Aaron Alexis , Affirmatve Action monster


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
the real people to blame for this incident are in the government.
he was so crazy he probably couldn't talk.
arrested for shooting out someone's tires...
look how much opportunity was falling into this guy's lap.

a psychopath with gifts from society and the government.

the real people to blame for this incident are in the government.
he was so crazy he probably couldn't talk.
arrested for shooting out someone's tires...
look how much opportunity was falling into this guy's lap.

a psychopath with gifts from society and the government.


Or maybe he was very talented with computers.

Frankly, I met a lot of guys of all races when I was in the army that probably ranked somewhere on the table of mental disorders.

The bigger problem is that since "The War on an Emotional State" began, is that the military doesn't let people out the door they would have washed out.

Bradley Manning, Major Hasan, Aaron Alexis, these are all guys who had a screw loose, but the military held on to them as long as possible anyway.
Affirmative action is destroying america. No matter how crazy or violent or unqualified you are for a govt job, if you're black you get it.
the real people to blame for this incident are in the government.
he was so crazy he probably couldn't talk.
arrested for shooting out someone's tires...
look how much opportunity was falling into this guy's lap.

a psychopath with gifts from society and the government.


Or maybe he was very talented with computers.

Frankly, I met a lot of guys of all races when I was in the army that probably ranked somewhere on the table of mental disorders.

The bigger problem is that since "The War on an Emotional State" began, is that the military doesn't let people out the door they would have washed out.

Bradley Manning, Major Hasan, Aaron Alexis, these are all guys who had a screw loose, but the military held on to them as long as possible anyway.

I won't think we could agree on anything :)
AA here might have been the beginning of the problem. The one with mental inadequacy and relative indifference of everybody who should do something about worrisome behavior of the individual not only in the army, but in the whole society - that is the problem.
Basically ALL recent mass shootings are because the perpetrator was not isolated upon displaying a LOT of warning signals.

This attitude is the result of the battle for the patient's privacy ( and it is a right battle), the possibility of infringing on the rights of the innocent person and the most prevalent reason - the scare to be sued.

TORT REFORM is long overdue.

But this is a very difficult subject and I, personally, do not want to rush to harsh panels deciding on locking people up upon an anonymous letter from a disgruntled neighbor.
Remember - psychiatry has been used as a method of the totalitarian control and is still used in socialist regimes.
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Navy Yard Building 197 re-opened to workers after gunman attack...

Navy workers to move back into building where gunman killed 12
September 13, 2014: WASHINGTON — When 2,800 workers return to Building 197 at the Washington Navy Yard in February, the move will mark a new chapter of healing for those scarred by the shooting rampage that killed 12 people and injured five a year ago. But it will also be a moment of trepidation, Navy officials acknowledge.
There are still people at Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) suffering from post-traumatic stress from the events of Sept. 16, 2013, the day they fled gunshots and hid behind desks as gunman Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old government contractor, stalked hallways, stairwells and cubicles with a Remington 870 shotgun. He was killed by police that morning inside the Navy Yard, one of the country's oldest military installations. Since then, dozens of workers have retired early and others have told supervisors emphatically that they can never return to Building 197, Navy officials say. Some too traumatized to return may be allowed to work in other NAVSEA offices or with other groups that belong to NAVSEA in other buildings.

Over the past year, Building 197 has undergone a $6.4 million renovation while NAVSEA employees and contractors worked at a former Coast Guard facility in Southwest Washington. On Feb. 2, Navy Vice Adm. William Hilarides, who leads NAVSEA, is scheduled to be the first person to officially return to work at the redesigned Building 197, said Rory O'Connor, director of the office of corporate communication at the organization. Jennifer Bennett will be close behind. Bennett, 57, whose recovery from a shotgun blast has been a source of inspiration to her co-workers, has been asked by Navy leaders to play a key role in the move, she said. "They are having me work with people still struggling to go back into the building — to see whether I can help them get through what they are going through and get back into the building," said Bennett, 57, an operations manager for a NAVSEA cost analysis group.


Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus speaks to Washington Navy Yard personnel on Sept. 19, 2013 during their first day back to work, after a Sept. 16, 2013, shooting rampage that left 12 dead at the site.

Bennett, who has worked for the Navy since 2001, was seriously wounded Sept. 16 when she encountered Alexis in a stairwell, where he shot her in the shoulder and arm. The blast tore a five-inch hole in her chest and arm, and it shredded her thumb. She has spent much of the past year healing from three surgeries. But her scars are physical and not emotional, she said. "There are those who still hold on to that day and won't let go," Bennett said. "There are people who have made it clear they will never go back. . . . You see some survivors in NAVSEA family who did not stop working. They did go through a terrible event, but the command never stopped functioning." Bennett said she felt no fear and no anxiety when she has entered Building 197. "It is a building," she said. "Alexis is gone."

The return to Building 197 will begin over the Jan. 31-Feb. 1 weekend, when movers will carry in files and install computers, O'Connor said. Teams of NAVSEA workers will follow on a staggered weekly move-in schedule. A big part of the move will focus on making sure workers feel emotionally and psychologically comfortable in the redesigned space. The Navy plans to have teams of counselors in place to ease the transition. "They are doing things to make it an easier place to be," Bennett said.

Affirmative action is destroying america. No matter how crazy or violent or unqualified you are for a govt job, if you're black you get it.

And what makes it even more sad and tragic that some far more qualified people were tossed aside in the name of so-called equal opportunity.

Most people like you THINK you are MORE qualified but usually you are not.

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