According To Liberals,"The Russians"Hacked Into Non-Internet Voting Machines.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:argue: Yup, and that's the primary reason why Trump beat Hillary by 3 or 4 million votes. The Russians {who live in Russia and eat Russian Food} some how were able to get into the computers of those standard voting machines and alter about 4 to 12 million ballots to switch from Hillary to Donald, and they did it all the way from Russia! {thats a country, right?}.
And now, this week on various news outlets these blockheads are trying to convince us that it was "The Russians" who somehow were able to hack many of the voting machines in those three red states, and created about 100,000 votes for Trump.
Does this mean that "The Russians" were also responsible for the 2005 Tsunami and both San Fran Sisco earthquakes too?

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