Al Sharpton Weighs In: “Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?” – Twitter Users Respond

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison literally DID overthrow a government!!! This tax evasion shill is as stupid as Hank Johnson thinking Guam would tip over if you put too many troops on it.


You ever notice that democrat leaders are the dumbest fucking people on the planet? Makes you wonder about the people that follow them.
If Trump attempted a coup, Jack Smith would have charged Trump with Inciting an Insurrection. He didn't. Why? Because Trump NEVER attempted a coup.
Don't count your chickens just yet, Ace. Ever hear of a superseding indictment?
You ever notice that democrat leaders are the dumbest fucking people on the planet? Makes you wonder about the people that follow them.
Ever notice how stoooopid Trump is? Here's a sampling:

Got himself impeached for blackmailing a foreign leader.
Got himself impeached for attempting a coup on J6.
Got slapped with a $5 million jury award for sexual assault in a civil trial.
Got sued AGAIN for running his big mouth when he slandered the same woman he assaulted. Trial set for Jan.2025.
Got his ass arrested in N.Y.S. for fraud etc.
Indicted for ripping off classified documents & hiding them in his beach club in Florida. Multiple felonies. More then likely headed for prison.
Got himself indicted/arrested again for trying to overthrow the 2020 election that he got his ass beat in. More then likely headed for prison.
Another indictment from Georgia heading up Trump's ass soon. More then likely multiple felonies.

Trump- a "stable genius" FAIL who could fuck up a one car funeral.
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison literally DID overthrow a government!!! This tax evasion shill is as stupid as Hank Johnson thinking Guam would tip over if you put too many troops on it.


You're wrong here, as is anyone who criticized Sharpton for ignorance of our history.

What Sharpton said was this, from the link you posted:

“One day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?”

Sharpton was referring to actions they (never) would have taken to subvert the peaceful transfer of responsibility subsequent to their presidential terms, NOT their earlier actions in the Revolution.

So Sharpton may be - is - a loathesome turd, but he made no error in regard to history.
You're wrong here, as is anyone who criticized Sharpton for ignorance of our history.

What Sharpton said was this, from the link you posted:

“One day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?”

Sharpton was referring to actions they (never) would have taken to subvert the peaceful transfer of responsibility subsequent to their presidential terms, NOT their earlier actions in the Revolution.

So Sharpton may be - is - a loathesome turd, but he made no error in regard to history.


Whatever. :p
Wait a second. Is there someone posting here who still hasn't figured out that you can't overthrow the government without any firearms?



Our government is simultaneously so powerful that millions of people armed with AR-15's, handguns and shotguns wouldn't stand a chance against it AND so weak that it came within millimeters of being overthrown by a few disgruntled unarmed people spontaneously deciding to start a riot, break some windows, and go home.
You're wrong here, as is anyone who criticized Sharpton for ignorance of our history.

What Sharpton said was this, from the link you posted:

“One day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?”

Sharpton was referring to actions they (never) would have taken to subvert the peaceful transfer of responsibility subsequent to their presidential terms, NOT their earlier actions in the Revolution.

So Sharpton may be - is - a loathesome turd, but he made no error in regard to history.
When did he tell you that?
Our government is simultaneously so powerful that millions of people armed with AR-15's, handguns and shotguns wouldn't stand a chance against it AND so weak that it came within millimeters of being overthrown by a few disgruntled unarmed people spontaneously deciding to start a riot, break some windows, and go home.
30,000 people showed up on Jan 6.
Had they meant to 'overthrow' the government, nothing could have stopped them.
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison literally DID overthrow a government!!! This tax evasion shill is as stupid as Hank Johnson thinking Guam would tip over if you put too many troops on it.


Not only did they overthrow the crown, but later they completely revamped and reorganized our federal government. If they only knew the monster they created, ya think they would have left the original confederation in place?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison literally DID overthrow a government!!! This tax evasion shill is as stupid as Hank Johnson thinking Guam would tip over if you put too many troops on it.


When you claim to know that he was referring to things he didn't say he was referring to, you're claiming knowledge that you don't really have.

He was completely clear, referring to the two men & how unthinkable it would be to them to attempt to retain presidential power beyond their duly elected terms.

He was NOT referring to their earlier revolutionary activity.

Get it?

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