Abuse of the first amendment right


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

S. Hannity and O. North defend the right for the radical right wing human refuse to misuse and abuse the freedom of speech that cause death and destruction. I thought we were finally getting past that. But is proves we are no better than those who behead us in the name of religions. The U.S. Constitution being our GOD and RELIGION. There has to be an amendment to the first amendment or the abuse and misuse will continue because we are always going the have the people with sub-human mentality. Freedom is not absolute, but relative. This man is guilty of the murder of four people. And Bush created the atmosphere that exacerbate the violence against Americans where ever they are. Obama was finally mended the relationship Bush has trashed between nations. Obama is doing the right thing by communicating with our enemies that Bush made by keeping his friends close and his enemies even closer” This coward act of this human refuse is being protected by the Right make me ashamed to be an American and I apologize to millions of Muslim children who must feel the same way about their GOD as American children feel about their GOD.
The framers of the Constitution did not have this in mind when the framed the freedom of speech.
I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.

Liberties vs. Responsibilities: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse
Liberties vs. Responsibilites: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse - Commentary - The Daily Campus - University of Connecticut
Why isn't this garbage in Conspiracy Theories?

I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.
Why isn't this garbage in Conspiracy Theories?

I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.

I am guessing her ass is too big to fit thru the door.
Why isn't this garbage in Conspiracy Theories?

I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.

Maybe because the moderators were having as much trouble making sense out of the senile old bat's ravings as I did? What the hell is she babbling about, anyway, and why hasn't the nursing home taken her computer away already?

S. Hannity and O. North defend the right for the radical right wing human refuse to misuse and abuse the freedom of speech that cause death and destruction. I thought we were finally getting past that. But is proves we are no better than those who behead us in the name of religions. The U.S. Constitution being our GOD and RELIGION. There has to be an amendment to the first amendment or the abuse and misuse will continue because we are always going the have the people with sub-human mentality. Freedom is not absolute, but relative. This man is guilty of the murder of four people. And Bush created the atmosphere that exacerbate the violence against Americans where ever they are. Obama was finally mended the relationship Bush has trashed between nations. Obama is doing the right thing by communicating with our enemies that Bush made by keeping his friends close and his enemies even closer” This coward act of this human refuse is being protected by the Right make me ashamed to be an American and I apologize to millions of Muslim children who must feel the same way about their GOD as American children feel about their GOD.
The framers of the Constitution did not have this in mind when the framed the freedom of speech.
I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.

Liberties vs. Responsibilities: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse
Liberties vs. Responsibilites: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse - Commentary - The Daily Campus - University of Connecticut


S. Hannity and O. North defend the right for the radical right wing human refuse to misuse and abuse the freedom of speech that cause death and destruction. I thought we were finally getting past that. But is proves we are no better than those who behead us in the name of religions. The U.S. Constitution being our GOD and RELIGION. There has to be an amendment to the first amendment or the abuse and misuse will continue because we are always going the have the people with sub-human mentality. Freedom is not absolute, but relative. This man is guilty of the murder of four people. And Bush created the atmosphere that exacerbate the violence against Americans where ever they are. Obama was finally mended the relationship Bush has trashed between nations. Obama is doing the right thing by communicating with our enemies that Bush made by keeping his friends close and his enemies even closer” This coward act of this human refuse is being protected by the Right make me ashamed to be an American and I apologize to millions of Muslim children who must feel the same way about their GOD as American children feel about their GOD.
The framers of the Constitution did not have this in mind when the framed the freedom of speech.
I cannot get beyond believing this was a Radical Right Wing Extremists orchestrated plan to discredit obama and take the heat of Romney and the election because Romney was at the bottom of the bucket and put heat on Obama.
The excuses Hannity and North had was appalling. There is nothing too low and debased for Radical Right Wing Extremists.

Liberties vs. Responsibilities: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse
Liberties vs. Responsibilites: Film abuses First Amendment rights Abuse - Commentary - The Daily Campus - University of Connecticut

You didn't get enough of this the LAST time you started a thread on this same subject? :eusa_eh:
You know, that was just a few days ago... and it didn't end well for your position on censorship.

The framers of the Constitution had EXACTLY this in mind.... that people would speak their opinions, particularly on such sensitive matters as politics and religion, free from persecution. And while speech which causes IMMINENT PHYSICAL DANGER, such as "fire in a crowded theater" has since been found to be inconsistent with our First Amendment, that's because you can't have one citizen's right overlap another and because not all of our "rights" are written down in the Bill of Rights. IOW, you have a right not to be molested physically by someone else's right to free speech. What we don't have is a right to never be offended. That would be completely unenforceable in such a diverse country as ours, let alone trying to enforce it on a global basis.

There's no authority over the American people that doesn't first begin with the U.S. Constitution, and nothing short of an amendment to it would legally serve to restrict our speech... and no way in hell you'll get one.
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