ADL Reports Uptick In Anti-Semitic Tweets Aimed At Jared Kushner


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
ADL Reports Uptick In Anti-Semitic Tweets Aimed At Jared Kushner

There is truly something wrong when the President of the United States of America picks and retains a person who is the voice and face of hate, and who followers behave like this:

There's been a marked increase in the amount of anti-Semitic tweets aimed at Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser over the past week, the Anti-Defamation League has found.

The wave of anti-Semitic tweets from white nationalist accounts came as Steve Bannon was removed from the National Security Council's Principals' Committee and as Trump ordered missile strikes on a Syrian air base in retaliation for a chemical attack believed to be carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Here is more:

Steve Bannon runs an anti-Semitic website, is a misogynist and will be one of Donald Trumpā€™s senior advisers

Donald Trumpā€™s chief strategist is Steve Bannon, the former head of the alt-right publication Breitbart News and the former CEO of Trumpā€™s presidential campaign.
Bannon is also a notorious anti-Semite.

Adam Jentleson, the spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, expressed disgust at the news of Bannonā€™s appointment. ā€œItā€™s easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of White Supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide,ā€ Jentleson wrote in a statement. ā€œBannon was ā€˜the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill,ā€™ according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.ā€
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Bannon and Kushner are at each others ass 24/7 ... some of our board jew haters seem to forget JK is jewish and give him props ... F'n hypocrites
ADL Reports Uptick In Anti-Semitic Tweets Aimed At Jared Kushner

There is truly something wrong when the President of the United States of America picks and retains a person who is the voice and face of hate, and who followers behave like this:

There's been a marked increase in the amount of anti-Semitic tweets aimed at Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser over the past week, the Anti-Defamation League has found.

The wave of anti-Semitic tweets from white nationalist accounts came as Steve Bannon was removed from the National Security Council's Principals' Committee and as Trump ordered missile strikes on a Syrian air base in retaliation for a chemical attack believed to be carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Here is more:

Steve Bannon runs an anti-Semitic website, is a misogynist and will be one of Donald Trumpā€™s senior advisers

Donald Trumpā€™s chief strategist is Steve Bannon, the former head of the alt-right publication Breitbart News and the former CEO of Trumpā€™s presidential campaign.
Bannon is also a notorious anti-Semite.

Adam Jentleson, the spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, expressed disgust at the news of Bannonā€™s appointment. ā€œItā€™s easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of White Supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide,ā€ Jentleson wrote in a statement. ā€œBannon was ā€˜the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill,ā€™ according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.ā€
What the fuck is so funny btbw??
Too little, too late.
July 6, 2017

Ari Lieberman

It would be an understatement to characterize the Anti-Defamation Leagueā€™s Jonathan Greenblatt as one of Trumpā€™s shrillest critics. The ADLā€™s chief executive officer and Obama crony has distinguished himself in this category. In his anti-Trump, pro-left zeal, Greenblatt has championed various extremist causes and has done so to the detriment of the organization he purports to represent.

The ADLā€™s primary mission is to combat anti-Semitism and xenophobia but under Greenblattā€™s stewardship, the ADL has lost its way and transformed itself into a partisan bastion of radical activism. The ADL can most effectively carry out its mission when it acts in a non-partisan manner and no one understood this concept better than Greenblattā€™s predecessor, Abe Foxman. Greenblatt, however, has demonstrated nothing but contempt for this principle. Worse yet, Greenblatt has advocated positions harmful to Jewry and actually endorsed or quasi-endorsed entities and individuals whose entrenched anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bona fides are well known and a matter of public record.

Despite his close association with the rabidly anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, and viscerally anti-Israel congressional voting record, Greenblatt shockingly endorsed Representative Keith Ellisonā€™s (D-MN) bid to lead the Democratic National Committee and referred to him as a ā€œman of good character.ā€ The ADL was later forced to retract its endorsement following the revelation of an embarrassing audio in which Ellison was heard endorsing a common anti-Semitic trope (often repeated by the hard right and hard left) about Jewish influence over American politics. But even in the absence of that damning audio, Ellisonā€™s anti-Semitic credentials were so evident and so glaring that all but the most myopic or most dishonest acknowledged his entrenched bigotry.


The ADL's Belated Acknowledgement of Left-Wing Anti-Semitism

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