Alan Grayson: Not Your Average Politician


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I'm always amused by his emails. Just got this one:

Your contribution will not be matched‏

Fear not, Dear Friends. I will not try to trick you or manipulate you into making a contribution this evening. I will leave that to everyone else.

You see, here at the Alan Grayson Center for Truth in Emails (not to be confused with our sister organization the Al Franken Center for Innovation in Fundraising Emails), we know that shady fundraising tactics are choking your inbox to death, and then tearing its lifeless inbox corpse to pieces, and then tossing those vestigial inbox shards into a wood-chipper. Which seems Just-Plain-Wrong.

So we don’t use such shady tactics — we tell you the truth, and then we just step back, and see what happens.

So here’s the truth: Tonight’s deadline is really important – to us. It will help the campaign to pay my salary, which is SUPER-important – to me. Also, if you give, say, $3 or more, you’ll help elect Alan Grayson to the U.S. Senate. And you’ll induce a warm, fuzzy feeling in my soul. That’s pretty much it, really. So just click the link >> LINK

Your contribution won’t be matched by an “anonymous donor” who doesn’t exist.

You won’t be entered for a chance to fly to Paris to eat pancakes with Prince.

Your donation will neither prevent nor even delay the impending zombie apocalypse. (You should get ready for that. Seriously.)

Instead, your contribution helps to elect the most effective, most progressive, and most gutsy Member of Congress to the U.S. Senate. If you think that sounds like a good deal to you, then make a contribution of $3 to Team Grayson, before the clock strikes midnight >>

If you don’t, then I will turn into a pumpkin. No pressure.


Holly Fussell
Digital Director
Grayson 2016


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