Absorption Theory (sociology)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There is an idea in sociology called Absorption Theory that is gaining notice in some academic circles.

The theory states that the processes that govern the distribution of social ideas in a given state are characterized by the cross-fertilization of analogical or comparative ideas. So, for example, if a communist state switches to democratic capitalism heuristics, it may 'absorb' capitalist ideas through comparative analysis of old communist ideas; it may arrive at communism-capitalism hybridization bridges that create practical economic-intellectual compromises.

Absorption Theory is a great idea reference for modern age sociological analysis of the cultural impact of capitalism-gauged American fast food exporting into Third World countries such as Afghanistan.

Maybe the human brain is like a sponge, and comparative/contrasting ideas cross-fertilize and are absorbed and processed like a gumbo.

This would explain why American eco-activists find it intellectually easy to reference comic book art avatars such as Poison Ivy (DC Comics), a radical female scientist-turned-ecoterrorist, in inclusive discussions about connecting politics with art.


Lowbrow art movement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Having evolved from a species which still throws it own feces around I laugh when I read things like this because the poop-throwing monkies aren't so far removed from what we are now. We tend to overcomplicate things to make ourselves seem smart, and yet when we get flustered or irrate still throw poop around if only figuratively. :)

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