About the Bite in the Butt...


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Big Mistake: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20040731/pl_nm/campaign_kerry_dc

Kerry Mocks Bush's 'Itsy Bitsy' Campaign Slogan

2 hours, 10 minutes ago

By Patricia Wilson

GREENSBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Democratic White House challenger John Kerry (news - web sites) mocked President Bush (news - web sites)'s new "turning the corner" campaign slogan on Saturday and said he offered voters more than "little itsy bitsy" sound bites.
On the second day of a 22-state, 43-city tour that will take him and running mate John Edwards (news - web sites) from coast to coast by bus, train and boat over the next two weeks, Kerry disputed Bush's contention that "we are turning the corner and we're not turning back" on the U.S. economy.

"I think the American people are a heck of a lot smarter than some of these politicians and political consultants think they are," Kerry told more than 8,000 people gathered in a light drizzle outside a railway station in Greensburg, a Republican stronghold in western Pennsylvania.

"They keep telling them, 'just talk in this tiny, little, itsy bitsy sound bite. Be negative, go out there and attack."

There is an assumption here, we all know what they say about such, that is not missing on the electorate!

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