After All Of This Time,No One Has Ever Asked Nancy For Specifics On Her Facts On Impeachment.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
we have seen all of these interviews with Miss Pelosi and CNN/ABC {and the rest of these hosts}...Pelosi always claims that she has the facts, enough dirt on Trump to impeach him without any problem.
Yet she never gets challenged by these liberal tit mouse hosts that just let Nancy say what she wants, but wont follow up by asking her if she can give us the specifics/reports on all of these damaging facts on Trump.
Unbelievable, dont u agree?
There are no facts. That is why this entire thing is based on Secret Witnesses (12 of them), Hearsay, Rumor, Gossip, Opinions, and Presumptions.

I am surprised that Nadler and his friends aren't wearing black hooded robes and opening the hearing with "Hail to Satan" because this is not a hearing that resembles anything you would see in American Democracy.
we have seen all of these interviews with Miss Pelosi and CNN/ABC {and the rest of these hosts}...Pelosi always claims that she has the facts, enough dirt on Trump to impeach him without any problem.
Yet she never gets challenged by these liberal tit mouse hosts that just let Nancy say what she wants, but wont follow up by asking her if she can give us the specifics/reports on all of these damaging facts on Trump.
Unbelievable, dont u agree?
Do you really think she would tell the truth? Just look at the lying scum here.
we have seen all of these interviews with Miss Pelosi and CNN/ABC {and the rest of these hosts}...Pelosi always claims that she has the facts, enough dirt on Trump to impeach him without any problem.
Yet she never gets challenged by these liberal tit mouse hosts that just let Nancy say what she wants, but wont follow up by asking her if she can give us the specifics/reports on all of these damaging facts on Trump.
Unbelievable, dont u agree?
Do you really think she would tell the truth? Just look at the lying scum here.
I used to think she just hated Trump, and disagreed with his policies, but now I realize she hates Trump and is a Pathological Liar.
whats with George Poopadopalis,,,he never challanges her
Liberal media never pushes back on Democrats who lie or are caught in blatant hypocrisy.

All Dimms are such easy targets for this, but the corporate media and the democrats are one in the same.

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