ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I know some people here keep insisting that ACORN has not been convicted, neither has either national party. The evidence is becoming clearer though, ACORN was a criminal organization, and the only reason it has not been convicted is its political connections with the DNC kept it safe.

The radical activist group ACORN “works” for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud, ACORN employees told FBI investigators, according to an FBI document dump Wednesday.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud.

ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud, according to new documents | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Anyone with common sense understands that this President's community organizer creep buddies stole the last election. Vote out all community organizer Democrats. Make 2010 count people.
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud

Read more: ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud, according to new documents | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Judical Watch.. Good enough for me.
This is hardly a surprising revelation for anyone who has paid attention to ACORN and Project Vote over the years.
The documents are there, read them for yourself. Not sure how posting facts makes a person right wing though, does that mean the left wing only posts lies?
I know some people here keep insisting that ACORN has not been convicted, neither has either national party. The evidence is becoming clearer though, ACORN was a criminal organization, and the only reason it has not been convicted is its political connections with the DNC kept it safe.

The radical activist group ACORN “works” for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud, ACORN employees told FBI investigators, according to an FBI document dump Wednesday.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud.

ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud, according to new documents | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Did you bother to even read it?

"The handwritten reports by FBI agents show that ACORN employees reported numerous irregularities in the nonprofit group’s business practices."

"ACORN employees reported" - did you read that dumbfuck? "ACORN employees reported"

Did you bother to read the part about, "Voter Registration Fraud"?

Do you think Republicans understand the difference between registering Goofy and Paul Newman and Goofy and Paul Newman showing up to vote
I know some people here keep insisting that ACORN has not been convicted, neither has either national party. The evidence is becoming clearer though, ACORN was a criminal organization, and the only reason it has not been convicted is its political connections with the DNC kept it safe.

The radical activist group ACORN “works” for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud, ACORN employees told FBI investigators, according to an FBI document dump Wednesday.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud.
ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud, according to new documents | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Did you bother to even read it?

"The handwritten reports by FBI agents show that ACORN employees reported numerous irregularities in the nonprofit group’s business practices."

"ACORN employees reported" - did you read that dumbfuck? "ACORN employees reported"

Did you bother to read the part about, "Voter Registration Fraud"?

Do you think Republicans understand the difference between registering Goofy and Paul Newman and Goofy and Paul Newman showing up to vote

Are you trying to say that voter registration fraud is legal? If not, I am totally missing your point.
Let's try it this way.

If Acorn registered 1 million people to vote, but only a hundred showed up to vote, how many actually voted?
Yet ANOTHER right wing post destined for the "Conpsiracy Theory" area of our boards...

Read the article shit-for-brains... yes, it is a rightwing post, which, and try to follow along here.. doesn't mitigate the article and the allegations reported. Difficult concept I know.. but try.
Let's try it this way.

If Acorn registered 1 million people to vote, but only a hundred showed up to vote, how many actually voted?

Is voter registration fraud legal, or illegal? That is the only issue I have with ACORN, and the one that is mentioned in the article I posted.
Let's try it this way.

If Acorn registered 1 million people to vote, but only a hundred showed up to vote, how many actually voted?

With Democrats involved, several thousand at least.

However, you seem to be trying to deflect from the fact that falsely registering voters is illegal. It's voter registration fraud. It corrupt our system.

Yet, surprisingly, you have absolutely no problem with this.

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