Achievements of The Democratic Party in Pictures


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Here are the proud moments the last 8 years & also the contribution these 88 days in of the Democrats to the
function of our Gov't.
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So, yet another "Democrats are poopyheads" thread.

The desperation of the Trumptards is palpable. The more terrified they are, the more of these threads they make.

Trumptards? Know we're enjoying your displays of screeching butthurt.
So, yet another "Democrats are poopyheads" thread.

The desperation of the Trumptards is palpable. The more terrified they are, the more of these threads they make.

Trumptards? Know we're enjoying your displays of screeching butthurt.

Now, that's rich !!!!

You lost:

1. WH
2. Senate
3. House

And the right is butthurt.

So, yet another "Democrats are poopyheads" thread.

The desperation of the Trumptards is palpable. The more terrified they are, the more of these threads they make.

Trumptards? Know we're enjoying your displays of screeching butthurt.
Terrified is not a word I would use to describe HaShev. Tenacious? Yes. Terrified? That sounds like more like the Clinton voter on November 8th when they learned their candidate lost. Did you see them around midnight? I'll never forget it. It looked like mass Stockholm Syndrome kicking in! I truly felt sorry for you people. I've never witnessed that many people crying and looking around as if they were lost. It was truly a surreal moment!
So, yet another "Democrats are poopyheads" thread.

The desperation of the Trumptards is palpable. The more terrified they are, the more of these threads they make.

Trumptards? Know we're enjoying your displays of screeching butthurt.
Terrified is not a word I would use to describe HaShev. Tenacious? Yes. Terrified? That sounds like more like the Clinton voter on November 8th when they learned their candidate lost. Did you see them around midnight? I'll never forget it. It looked like mass Stockholm Syndrome kicking in! I truly felt sorry for you people. I've never witnessed that many people crying and looking around as if they were lost. It was truly a surreal moment!

Sure was fun.

I would have run over his ass.

I felt concerned for them because they appeared to be having a mental breakdown similar to what one would see in a Stockholm Syndrome victim (only on a mass scale - scary stuff). They couldn't be happy knowing they were saved from going over the cliff. Instead they cried for the very people who have been abusing them! It was totally surreal! I could not figure it out but when you factor in the past 20 plus years of Marxist indoctrination in schools and Clinton's communist credentials it begins to make sense.
I would have run over his ass.

I felt concerned for them because they appeared to be having a mental breakdown similar to what one would see in a Stockholm Syndrome victim (only on a mass scale - scary stuff). They couldn't be happy knowing they were saved from going over the cliff. Instead they cried for the very people who have been abusing them! It was totally surreal! I could not figure it out but when you factor in the past 20 plus years of Marxist indoctrination in schools and Clinton's communist credentials it begins to make sense.

I did too.

They were had. Promised to much and shafted.

All by the lying left.

I wish someone would give Debbie Wasserman Shultz a haircut.
If you Trumptards are so happy, why are you always such miserable and bitter losers here? Why are you in a constant state of hysterical snowfalke meltdown? Why are the trump-men in particularly such weepy pansies, not even rising to beta-male status?

You know we liberals are laughing at you, right? We just lost an election. You're losers at life. There will be more elections. And here, it's a target-rich environment. Trumptards are like fish in a barrel.

And no, I'm not sorry if that triggered you. I delight in triggering you snowflakes. Your squeals are like music to our ears, your tears a sweet nectar.
Plus the hate monger assumes my affiliation.
I'm not registered for many reasons.
1) some states make voter info public & your personal info is left bare which Search engines make public and with thst info Fascist Leftist mobsters usexit to do
IRS audits, identity theft for voter fraud,illegal phone solicitation and harassment, steal your political signs off your lawn, harrass employers true brown shirt tactics.
2)Elections are rigged and not democratic, cause the liberal media doesn't allow equal access to other parties or even bslanced access and reporting on opponents.
3)the system is broken.
4) I suggested updating the system to utilize our new technology to determine each issue seperately not as affiliation across the board, to be truly more democratic and reflecting our wishes. This was back in 1996 and in my book in 2001.
If you Trumptards are so happy, why are you always such miserable and bitter losers here? Why are you in a constant state of hysterical snowfalke meltdown? Why are the trump-men in particularly such weepy pansies, not even rising to beta-male status?

You know we liberals are laughing at you, right? We just lost an election. You're losers at life. There will be more elections. And here, it's a target-rich environment. Trumptards are like fish in a barrel.

And no, I'm not sorry if that triggered you. I delight in triggering you snowflakes. Your squeals are like music to our ears, your tears a sweet nectar.

You'll continue to lose more elections.

But you are winners at life.

Now that funny.

Here are some real winners.....

They lost the election, but they are laughing at us.

Oh, my side hurts from laughing so hard.

The freebies will start to evaporate....and those winners in life will starve to death.
Maddow is still having a break down.
She should wear a tin foil hat when she tries to correlate associations.
According to her logic and report today, everywhere she had her plane sitting at the airport at the same time a baggage handler stole someones stuff from someone's luggage means she is involved with the theft ring. We're not even gonna discuss what her going to a Jared Fogle associated Subway means.
According to her connecting the dots
OH My!

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