Afghan Heroin Killed More New Yorkers than Soldiers Since 9/11


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Does this surprise anybody? We've had 2,202 military personnel die in that hell hole since our involvement there. Add up the numbers and it says over 5,000 died of overdoses in NYC alone!

Now, I have no idea if they can identify exactly where the heroin came from. This also only deals with ONE American city. How about others? And more around the world.

Read the article @’s-invasion-afghanistan-nyc-heroin-deaths-highest-decade thanks to the link from War News Updates
Does this surprise anybody? We've had 2,202 military personnel die in that hell hole since our involvement there. Add up the numbers and it says over 5,000 died of overdoses in NYC alone!

Now, I have no idea if they can identify exactly where the heroin came from. This also only deals with ONE American city. How about others? And more around the world.

Read the article @’s-invasion-afghanistan-nyc-heroin-deaths-highest-decade thanks to the link from War News Updates

When we've destroyed drug crops, locals just become jihadis. Instead of trying to combat drug use that way, we need to legalize it so the quality and safety improves. Keeping drugs illegal only benefits the growers and suppleirs and on our end, law enforcement with bigger budgets to fight it and of course the prison industry. More money being made on both sides of the law keeping things illegal at the expense of our citizenry. Make it legal it becomes safer, more easily treated, but of course there are layoffs everywhere.

Banned desireable things is a for-profit endeavor.
There's already a cure for opiate addiction like heroin. Ironically though the cure is itself illegal. But you can cure the physical addicition in less than day.

Ibogaine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"A psychedelic with dissociative properties, the substance is banned in some countries; in other countries it is used by proponents of psychedelic therapy to treat addiction to methadone, heroin, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, anabolic steroids, and other drugs. Ibogaine is also used to treat depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Derivatives of ibogaine that lack the substance's psychedelic properties are under development."

As it is now, the day cure is cheap as hell (probably why it's illegal.) The non-psychoactive treatment is what the drug companies want and will make it prohibitively expensive. This is one of those things ya gotta say 'fuck the law' and just do it. Better to be cured of various addicition illegally, than remain an addict which only benefits a healthcare industry not offering any cures, only alleviation of symptoms.

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