Adam Schiff Is Watching: Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Adam Schiff Is Watching:
Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power

Adam Schiff Is Watching - WSJ
December 5, 2019 ~~ By Kimberley A. Strassel
Fanatics can justify any action, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff this week demonstrated where that mindset leads. In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility. That’s the bottom line in Mr. Schiff’s stunning decision to subpoena the phone records of Rudy Giuliani and others. Mr. Schiff divulged the phone logs this week in his Ukraine report, thereby revealing details about the communications of Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Mr. Giuliani, ranking Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon and others. The media is treating this as a victory, when it is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety.
If nothing else, Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press. Mr. Giuliani over months has likely spoken to dozens of political figures and reporters—and the numbers, dates and length of those calls are now in Democrats’ hot little hands. Who gets the Schiff treatment next? If you think politics is ugly now, imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media. If we’ve never had a scandal like this before, it’s in part because it is legally dubious. Federal law bars phone carriers from handing over records without an individual’s agreement. The statute makes some exceptions, including for federal and state law-enforcement agencies.

As outrageous as the rest of the spying was, you would think the press would be screaming about this. But just like Obama's spying on reporter James Rosen, they care not a bit. Speaking of James Rosen, his question to Pelosi was once again good Rosen questioning.
How does a congressional committee Majority Leader get to issue a secret subpoena? Did Schiff go to a court? Was the minority, or at least the ranking member, informed? Did the minority consent?
A congressional committee is not a law enforcement agency, and committees are supposed to conduct their business in public. Was the act of Adam Schitf legal?
Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press.”
AND open season on the personal attorneys of political foes!
Schitf’s abuse of power far exceeds anything they’ve accused [with zero evidence] of Trump doing . Once again, we see PMS/DSA Dems actually doing what they ACCUSE their opponents of doing, only the Dems abuse has far exceeded anything they’ve accused others of doing, and what the Dems are doing is fundamentally damaging and dangerous to our political process.
The Dems have now totally dropped their masks, and what we see that is behind those masks are outright fascists who have complete contempt of the rule of law and the rights of others.
I'm sure that when this all goes to the Senate, Mr. Schitf will be subpoenaed and asked pertinent questions to expose his his ethics and criminal actions.
How are these people rivals? They aren’t running against Schiff.
Cons want to spin this like they tapped Rudy’s phone . Truth is these are calls to THE WHOTE HOUSE , which are all part of public record .
How are these people rivals? They aren’t running against Schiff.

They are rivals in determining the course of this nation. These Democrats believe the fate of the world is at stake with the next election. Pelosi just came out and said that today, so you see the real reason why they want to impeach Trump. Russian collusion? a phone call with Ukraine? those are just the vehicles. In these twisted peoples' minds any excuse to get rid of Trump is fair game. They believe that because Hillary was not able to implement their plan for society... the Ice caps will melt, social injustice will be rampant etc...
So making up a scam impeachment is not wrong to them. It is quite necessary and justified in their minds, where opinion becomes fact.
Adam Schiff Is Watching:
Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power

Adam Schiff Is Watching - WSJ
December 5, 2019 ~~ By Kimberley A. Strassel
Fanatics can justify any action, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff this week demonstrated where that mindset leads. In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility. That’s the bottom line in Mr. Schiff’s stunning decision to subpoena the phone records of Rudy Giuliani and others. Mr. Schiff divulged the phone logs this week in his Ukraine report, thereby revealing details about the communications of Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Mr. Giuliani, ranking Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon and others. The media is treating this as a victory, when it is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety.
If nothing else, Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press. Mr. Giuliani over months has likely spoken to dozens of political figures and reporters—and the numbers, dates and length of those calls are now in Democrats’ hot little hands. Who gets the Schiff treatment next? If you think politics is ugly now, imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media. If we’ve never had a scandal like this before, it’s in part because it is legally dubious. Federal law bars phone carriers from handing over records without an individual’s agreement. The statute makes some exceptions, including for federal and state law-enforcement agencies.

As outrageous as the rest of the spying was, you would think the press would be screaming about this. But just like Obama's spying on reporter James Rosen, they care not a bit. Speaking of James Rosen, his question to Pelosi was once again good Rosen questioning.
How does a congressional committee Majority Leader get to issue a secret subpoena? Did Schiff go to a court? Was the minority, or at least the ranking member, informed? Did the minority consent?
A congressional committee is not a law enforcement agency, and committees are supposed to conduct their business in public. Was the act of Adam Schitf legal?
Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press.”
AND open season on the personal attorneys of political foes!
Schitf’s abuse of power far exceeds anything they’ve accused [with zero evidence] of Trump doing . Once again, we see PMS/DSA Dems actually doing what they ACCUSE their opponents of doing, only the Dems abuse has far exceeded anything they’ve accused others of doing, and what the Dems are doing is fundamentally damaging and dangerous to our political process.
The Dems have now totally dropped their masks, and what we see that is behind those masks are outright fascists who have complete contempt of the rule of law and the rights of others.
I'm sure that when this all goes to the Senate, Mr. Schitf will be subpoenaed and asked pertinent questions to expose his his ethics and criminal actions.

You should tell Lisa Paige and Peter Strzok how upset it makes you...
Adam Schiff Is Watching:
Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power

Adam Schiff Is Watching - WSJ
December 5, 2019 ~~ By Kimberley A. Strassel
Fanatics can justify any action, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff this week demonstrated where that mindset leads. In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility. That’s the bottom line in Mr. Schiff’s stunning decision to subpoena the phone records of Rudy Giuliani and others. Mr. Schiff divulged the phone logs this week in his Ukraine report, thereby revealing details about the communications of Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Mr. Giuliani, ranking Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon and others. The media is treating this as a victory, when it is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety.
If nothing else, Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press. Mr. Giuliani over months has likely spoken to dozens of political figures and reporters—and the numbers, dates and length of those calls are now in Democrats’ hot little hands. Who gets the Schiff treatment next? If you think politics is ugly now, imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media. If we’ve never had a scandal like this before, it’s in part because it is legally dubious. Federal law bars phone carriers from handing over records without an individual’s agreement. The statute makes some exceptions, including for federal and state law-enforcement agencies.

As outrageous as the rest of the spying was, you would think the press would be screaming about this. But just like Obama's spying on reporter James Rosen, they care not a bit. Speaking of James Rosen, his question to Pelosi was once again good Rosen questioning.
How does a congressional committee Majority Leader get to issue a secret subpoena? Did Schiff go to a court? Was the minority, or at least the ranking member, informed? Did the minority consent?
A congressional committee is not a law enforcement agency, and committees are supposed to conduct their business in public. Was the act of Adam Schitf legal?
Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press.”
AND open season on the personal attorneys of political foes!
Schitf’s abuse of power far exceeds anything they’ve accused [with zero evidence] of Trump doing . Once again, we see PMS/DSA Dems actually doing what they ACCUSE their opponents of doing, only the Dems abuse has far exceeded anything they’ve accused others of doing, and what the Dems are doing is fundamentally damaging and dangerous to our political process.
The Dems have now totally dropped their masks, and what we see that is behind those masks are outright fascists who have complete contempt of the rule of law and the rights of others.
I'm sure that when this all goes to the Senate, Mr. Schitf will be subpoenaed and asked pertinent questions to expose his his ethics and criminal actions.

You should tell Lisa Paige and Peter Strzok how upset it makes you...
Not to worry. I'm sure one of the committee members will let them know when it gets to the Senate.
Adam Schiff Is Watching:
Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power
More Russian lies mindlessly parroted by America-hating Putin-lovers. The numbers came from the criminal investigation involving Parnas and Giuliani.
Adam Schiff Is Watching:
Obtaining phone logs of rivals is a stunning abuse of congressional power

Adam Schiff Is Watching - WSJ
December 5, 2019 ~~ By Kimberley A. Strassel
Fanatics can justify any action, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff this week demonstrated where that mindset leads. In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility. That’s the bottom line in Mr. Schiff’s stunning decision to subpoena the phone records of Rudy Giuliani and others. Mr. Schiff divulged the phone logs this week in his Ukraine report, thereby revealing details about the communications of Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Mr. Giuliani, ranking Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon and others. The media is treating this as a victory, when it is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety.
If nothing else, Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press. Mr. Giuliani over months has likely spoken to dozens of political figures and reporters—and the numbers, dates and length of those calls are now in Democrats’ hot little hands. Who gets the Schiff treatment next? If you think politics is ugly now, imagine a world in which congressional partisans routinely track and expose the call lists of their political rivals and disfavored media. If we’ve never had a scandal like this before, it’s in part because it is legally dubious. Federal law bars phone carriers from handing over records without an individual’s agreement. The statute makes some exceptions, including for federal and state law-enforcement agencies.

As outrageous as the rest of the spying was, you would think the press would be screaming about this. But just like Obama's spying on reporter James Rosen, they care not a bit. Speaking of James Rosen, his question to Pelosi was once again good Rosen questioning.
How does a congressional committee Majority Leader get to issue a secret subpoena? Did Schiff go to a court? Was the minority, or at least the ranking member, informed? Did the minority consent?
A congressional committee is not a law enforcement agency, and committees are supposed to conduct their business in public. Was the act of Adam Schitf legal?
Mr. Schiff claims the ignominious distinction of being the first congressman to use his official powers to spy on a fellow member and publish the details. His report also means open season on members of the press.”
AND open season on the personal attorneys of political foes!
Schitf’s abuse of power far exceeds anything they’ve accused [with zero evidence] of Trump doing . Once again, we see PMS/DSA Dems actually doing what they ACCUSE their opponents of doing, only the Dems abuse has far exceeded anything they’ve accused others of doing, and what the Dems are doing is fundamentally damaging and dangerous to our political process.
The Dems have now totally dropped their masks, and what we see that is behind those masks are outright fascists who have complete contempt of the rule of law and the rights of others.
I'm sure that when this all goes to the Senate, Mr. Schitf will be subpoenaed and asked pertinent questions to expose his his ethics and criminal actions.

You should tell Lisa Paige and Peter Strzok how upset it makes you...

I would agree....

Maybe they can work behind the scenes to stop him from hurting himself.

That is, of course, when they aren't shagging each other.

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