Ads Implant Fake Memories In Your Head


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;]Abstract: [/FONT]
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;] False memories refer to the mistaken belief that an event that did not occur, did occur. Much of the research on false memories has focused on the antecedents to and the characteristics of such memories, with little focus on the consequences of false memories. In this research, we propose that exposure to an imagery-evoking ad can result in an erroneous belief that an individual has experienced the advertised brand. We also demonstrate that such false experiential beliefs function akin to genuine product experience beliefs with regard to their outcomes (product attitude valence and attitude strength), a finding we call the false experience effect. We further demonstrate two moderators of this effect–plausibility of past experience and evaluation timing. [/FONT]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪TOTAL RECALL TRAILER 1990‬‏[/ame]
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;]Abstract: [/FONT]
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;] False memories refer to the mistaken belief that an event that did not occur, did occur. Much of the research on false memories has focused on the antecedents to and the characteristics of such memories, with little focus on the consequences of false memories. In this research, we propose that exposure to an imagery-evoking ad can result in an erroneous belief that an individual has experienced the advertised brand. We also demonstrate that such false experiential beliefs function akin to genuine product experience beliefs with regard to their outcomes (product attitude valence and attitude strength), a finding we call the false experience effect. We further demonstrate two moderators of this effect–plausibility of past experience and evaluation timing. [/FONT]

This topic although usually ignored as some kind of conspiracy has been one of my most serious concerns about how the dumbing down of America actually systematically takes place.

Many tools have been invented to "make people buy" whatever the media is selling at the moment.

It started before television but with the addition of the video experience the craft of seducing and corrupting America has become an exact and sinister science.

I was lucky. I saw the laugh track for what it was from the very start. I was offended that the "I Love Lucy" show thought it necessary to elicit laughter from the viewing audience by adding laughter tracks to that show. Most don't see the evil in these methods. It's just free speech and free enterprise.

First they make you laugh at something that is not funny. But once you join in and laugh along with the television you have been changed. Now you believe that something you once believed was NOT funny is. It may seem like nothing but they sold you a lie. They chip away at your morals and your ability to make intelligent choices. Before long you laugh at anything when prompted... Before long you believe the box more than you do in yourself.

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