A White House in crisis, and dancing on graves


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
The sooner the incompetent fools are removed from our white house, the sooner we can get back to a sanely run country. Do you see that as a bad thing?
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

Uh ... Welcome aboard the loser wagon ... :dunno:

The only difference in the ideology you express and the ideology many of us have always had ...
Is the simple fact you are still foolish enough to believe the federal government is better equipped to handle aspects of our lives.

If you want accountability and more responsive government ...
You would do better looking closer to your house than Washington DC ... :thup:

There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

Uh ... Welcome aboard the loser wagon ... :dunno:

The only difference in the ideology you express and the ideology many of us have always had ...
Is the simple fact you are still foolish enough to believe the federal government is better equipped to handle aspects of our lives.

If you want accountability and more responsive government ...
You would do better looking closer to your house than Washington DC ... :thup:

So you think these behaviors are constructive?
The sooner the incompetent fools are removed from our white house, the sooner we can get back to a sanely run country. Do you see that as a bad thing?
Are you kidding me right now?

You think there is sanity in the oval office right now?
You said "get back to" which implies it was sane before trump

There has always been some insanity. Louie Gohmert has been a member of the house for quite a while, after all, but fringe crazy isn't nearly as bad as what we have now.
The sooner the incompetent fools are removed from our white house, the sooner we can get back to a sanely run country. Do you see that as a bad thing?
Are you kidding me right now?

You think there is sanity in the oval office right now?
You said "get back to" which implies it was sane before trump

There has always been some insanity. Louie Gohmert has been a member of the house for quite a while, after all, but fringe crazy isn't nearly as bad as what we have now.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
If these behaviors were relegated to internet message boards, they would be delightfully irrelevant. Amusing.

But they're not. They now permeate our culture, from top to bottom, from Left to Right.

That's what concerns me.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
If these behaviors were relegated to internet message boards, they would be delightfully irrelevant. Amusing.

But they're not. They now permeate our culture, from top to bottom, from Left to Right.

That's what concerns me.
When do you think this problem began?
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
Lol, you people constantly complained about Bush. Then you got what you wanted, by electing a black president. After that you attacked anyone that disagreed with him by calling them a racist. Also Obama set race relations back 50 years. Liberalism has divided us, because liberals are never satisfied.
So you think these behaviors are constructive?

How did you ever come to that conclusion ... :dunno:

I was fairly clear in indicating you have been, and still are, stupid to think they could/can be constructive.
If you want constructive, accountable and responsive government ... Don't look for it in the nit-wits in Washington DC.

I am still assuming it is going to take you a little while to figure that out.

If you want a government official to do what you think is best ...
Represent the actual desires of you and your neighbors ...
Instead of playing partisan politics ...

Look at him/her across the table at the diner, in the bank, or the local fishing hole ...
And tell him/her they better straighten their ass out before he/she ends up selling used cars at the local dealership ... :thup:

So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
Lol, you people constantly complained about Bush. Then you got what you wanted, by electing a black president. After that you attacked anyone that disagreed with him by calling them a racist. Also Obama set race relations back 50 years. Liberalism has divided us, because liberals are never satisfied.

And then there are crazy people ^^^
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
Lol, you people constantly complained about Bush. Then you got what you wanted, by electing a black president. After that you attacked anyone that disagreed with him by calling them a racist. Also Obama set race relations back 50 years. Liberalism has divided us, because liberals are never satisfied.

And then there are crazy people ^^^
Tell me one time when a liberal was satisfied. You got gay marriage, satisfied? No, went after a baker, satisfied? No, had to normalize transgendered, satisfied? No, had to have men in girls locker rooms, well luckily we stopped that.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
We should ignore the fact that so many shady characters without proper clearance have been roaming freely in the Whitehouse with access to our top secrets? Do as you please but I`m not about to roll over for these goons. Lock them up? Hell yes.
So what resolution to this do you think should happen?
This isn't a matter of politics or opinions or policy, it's a matter of behaviors. So fixing the problem would be incredibly easy: Just stop behaving like this. Stop putting party over country,

All of this could literally be switched off overnight if we wanted to.
How about putting the blame for a White House in crisis where that blame belongs? On the right for electing a corrupt pathological liar who knows nothing about politics other than his misguided opinions; who lost control of the White House the day he moved in? There’s a reason we elect politicians to be president while businessmen are best suited to run companies.

Then deal with the reality that the country has not been this divided and polarized since the Civil war and Trump is doing nothing but fomenting that gap.

Then recall you’re posting on a political forum where people come to vent their political bias.

You can’t wish away our differences; so the problem is not going to be rectified easily.
Lol, you people constantly complained about Bush. Then you got what you wanted, by electing a black president. After that you attacked anyone that disagreed with him by calling them a racist. Also Obama set race relations back 50 years. Liberalism has divided us, because liberals are never satisfied.

And then there are crazy people ^^^
Tell me one time when a liberal was satisfied. You got gay marriage, satisfied? No, went after a baker, satisfied? No, had to normalize transgendered, satisfied? No, had to have men in girls locker rooms, well luckily we stopped that.
There really was no need to reaffirm my last post.

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