are hungry. They're looking for food, they investigate people for that purpose.

I get really upset with some of my friends who say they would "love" to happen upon a bear in their yards or out strolling around. I tell you now, bear/human encounters are NOT a good thing. Chances are nothing will happen...but you do not WANT to meet up with a bear...if you do, you're a dumbass.

And yes they are out in the woods. You do run the chance of an encounter with them if you're out there, and it's is PURE CHANCE whether or not you do. There's really not a lot you can do to prevent it, if it's going to happen.
Those kids did have bear spray with them, it just all happened so fast they didn't think to use it, apparently.

Personally, no way in hell, NO WAY IN HELL, would I go traipsing around in bear country without a big gun. I grew up in Southeast Alaska, big brown bear country, and that's where I get that attitude.

Of course, you can't just have the gun with you, you have to know how to use it, and be prepared to use it quickly. Be very, very aware of your surroundings at all times. Where they were was real Alaskan wilderness, not Disneyworld for crying out loud!
this was a 30 day survival exercise...

it was rather ill planned...they were making noise but the grizzly was on the other side of a small berm or hill....she attacks the first one and the others try to help....she goes thru 5 of them in quick order....they did not have time to spray or anything.....they were lucky to survive...they had personal rescue beacons.....

it was the stupidity of the adults to put kids in this area during cubbing season....
we have black bears and have a lot of black bear encounters....they like to fuck with you....will follow you in the woods...trying to beg for food....our bears are small and they dont really try to get people....they are shy....with that said...we have seen them take down a well built trash house with one good swipe of their paw...the last time a black bear killed was a woman who came up on a sow with cubs...instead of backing away slowly.....facing the bear (i have no clue why they tell us this) the woman turned and ran down hill...the bear chased and killed her...about the only thing you can say when you run up on a brown or grizzly with ....o fuck we are all gonna die....
Originally posted by Kooshdakhaa
Those kids did have bear spray with them, it just all happened so fast they didn't think to use it, apparently.

Personally, no way in hell, NO WAY IN HELL, would I go traipsing around in bear country without a big gun. I grew up in Southeast Alaska, big brown bear country, and that's where I get that attitude.

Of course, you can't just have the gun with you, you have to know how to use it, and be prepared to use it quickly. Be very, very aware of your surroundings at all times. Where they were was real Alaskan wilderness, not Disneyworld for crying out loud!

Here's a better idea:

Take your big gun and put a bullet in the head of this imbecilic, moronic american tradition to camp in national parks.
José;3924265 said:
Originally posted by Kooshdakhaa
Those kids did have bear spray with them, it just all happened so fast they didn't think to use it, apparently.

Personally, no way in hell, NO WAY IN HELL, would I go traipsing around in bear country without a big gun. I grew up in Southeast Alaska, big brown bear country, and that's where I get that attitude.

Of course, you can't just have the gun with you, you have to know how to use it, and be prepared to use it quickly. Be very, very aware of your surroundings at all times. Where they were was real Alaskan wilderness, not Disneyworld for crying out loud!

Here's a better idea:

Take your big gun and put a bullet in the head of this imbecilic, moronic american tradition to camp in national parks.

Nothing wrong with camping in national parks, thats what they are there for in part. What you need to do is know about the dangerous wildlife in the area, the proper steps to take to avoid contact, and to have a weapon ready as a last resport to defend yourself.

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