AGW is a driver in mass extinction events


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Numerous studies have concluded that we are moving into the Earth's sixth mass extinction event. The cause are almost all anthropogenic: pollution, loss of habitat, global warming, disruption of predator/prey relationships, migratory changes, introduction of new diseases, etc.

This study finds that increased levels of anthropogenic global warming lead to increased number of species extinction events. Acting to mitigate AGW will limit the number of species lost.

Extinction risk from climate change

Climate change over the past ∼30 years has produced numerous shifts in the distributions and abundances of species1,2 and has been implicated in one species-level extinction3. Using projections of species' distributions for future climate scenarios, we assess extinction risks for sample regions that cover some 20% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15–37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be ‘committed to extinction’. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (∼18%) than mid-range (∼24%) and maximum-change (∼35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration.
We're already not out for five times at bat ... let's go for six!
The most recent mass extinction was the Chicxulub Impact event, 66 million years ago. Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years. Humans have not been through ANY mass extinctions.
I think we should count how many of my posts over the last month have drawn children's cartoons as responses.

We already have evidence that we are headed for a mass extinction event within the next century or sooner. How well do you think your grandchildren or great grandchildren are going to get through that?
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I think we should count how many of my posts over the last month have drawn children's cartoons as responses.

We already have evidence that we are headed for a mass extinction event within the next century or sooner. How well do you think your grandchildren or great grandchildren are going to get through that?
Appeal to emotion isn't an argument.
The most recent mass extinction was the Chicxulub Impact event, 66 million years ago. Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years. Humans have not been through ANY mass extinctions.

Evolutionarily speaking, we are the result of five mass extinctions ... can't wait to see what comes next.
I think we should count how many of my posts over the last month have drawn children's cartoons as responses.

Emotional appeals are made by children ... Cartoons (most of them anyway) are made for children ... sounds like a perfectly appropriate response.
Study concludes End Permian Extinction was caused by global warming.

Article: Biggest mass extinction caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath

More reading at Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction
Rapid climate change at the end of the Permian Period (~252 million years ago) is the hypothesized trigger for the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history. We present model simulations of the Permian/Triassic climate transition that reproduce the ocean warming and oxygen (O2) loss indicated by the geologic record. The effect of these changes on animal survival is evaluated using the Metabolic Index (Φ), a measure of scope for aerobic activity governed by organismal traits sampled in diverse modern species. Modeled loss of aerobic habitat predicts lower extinction intensity in the tropics, a pattern confirmed with a spatially explicit analysis of the marine fossil record. The combined physiological stresses of ocean warming and O2 loss can account for more than half the magnitude of the “Great Dying.”
The most recent mass extinction was the Chicxulub Impact event, 66 million years ago. Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years. Humans have not been through ANY mass extinctions.

Evolutionarily speaking, we are the result of five mass extinctions ... can't wait to see what comes next.

But you won't. Neither will any of your children or their children or their children. Does that not bother you or are you simply unable or unwilling to admit it?
Conclusion of the Temperature Dependent Hypoxia article

Ocean warming and O2 loss simulated in an Earth System Model of end-Permian climate change imply widespread loss of aerobic habitat among animal types with diverse thermal and hypoxia tolerances. The resulting extinctions are predicted to select most strongly against higher-latitude species, whose biogeographic niche disappears globally. The combined physiological stresses of ocean warming and O2 loss largely account for the spatial pattern and magnitude of extinction observed in the fossil record of the “Great Dying.” These results highlight the future extinction risk arising from a depletion of the ocean’s aerobic capacity that is already under way.
Does that not bother you

Not in the slightest ... I am not arrogant enough to believe that me, or my progeny, are the zenith of the evolutionary process.

You don't have to be the zenith to survive and you'd be a very rare bird if you didn't actually care about your children. I don't think you're winning any prizes by pretending to be too tough to care.
You don't have to be the zenith to survive and you'd be a very rare bird if you didn't actually care about your children. I don't think you're winning any prizes by pretending to be too tough to care.

Our planet has been through environmental upheavals for millions of years ... the effects of which has led to the evolution of the human species. Dominant species from by-gone ages are all gone, to our gas tanks.

I'm fully confident that which comes after us will be even better than we.

New study concludes warning signs of past mass extinctions were discernible much earlier than previously thought and many of the same indicators are present today.
Mass extinction with prior warning: Warning signs for mass extinction do exist, contrary to previous assumptions

Mass extinctions throughout the history of the Earth have been well documented. Scientists believe that they occurred during a short period of time in geological terms. In a new study, paleobiologists have now shown that signs that the largest mass extinction event in the Earth's history was approaching became apparent much earlier than previously believed, and point out that the same indicators can be observed today.

  1. Wolfgang Kiessling, Martin Schobben, Abbas Ghaderi, Vachik Hairapetian, Lucyna Leda, Dieter Korn. Pre–mass extinction decline of latest Permian ammonoids. Geology, 2018; 46 (3): 283 DOI: 10.1130/G39866.1
You don't have to be the zenith to survive and you'd be a very rare bird if you didn't actually care about your children. I don't think you're winning any prizes by pretending to be too tough to care.

Our planet has been through environmental upheavals for millions of years ... the effects of which has led to the evolution of the human species. Dominant species from by-gone ages are all gone, to our gas tanks.

I'm fully confident that which comes after us will be even better than we.


You're beginning to remind me of a 15 year old boy trying to impress a girl.
You don't have to be the zenith to survive and you'd be a very rare bird if you didn't actually care about your children. I don't think you're winning any prizes by pretending to be too tough to care.

Our planet has been through environmental upheavals for millions of years ... the effects of which has led to the evolution of the human species. Dominant species from by-gone ages are all gone, to our gas tanks.

I'm fully confident that which comes after us will be even better than we.


You're beginning to remind me of a 15 year old boy trying to impress a girl.

That's not how I impress a girl ... This is how I impress the girls ....

Numerous studies have concluded that we are moving into the Earth's sixth mass extinction event.
My ancestors lived through all 5 of them because we're badasses. And, no, humans are not causing a mass extinction event.

Eco-frauds have you absolutely terrified. Sucks to be you.

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