Air Pollution Is Racist


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Air pollution is racist

Pollution Is 'Racist'? New York Has Largest Gap In Pollution Inhaled By White And Nonwhite Individuals (MAP)

By Rebekah Marcarelli [email protected] | Apr 18, 2014 04:02 PM EDT

"This shows the difference in population-weighted mean NO2 concentrations (ppb) between lower-income nonwhites and higher-income whites for U.S. cities (448 urban areas).A new study suggested people of color are exposed to about 38 percent more air pollution than white people.

The pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can come from sources such as "vehicle exhaust and power plants"; breathing in the pollutant has been linked with health problems such as asthma and heart disease, a University of Minnesota news release reported.

The researchers looked at NO2 levels (one of the seven Environmental Protection Agency-monitored pollutants) in urban areas across the country.

They compared urban areas within the cities that were "nonwhite" or "white" based on population data from the U.S. census.

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