AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
You are just another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard.....

Get a clue, watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio for the TRUTH......

Fox News debunked the Uranium One story. Fox News occasionally does some honest reporting. Other than that it is propaganda. Talk radio wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. All it shows is how stupid you have to sound to support Trump.

Hey Dumb Ass...

You are full of shit....

Obozo and hillary sold interest in Uranium to Russia.......

Now as far as our news media and your propaganda machines go

let’s look at the facts, I know this will be extremely hard if not impossible for you....

did dan rather not make up fake bull shit about Bush, then when it was proven

beyond a shadow of a doubt he made it all up you TARDS gave him an award.....

What about lying brian?

What about cnn doctoring 911 tapes to fit their agenda?

How about nbc faking blowing up trucks?

All of your FAKE NEWS outlets filled your heads full of shit about Trump.

I could go on and on but the sane among us all know you are full of SHIT...

Who won Rasmussen's Fake News Award? Fox News.

Shep Smith demolished the Uranium One accusations.
Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Dismantles Conspiracy Theories Behind Uranium One | Fox News

You don't have any news media. It is all right wing propaganda. Trump is full of shit and facts are facts whether you like them or not. You wouldn't know the facts if it hit you in the face. I don't need left or right to see that. You are Trump's talking parrot as is most of the right wing media who has sold all their values down the river for power.

You need to be in a straight jacket in a rubber room....

Sorry I am in my right mind. You are not.

Your right mind is not as smart as one of my turds.....
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions? I would dare say that Fast and Furious was well documented as was the IRS scandal under Obama. What about Benhazi? Pretty well documented, certainly no less so than your claims against Trump.

Not indicative of their work? Man, you really haven't followed the timeline have you nor do you have any common sense. "We'll stop it" from the lead investigator in response to "Trumps not going to become President will he?" is pretty damning. The reason Comey removed him from the investigation was the obviously horrible optics of such texts. People with common sense knew exactly what "We'll stop it" meant. Never Trumpers exhibit very little common sense with regards to anything Trump.

There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious. The ATF did it when Bush was President and it was called Operation Wide Receiver. It was too ambitious and got out of hand. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. There was nothing criminal about Benghazi. Republicans spent months trying to pin something on Clinton and failed.

There is no evidence that Strzok was biased in the investigation despite his personal feelings about Trump. He was part of the initial investigation into Trump's campaign and handled it in a unbiased manner. He recommended the investigation into the Clinton e-mails be re-opened.
Hardly. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. 'progressive' was apparently a keyword as well and generally liberal organizations use the word progressive.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ did not spy on Trump or frame him. You are a sick little puppy who needs mental help.

You are full of Shit like all Tards...

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.
Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
Fox News debunked the Uranium One story. Fox News occasionally does some honest reporting. Other than that it is propaganda. Talk radio wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. All it shows is how stupid you have to sound to support Trump.

Hey Dumb Ass...

You are full of shit....

Obozo and hillary sold interest in Uranium to Russia.......

Now as far as our news media and your propaganda machines go

let’s look at the facts, I know this will be extremely hard if not impossible for you....

did dan rather not make up fake bull shit about Bush, then when it was proven

beyond a shadow of a doubt he made it all up you TARDS gave him an award.....

What about lying brian?

What about cnn doctoring 911 tapes to fit their agenda?

How about nbc faking blowing up trucks?

All of your FAKE NEWS outlets filled your heads full of shit about Trump.

I could go on and on but the sane among us all know you are full of SHIT...

Who won Rasmussen's Fake News Award? Fox News.

Shep Smith demolished the Uranium One accusations.
Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Dismantles Conspiracy Theories Behind Uranium One | Fox News

You don't have any news media. It is all right wing propaganda. Trump is full of shit and facts are facts whether you like them or not. You wouldn't know the facts if it hit you in the face. I don't need left or right to see that. You are Trump's talking parrot as is most of the right wing media who has sold all their values down the river for power.

You need to be in a straight jacket in a rubber room....

Sorry I am in my right mind. You are not.

Your right mind is not as smart as one of my turds.....

My right mind is far smarter than you or any other Trump turds.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
He didn't get paid by Moscow, moron. He got paid for the TV rights and by people paying admission.

Which "Russian oligarchs" have financed any of Trump's projects?

If he got paid in Russia then he got paid by Putin. No money is exchanged in Russia without Putin's approval.

Utter horseshit, of course. That's like saying if someone got paid in America, they got paid by Trump. Only a brain damaged dumbass would swallow that idiocy.

"But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records."
Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

"Set aside Putin and follow the money": a Russia expert’s theory of the Trump scandal
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
That would be like 0.5 % of the value of Trump properties. No one is impressed.

You are the one who is brain damaged. Putin runs everything and the oligarchs do not make payments without Putin's approval.

You wouldn't';t be impressed if Putin himself told you. You are a weak-minded member of the cult of Trump.
You don't know what they presented the court, dope. We do know however that the warrant, as well as three renewals were all approved. The court accepted what they presented and the warrant produced usable intelligence.
Once again, nice opinionated rant, but....

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong / of lying?

"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo[1], it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.

Evidently, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Committee that but for reliance on the 35-page dossier, authored by Christopher Steele, the FISA warrant would neither have been sought nor obtained. After previously rejecting their initial request, The FISA judges relied on two sources as a basis for the eventual issuance of the warrant: the dossier authored by a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, and a Yahoo News report Mr. Steele gave to Yahoo News.

This behavior is a massive abuse of power and should outrage all Americans of both political parties."

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Another source that has sold their souls to the devil Trump. They are entirely predictable.

And yet, you post nothing whatsoever to refute the facts presented. Hmmm so who's predictable?
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions? I would dare say that Fast and Furious was well documented as was the IRS scandal under Obama. What about Benhazi? Pretty well documented, certainly no less so than your claims against Trump.

Not indicative of their work? Man, you really haven't followed the timeline have you nor do you have any common sense. "We'll stop it" from the lead investigator in response to "Trumps not going to become President will he?" is pretty damning. The reason Comey removed him from the investigation was the obviously horrible optics of such texts. People with common sense knew exactly what "We'll stop it" meant. Never Trumpers exhibit very little common sense with regards to anything Trump.

There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is unavailable for comment!
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?
Shut up fascist pig. You are the traitor. They had credible information from the Australian government.
Nice unhinged pathetic personal attack, liar.... Please, continue to demonstrate how the US IG and US AG closing in on the traitors have TRIGGERED you...


We don't have a US AG. He has sold out to Trump. The US IG recommended McCabe be prosecuted. but there is one problem. The DOJ has found no evidence to support it.

Yeah, about that...

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
04/04/2013 12:31 PM EDT
Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious. The ATF did it when Bush was President and it was called Operation Wide Receiver. It was too ambitious and got out of hand. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. There was nothing criminal about Benghazi. Republicans spent months trying to pin something on Clinton and failed.

There is no evidence that Strzok was biased in the investigation despite his personal feelings about Trump. He was part of the initial investigation into Trump's campaign and handled it in a unbiased manner. He recommended the investigation into the Clinton e-mails be re-opened.

As you know, the Bush administration stopped Operation Wide Receive quickly because it was a failure.

Here is what the "failed" Star investigation along with all of President Clinton's rapes and assaults.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last-minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 misdemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
T R I G G E R E D. :p
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....


You are full of Shit like all Tards...

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.

It means nothing you dumb ass Tard....
You don't know what they presented the court, dope. We do know however that the warrant, as well as three renewals were all approved. The court accepted what they presented and the warrant produced usable intelligence.
Once again, nice opinionated rant, but....

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong / of lying?

"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo[1], it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.

Evidently, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Committee that but for reliance on the 35-page dossier, authored by Christopher Steele, the FISA warrant would neither have been sought nor obtained. After previously rejecting their initial request, The FISA judges relied on two sources as a basis for the eventual issuance of the warrant: the dossier authored by a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, and a Yahoo News report Mr. Steele gave to Yahoo News.

This behavior is a massive abuse of power and should outrage all Americans of both political parties."

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Another source that has sold their souls to the devil Trump. They are entirely predictable.

And yet, you post nothing whatsoever to refute the facts presented. Hmmm so who's predictable?

You are unwilling to accept any facts. You are a lowbrow cult member. Paranoid fantasy is not fact.
Hey Dumb Ass...

You are full of shit....

Obozo and hillary sold interest in Uranium to Russia.......

Now as far as our news media and your propaganda machines go

let’s look at the facts, I know this will be extremely hard if not impossible for you....

did dan rather not make up fake bull shit about Bush, then when it was proven

beyond a shadow of a doubt he made it all up you TARDS gave him an award.....

What about lying brian?

What about cnn doctoring 911 tapes to fit their agenda?

How about nbc faking blowing up trucks?

All of your FAKE NEWS outlets filled your heads full of shit about Trump.

I could go on and on but the sane among us all know you are full of SHIT...

Who won Rasmussen's Fake News Award? Fox News.

Shep Smith demolished the Uranium One accusations.
Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Dismantles Conspiracy Theories Behind Uranium One | Fox News

You don't have any news media. It is all right wing propaganda. Trump is full of shit and facts are facts whether you like them or not. You wouldn't know the facts if it hit you in the face. I don't need left or right to see that. You are Trump's talking parrot as is most of the right wing media who has sold all their values down the river for power.

You need to be in a straight jacket in a rubber room....

Sorry I am in my right mind. You are not.

Your right mind is not as smart as one of my turds.....

My right mind is far smarter than you or any other Trump turds.

You can't be that smart, you're a Tard.....
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.

"that parts of the dossier was verified."

You are an idiot....
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....



It was quite legal. A similar operation was done during the Bush Administration. It was called Operation Wide Receiver. The contempt vote was not bi-partisan as only 17 Democrats joined in. The DOJ IG stated that Holder was not aware of the operation until after it had been put into action.

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