ABC calls Petraeus Biography: "ALL UP IN MY SNATCH" - True STory



ABC Denver calls name of Petraeus biography: "All up in my sn*tch"



UPDATE: It’s now been confirmed by the local station:

However, when the 7NEWS reporter went on the Internet to get an image of the book cover, the reporter mistakenly grabbed a Photoshopped image that said, “All Up In My Sn*tch.”

7NEWS sincerely apologizes for a mistake that we aired in our broadcast Monday, a mistake that has gone viral on the internet.

7NEWS - Photoshopped book title from Paula Broadwell's Gen. David Petraeus' biography goes viral on web - Local Story

Don't apologize. It was too, too funny.
We know more about Paula's snatch then we do about how 4 Americans, including the Libyan Ambassador, died
Also, very likely Deany got punked by The Onion. Again

I wasn't punked the first time. You simply can't handle the truth.

The Onion article I linked to:

Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Unfortunately, many Republicans believe the way this man does in this fictional story. That was the joke I was making. But right wingers, with the limited brain power and lack of imagination, such as yourself, believes everything everyone links to is their literal position and simply don't understand "sharing satire". People who don't know the difference between Fascism, Communism, Marxism and Socialism are clueless when it comes to "satire". Right now, Frank is laughing hilariously, thinking out loud, "What an idiot, there is NO difference".

And when Frank is shown the truth, he doesn't believe it. He can't. The indoctrination is simply too embedded. Too deep. A person without humor or imagination always brings a tear to my eye. It's a sad state of being. And they will never know why. There simply isn't any capacity to know otherwise.

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