Adult children raised by gay parents testify against same-sex marriage.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
It is a sad fact, Homosexuals are adopting heterosexual children and raising them in a homosexual lifestyle. It is abuse, the facts are all hidden and covered up. Almost a complete news blackout. All the paid Google results are dominated by lies and distortions put out by the homosexual lobby, hence it is very hard to find any truth, through Google.

But, at least there is a story or two that makes the light of day.

In this case, Adults who were raised by homosexuals are speaking from the heart, the truth the lived. It is very difficult to speak against those who they call parents. In many cases they like the parents hence they can not speak what they really think.

Anyhow, here is the headline and the story. It is truly the tip of the iceberg.

Quartet of Truth Adult children of gay parents testify against same-sex marriage at 5th Circuit News LifeSite
‘Quartet of Truth’: Adult children of gay parents testify against same-sex ‘marriage’ at 5th Circuit

Katy Faust, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein, and Robert Oscar Lopez, who were all raised by homosexual parents, each submitted briefs to the 5th Circuit opposing the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” Recounting childhood memories of households made deeply dysfunctional by their parents’ sexual appetites and the radical subculture that went along with their “gay” identities, all four argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples will likely lead to the exploitation and abuse of countless children for political and personal gain.

“I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” wrote B.N. Klein of her lesbian mother and her series of live-in lovers. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publically [sic] displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

“While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning,” Klein wrote. She added that as a child of a lesbian mother, she was pressured to pay “constant homage and attention” to her mother’s gay identity, taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and told that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

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