Actual Spending on Global Warming.

Interestingly, despite harshly criticizing the UEA for their response to FOI requests, the GWPF has rejected and, in court, fought every FOI request brought to them concerning their funding and day to day operation. The court's so far, have ruled that they are not susceptible to such requests due to the "foundation's" insignificance.

So what is that supposed to prove ? Conflict of interest ?

Noooo... (where do you get a conflict of interest out of that?). I was thinking more along the lines of hypocrisy.

Actually it qualifies for both. It takes a hypocrite to deny a conflict of interest. The current chairman of the IPCC is a prime example.
Or this:
China And California Form Unlikely Partnership To Address Climate Change | ThinkProgress

In a move to strengthen cooperation on lowering carbon dioxide emissions, China’s top climate negotiator and California’s Governor Jerry Brown signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Friday in San Francisco.
Note these typical stupid libtard-smiles on Brown`s staff they display while they got sucked in by what is nothing more than a Chinese PR stunt.
While this is going on in China:
Harbin Smog Crisis Highlights China's Coal Problem

Harbin Smog Crisis Highlights China’s Coal Problem
Choked with smog that shut down roads, schools, and its main airport, the city of Harbin (map) this week offered a striking reminder that China has a long way to go in addressing the hazards caused by its dependence on coal.
Visibility in the northeastern city of more than 10 million people reportedly was reduced in places to less than 65 feet (20 meters) as coal-fired heating systems ramped up for the winter months. Officials also pointed to farmers burning crop stubble and low winds as additional causes for the pollution crisis.
I bet none of these smiling idiots that constantly bash domestic oil & related energy corporations for far less pollution uttered even the slightest criticism.
If anyone should smile it`s the Chinese who hit yet another mother-lode of idiots where they can dump their solar panels.
China has a vested interest in making the US economy less competitive and if possible have to ability to control the purse strings of the US treasury with the amount of US foreign debt owned by China.
It`s not just sheepish libtard greenies. I have yet to see any Google search results that net any criticism Pachauri`s IPCC hypocrites leveled at China so far. Try the same keywords and add "+USA" and "+oil" and you get a truckload of hits.
A few days I watched a documentary about these solar lamps that people in rural India are supposed to buy.
Even though hydro lines run right by these villages Pachauri`s India is too tight fisted to let them have a few lights after the sun goes down.
And organizations such as Pachauri`s "TERI" green energy orgs want in excess of $40 for a small solar cell, battery and an LED....the entire package would cost only a fraction of that anywhere else.
It turns out the ones they try sell to the poorest of the poor in India are dirt cheap Chinese imports.
Organizations such as the one Pachauri chairs have the funding to assist these folks but choose instead to gouge them with so called "micro loans" which are a nothing more than a lucrative money lending business.
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So.. is it meth or just a pitcher of espresso every morning? Do you ever stick to a topic for more than one sentence?

The GWPF have been hypocritical. Their may well be conflicts of interest (ex, getting funding from fossil fuel interests) but that is not demonstrated by their rejection of FOI requests.

So, given the GWPF's open animosity to action on AGW, I do not find them an acceptable, sole source for information of this nature. They may well be accurate, but I would have to see it demonstrated by a comparison with truly objective data.

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