Al-Qaeda´s Zionist airforce attacks Syrian army again


Nov 14, 2012
Following an initiating attack of the Israeli airforce, al-Qaeda launched an attack on the bombed positions. A tank and an armored AA-vehicle were destroyed. The attack is still ongoing. Israel claims the attack followed a mortar shell landing in occupied Golan. While this is a very bad excuse it is not even true as the Syrian army denies having fired a shell there.

Update: Israeli warplanes bomb Syrian forces while Al-Qaeda blitzes their positions
Following an initiating attack of the Israeli airforce, al-Qaeda launched an attack on the bombed positions. A tank and an armored AA-vehicle were destroyed. The attack is still ongoing. Israel claims the attack followed a mortar shell landing in occupied Golan. While this is a very bad excuse it is not even true as the Syrian army denies having fired a shell there.

Update: Israeli warplanes bomb Syrian forces while Al-Qaeda blitzes their positions

Why is the Syrian Army lurking in the Golan Heights? I thought they were fighting ISIS. Whatever Syrian forces are in the Golan Heights needs carpet bombing.
Following an initiating attack of the Israeli airforce, al-Qaeda launched an attack on the bombed positions. A tank and an armored AA-vehicle were destroyed. The attack is still ongoing. Israel claims the attack followed a mortar shell landing in occupied Golan. While this is a very bad excuse it is not even true as the Syrian army denies having fired a shell there.

Update: Israeli warplanes bomb Syrian forces while Al-Qaeda blitzes their positions

Why is the Syrian Army lurking in the Golan Heights? I thought they were fighting ISIS. Whatever Syrian forces are in the Golan Heights needs carpet bombing.
The Golan Heights are Syrian but Israel occupies it and uses it to send terrorists. Those in support of terrorists need carpet bombing. Go away from Syrian lands and finally make peace.

"Israel has held the Lebanese Sheeba Farms area occupied since the 1967 war. The Sheeba Farms area is located north of the Israeli occupied Syrian Golan. Israeli officials repeatedly and publicly stated that Israel considers both the Golan and the Sheeba Farms as “permanently annexed”. Such an annexation violates international law.

Israel has since the onset of the war on Syria in 2011 used both the occupied Golan and the Sheeba Farms area to provide logistical, tactical and direct military support for the Muslim Brotherhood linked Free Syrian Army as well as Jabhat al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist / mercenary brigades.

In October 2013 the Israeli occupied Golan and Sheeba Farms were used to infiltrate some 40,000 Jabhat al-Nusrah and Liwa-al-Islam fighters / mercenaries into Lebanon and the opening of a new, major battlefront in the Qalamoun region at the Lebanese – Syrian border."

Hezbollah & Israel clash over Israeli occupied Sheeba Farms
The well prepared al-Qaeda (HTS, FSA) terrorists seemed to be only waiting for the Zionist airstrikes but the army´s counter-offensive proved to be successful.

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2:00 A.M.) – Israel is likely in direct military talks with jihadist commanders in Quneitra province whom have now established a joint operations room for the ongoing border offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Preempted by supportive Israeli airstrikes earlier in the day, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions attacked SAA positions around Baath city and overran multiple points, leading to the capture of the Mashtal Al-Zohor area on Saturday afternoon.

In the evening however, the SAA regrouped in Baath city and mobilized all its military capabilities for a swift counter-offensive which saw government troops retake all lost points within a couple hours, thus driving the jihadist militants back to their initial positions.

Amid the skirmishes, at least 20 jihadist militants were left dead on the battlefield while 1 tank and 1 technical were destroyed, a military source told Al-Masdar News.

Throughout the waves of insurgent attacks and following SAA counter-offensive, rearguard Syrian artillery units pounded the hostile jihadist belligerents.

With the tables suddenly turned in favor of the Syrian Government, the SAA is currently encroaching upon long-standing rebel heartland on the border with Israel. In turn, this could prompt Tel Aviv to launch fresh airstrikes against the SAA.

On Saturday afternoon, the Israeli Air Force destroyed two SAA tanks at the Municipal building area on the outskirts of Baath city, rendering it an easy target for rebel forces whom seemed well-prepared for offensive operations ahead of the Israeli sorties, suggesting at least tacit cooperation between the two parties in the face of a common foe."

Source with video:
Syrian Army turns the tables on Al-Qaeda rebels despite Israeli airstrikes

oh gee------how quaint. The Zionists also burned the apartment tower in London. How about
the cholera epidemic in Yemen?

any reason that the Syrian army is in the Golan heights?
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?

oh gee------how quaint. The Zionists also burned the apartment tower in London. How about
the cholera epidemic in Yemen?

any reason that the Syrian army is in the Golan heights?
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

oh gee------how quaint. The Zionists also burned the apartment tower in London. How about
the cholera epidemic in Yemen?

any reason that the Syrian army is in the Golan heights?
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM

oh gee------how quaint. The Zionists also burned the apartment tower in London. How about
the cholera epidemic in Yemen?

any reason that the Syrian army is in the Golan heights?
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?
oh gee------how quaint. The Zionists also burned the apartment tower in London. How about
the cholera epidemic in Yemen?

any reason that the Syrian army is in the Golan heights?
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele
They are liberating their Golan Heights.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele
75 % of Gaza 2014´s casualties were civilian - many children and women bombed away while you post nonsense propaganda.
really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele
75 % of Gaza 2014´s casualties were civilian - many children and women bombed away while you post nonsense propaganda.

really-----how were they going about "that" ? You might remember that the the "heights"
---in the past----were a convenient place from which to launch missiles at little farming areas
in Israel -----at the heads of children for the purpose of entertaining the Baathist sluts.
Are the sluts holding back their favors from the brave mujahadeen lately?
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele

75 % of Gaza 2014´s casualties were civilian - many children and women bombed away while you post nonsense propaganda.

what were they doing in AN ARENA OF WAR created by the asslickers of muhummad ? they \
were SEEKING a SHORT-CUT TO JANNAH???? Maalot was not launching bombs
Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele
75 % of Gaza 2014´s casualties were civilian - many children and women bombed away while you post nonsense propaganda.

Another moronic rant?

Captain Blei and his elegant sluts remember with PLEASURE------the 1974 massacre
at the farm called Maalot---blei's heroes brutally held and then MURDERED 21 school
children for the glory of BAATHISM---also some adults His sluts and he still GET OFF
on the memory of the mangled bodies of the children ----for the glory of BAATHISM
No nail bombs?

Not that I know about-----there are all kinds of BAATHIST ways of murdering children..
Ask a specialist ----Dr George Habash or his mentor----Josef Mengele

75 % of Gaza 2014´s casualties were civilian - many children and women bombed away while you post nonsense propaganda.

what were they doing in AN ARENA OF WAR created by the asslickers of muhummad ? they \
were SEEKING a SHORT-CUT TO JANNAH???? Maalot was not launching bombs

typical Baathist-----he finds the events FUNNY-----Mengele/Habash'/Saddam/Assad sense of humor

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