The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I’m done with this shit.

We are in a Surveillance State, and Secret Courts, Secret Witnesses, Secret Warrants, Secret Testimony, Spying on American Citizens simply because you suspect something are all Unconstitutional

We do not need to be The Soviet Union to protect ourselves. These people and this situation is out of Control!

Burn It Down!
Last edited:
This article was written in July 2018 and is excellent!

Full Article at the link:

Abolish the FISA Court

On the gentle summer evening that was last Saturday night, the Justice Department finally made public the October 2016 application for a warrant to spy on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. The application’s release kicked off a furious effort by Democrats and their allies in the press to gaslight the American people into disbelieving what they could read with their own eyes. Yet notwithstanding all the sound and fury, its 412 pages—even in redacted form—largely vindicate the principal object of Democratic attack, California’s GOP Rep. Devin Nunes.

Back in February, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, led by Mr. Nunes, issued a report stating that the Steele dossier, compiled by a former British spy, was “an essential part” of the application for a warrant on Mr. Page under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In this Mr. Nunes was supported by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who testified to Congress that without the Steele dossier there would have been no warrant.

The Nunes report further claimed the FISA application didn’t inform the judge that the Steele dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Here too Mr. Nunes has been proved right.

True, the application includes a convoluted reference to the FBI’s “speculation” that “Source #1” (Christopher Steele) was hired to dig up information to “discredit Candidate #1’s campaign” (Mr. Trump’s). Surely a more honest way of presenting the facts would be as follows: The campaign and party of Candidate #2 (Hillary Clinton) paid Source #1 to produce a dossier to discredit her rival, Candidate #1.

Lost in the competing narratives, meanwhile, is the larger FISA scandal. The Page warrant confirms that a FISA court effectively insulates those who deploy the most formidable powers of the federal government from the consequences of what should be an extraordinary decision: spying on a fellow American.

Read the Rest Here:

Abolish the FISA Court

This whole "above the law" shit... is more unAmerican than an illegal from Nigeria. Perhaps even more unAmerican than the average leftist.

Fix it indeed.
If we don't rein it will infect local jurisdictions as if you are on some cops shit list look out...they might be listening to your calls....
Government corruption is infectious...if left untreated it grows so big you can't fix must treat it from the top down or you are wasting your time....someone needs to begin asking Obama what he knew and when he knew it....
Make the agents that submit the application to the court personally responsible for submitting a false report or not submitting all evidence...personally and monetarily if there ever is another Comey he will think twice about lying....
I’m done with this shit.

We are in a Surveillance State, and Secret Courts, Secret Warrants, Secret Testimony, Spying on American Citizens simply because you suspect something are all Unconstitutional

We do not need to be The Soviet Union to protect ourselves. These people and this situation is out of Control!

Burn It Down!

I've gotta agree with ya. You had to know they'd fuck this up like everything else government does. You just cannot let crooks and bungling idiots have this kind of power, especially when there is never any accountability.
Thanks for starting this thread!

How many Republicans (or Democrats) voted to extend the NDAA?

I read the new spending bill was 1.4 Trillion fed reserve notes-

A Powerful Government Equals a Weak Nation

It is supremely ironic that the United States has the most powerful government in history and, at the same time, the most frightened people in the world.

Many Americans are scared of everything. Russia. Iran. China. North Korea. Muslims. Saddam Hussein. Osama bin Laden. Al Qaeda. The terrorists. The drug dealers. The illegal immigrants. The communists. ISIS. Syria. Such Americans are convinced that every scary creature in the world is coming to get them.
Okay, so you abolish FISA. What then? No surveillance at all? Or no control over surveillance at all?
Go back to existing Law which allows accountability in The Executive Branch and Transparency which shows who signed these warrants and what The Justification was.
I am not trying to be mean here, but we had an entire system before FISA and there was accountability. You would know who applied for the warrant and what judge approved it and what The Justification was. And The Standard was much higher to get a surveillance warrant.

Okay, so you abolish FISA. What then? No surveillance at all? Or no control over surveillance at all?
There’s no control now. Who do you trust with this power? Not the FBI that’s for sure. So now what?
Abolish it? Yup, Hannity and Lavigne will be saying that here soon to, yet way back when Dubya made this law the line was "we have to give up some privacy for safety". I hope this burns them bad. And I'm thinking it will. Out of all the FISA warrants granted, how many people who had them used against them will get their cases tossed because doubt was cast on the FBI agents who got the warrants? FISA is a compassionate conservative's idea. Hope it keeps burning their ass's.

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