Ahmaud Arbery's killers were convicted of murder. Now the feds want to prove they did it because he was Black

How many have you been politically involved with? I was involved with NumbersUSA Ans ALIPAC, and I know how most minorities talk about each other and all of us Americans. Alot different than we talk about them. But then thats up to you to find out for yourself. Google may still lead you to some of it,if they haven't removed it too.Just google some of the groups.
When I read about it. I like to study history and so I know a little about it.
That sounds good, but the proof is in the history books. Give us some examples of these groups.
No he tried to continue his run from what I remember and was cut off. But where he was shot he could have ran across the wide open yard to his right instead of into a gun. I watched the whole trial since nothing else to do at the time.
We will not agree on this.
He could have done this and he could have done that. I will bet the farm I bet their asses wish they would have made some much better decisions that day. One it is a disgrace how you try to pin this on the victim of the crime and not put the responsibility where it belongs.
No , that's only because the puppet masters have you think that way.
Puppet Masters my ass, we have lived it and seen it for ourselves.
They present all kinds of phony claims without giving details about how they concluded what they did. It's the same in our court systems. You will get more prison time from a judge with a police record than you will a first offense.
That is some comic book bullshit. How many innocent black men have spent countless years in prison just because that white woman said, "He did it". Do I need to post case after case after case for you, I don't think so you are just one of those racist who wants to hide the truth about the Justice System in this country.
Well if three guys are chasing you with a gun, attacking one of them will surely get you killed.
If 3 guys are chasing you with a gun, they probably intend to kill you.
If you stay calm and wait for help to arrive is your best chance at survival.
What help would that be? How do you know help is coming and who is it coming from.
I never said they had the authority to hold Arbery with a gun; they didn't. What I did say is that it wasn't planned that way and the shooting is the result of being attacked.
How was it planned? Were they just going to scare him? How the hell was it planned? Funny how you keep running from the words of Greg McMichaels that is what put his ass in prison.

“Stop, I’ll blow your f---ing head off,” Greg McMichael told police he warned Arbery

That was just a little jokie joke wasn't it Ray.
After all, if the suspected criminal does get your gun, you may very well be killed yourself, so Arbery put the shooter in a position of having to use it.
They were not LE and he wasn't a damn criminal suspect, you want to label him with that racist bullshit to try and justify the actions of these 3 murdering ass rednecks.
If my neighbor asks for a ride to the bank and he ends up robbing it, I'm not a get away driver because I had no idea that's what he was going to do.
You moron your neighbor isn't going to ask you for a ride to the bank to rob it, you will already know what is about to go down. Your a freakin joke.
He simply gets back in the car and we drive home. For me to get charged police would have to have a reason to believe I was aware of what the other guy was going to do, and that lives may be at risk.
If someone is murdered in the commission of a crime ALL participants in the crime are charged with murder, we see it everyday.
If 3 guys are chasing you with a gun, they probably intend to kill you.

What help would that be? How do you know help is coming and who is it coming from.

How was it planned? Were they just going to scare him? How the hell was it planned? Funny how you keep running from the words of Greg McMichaels that is what put his ass in prison.

“Stop, I’ll blow your f---ing head off,” Greg McMichael told police he warned Arbery

That was just a little jokie joke wasn't it Ray.

They were not LE and he wasn't a damn criminal suspect, you want to label him with that racist bullshit to try and justify the actions of these 3 murdering ass rednecks.

You moron your neighbor isn't going to ask you for a ride to the bank to rob it, you will already know what is about to go down. Your a freakin joke.

If someone is murdered in the commission of a crime ALL participants in the crime are charged with murder, we see it everyday.

Only if they participated in the crime. In this case they wanted to stop the guy so they could have the police take care of the matter. There were no plans to murder him. Like I said, if that were their plans, they would have shot him cold blood in the streets. But they didn't hunt him down and kill him with people driving the truck or recording the event. If this guy didn't attack the person holding the gun, nobody would have got shot at all.

Yes, he yelled STOP. That's all they wanted him to do. You are trying to equate this to two guys committing an armed robbery. Both know there is a good chance somebody is going to get killed. That's why the shooter and his accomplice both get charged with murder.

As I stated, I don't agree with what they did, I just disagree that somebody shooting a cell phone video unaware that the guy was going to attack his armed buddy get a life sentence.
Puppet Masters my ass, we have lived it and seen it for ourselves.

That is some comic book bullshit. How many innocent black men have spent countless years in prison just because that white woman said, "He did it". Do I need to post case after case after case for you, I don't think so you are just one of those racist who wants to hide the truth about the Justice System in this country.

Is it my fault all you people look alike? :auiqs.jpg:

We have way too much technology today for mistaken identity. We have DNA, video cameras everywhere, forensic science......... This is not 1980 anymore. You seem to like living in the past.
Georgia prosecutors proved Ahmaud Arbery's killers guilty of murder. Now, lawyers for the federal government will try to prove they chased down the 25-year-old jogger because he was Black.

That case may be tougher to make.

Jury selection in the federal hate crimes trial for the three White men begins Monday in Brunswick, Georgia, with prosecutors aiming to prove they pursued and tried to kidnap Arbery because of his race, resulting in his death.

On the line for the defendants -- already serving life sentences on state murder convictions -- are steep fines and more decades behind bars. But for some observers, the stakes reach far beyond the men on trial.

"It sends a message to every Black person everywhere that you can't hunt people down who are legitimately in a place just because you're afraid. Doing that is racist, and we will punish it," said hate crimes expert and Indiana University law professor Jeannine Bell. "It's not just that it is racist; the government cares about that."

I want to see these 3 racist clowns get everything that is coming to them.
Who cares why they did it?


Murder is murder is murder. That's it.
This is only happening because they're white and that's racist.

Not so. Of course a mans past reflects on his past and present actions.
If the defense would have presented any past criminal acts of the victim the judge would have no choice but to throw it out of court or call for a mistrial. In the court of law, only elements relating to the crime are adm

Wrong. The jury is not to hear anything about a persons past, only the judge knows that to use for sentencing. The only thing the jury is allowed to hear are facts of the case at hand. That's because they are only allowed to judge on that particular case, not a persons entire life.

Some cases maybe so but not this case, Roddys lawyer told the judge, "we have no defense because you have gutted our case".
Roddys attorney was fairly smart man, he would have known not to ask if it wasn't legal. He quoted all kinds of law to the court.
Judge hated this attorney so much that every time he spoke the judge turned red in the face, lol.

Some cases maybe so but not this case, Roddys lawyer told the judge, "we have no defense because you have gutted our case".
Roddys attorney was fairly smart man, he would have known not to ask if it wasn't legal. He quoted all kinds of law to the court.
Judge hated this attorney so much that every time he spoke the judge turned red in the face, lol.

Watch the first 3 minutes and see the facial expressions and how red it gets.You can actually see the changing of color,lol.


Some cases maybe so but not this case, Roddys lawyer told the judge, "we have no defense because you have gutted our case".
Roddys attorney was fairly smart man, he would have known not to ask if it wasn't legal. He quoted all kinds of law to the court.
Judge hated this attorney so much that every time he spoke the judge turned red in the face, lol.
Yeah, it's only because they're white. They're sending a message to white folks.
At least that neighborhood doesnt have to worry about Arbery anymore. There is a silver lining in everything, including this miscarriage of justice.
They don't have to worry about those three racist jackasses anymore either.

Some cases maybe so but not this case, Roddys lawyer told the judge, "we have no defense because you have gutted our case".
Roddys attorney was fairly smart man, he would have known not to ask if it wasn't legal. He quoted all kinds of law to the court.
Judge hated this attorney so much that every time he spoke the judge turned red in the face, lol.

No, in all cases you cannot bring up the past of a persons life. That taints a juries verdict. What he did in the past, even if it was stealing from job sites are not relevant to this case of murder. The only thing they can bring up is they seen this guy in a roughed house under construction which is why they chased him down. That is relevant to the case.
No, in all cases you cannot bring up the past of a persons life. That taints a juries verdict. What he did in the past, even if it was stealing from job sites are not relevant to this case of murder. The only thing they can bring up is they seen this guy in a roughed house under construction which is why they chased him down. That is relevant to the case.
They also saw other people in the roughed house and did not chase them.
They also saw other people in the roughed house and did not chase them.

The owner of the house who was robbed by someone all of a sudden changed his story out of fear I'm sure, nothing like a few 1000 high profile protesters and most wit guns plus armed Balck Panthers creatin g fear in someone. He got scared.
People across the street were checking out the house since the theft. Arbery was a regular unlike others.
I know that most have made up their minds so it is just another story to pic apart.
All of us will not change our minds about how we see it.
The owner of the house who was robbed by someone all of a sudden changed his story out of fear I'm sure, nothing like a few 1000 high profile protesters and most wit guns plus armed Balck Panthers creatin g fear in someone. He got scared.
People across the street were checking out the house since the theft. Arbery was a regular unlike others.
I know that most have made up their minds so it is just another story to pic apart.
All of us will not change our minds about how we see it.
Well, now you're just making shit up.

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