A vicious, hateful Liberal~Georgetown Prof. Says White Republicans Should Be Castrated, Fed To Swine

This woman isn't 'leftists'. She's just one person.

You guys get the concept of 'plural', right? Because its impossible for one person to be a plural of anything.
stfu liar..

Laughing.....the grammatic concept of 'plural' is a lie, huh?

Oh, you poor little snowflakes.
Keep spinning skank everyone can see right through your lying ass.

Laughing....oh, bless your heart, snowflake. I know this ONE mean lady has triggered you. But its gonna be okay.

We're gonna make sure she doesn't get you.
Buttstains like you do nothing but troll and lie. You need to be locked away.

Says the poor soul that is freaking the fuck out over *one* lady with *one* mean tweet.

Find your safespace, snowflake. We won't let the mean lady hurt you.
Another perfect example of the unhinged Loony Left. :04:
Do you suppose Jack will have her Twitter account deleted for hate speech? Has anybody reported her to him?

Nope. (you talking about that Jack? right?)

Jack The Ripper sold his soul to the Demon....the DemonRats that is.

But internet and social media will be free for all voices, conservatives voices included of course!

You just wait and see.:thup:

all a matter of time.
GAB is the alternative, right? Tired to use an alternate to YouTube but nothing plays. I just get the little clock spinning. If we're ever going to have alternate sites to Facebook, etc. they need to work.
Another perfect example of the unhinged Loony Left. :04:
Do you suppose Jack will have her Twitter account deleted for hate speech? Has anybody reported her to him?

Nope. (you talking about that Jack? right?)

Jack The Ripper sold his soul to the Demon....the DemonRats that is.

But internet and social media will be free for all voices, conservatives voices included of course!

You just wait and see.:thup:

all a matter of time.
GAB is the alternative, right? Tired to use an alternate to YouTube but nothing plays. I just get the little clock spinning. If we're ever going to have alternate sites to Facebook, etc. they need to work.

Gab does work, many of us are at Gab:

Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Read her Twitter she's TOTALLY losing it, she's Tweeting every few minutes sometimes every twenty SECONDS, it's VERY entertaining hopefully she'll have a Grand Mal Seizure:

(((Christine Fair))) (@CChristineFair) | Twitter
Bitch sounds just like Skylar in her tweets. A hateful liberal puke.

Senator Lindsey Graham on the Attack AGAIN, it's obvious that Psycho John McInsane had some evil hold on Lindsey and/or was Blackmailing him with something because since Psycho John McInsane was called home to Hell Lindsey has become Woke and Red Pilled:

Graham attacks NBC as ‘co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh’
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Read her Twitter she's TOTALLY losing it, she's Tweeting every few minutes sometimes every twenty SECONDS, it's VERY entertaining hopefully she'll have a Grand Mal Seizure:

(((Christine Fair))) (@CChristineFair) | Twitter
Bitch sounds just like Skylar in her tweets. A hateful liberal puke.

Senator Lindsey Graham on the Attack AGAIN, it's obvious that Psycho John McInsane had some evil hold on Lindsey and/or was Blackmailing him with something because since Psycho John McInsane was called home to Hell Lindsey has become Woke and Red Pilled:

Graham attacks NBC as ‘co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh’

What does your latest batshit conspiracy, this time about Lindsey Graham have to do with this one lady who tweeted some shit?
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!
C. Christine Fair
How nice, another fine professor like Chrissy Blasey Ford.
I have something to solve both their problems for all of them, AFAIC, Ms. Fair can jump foot first into this:
If I was paying to send my kid to Georgetown and found out that Fair was teaching them this, my first thought would be to take a bat to her smug mouth, then get a full refund. Tell me, has Professor Fair been removed from the faculty yet? And why not?

Oh, too bad. Can we change that to choking?


How about the sexless panda choking on a big dick? As usual, only showing your own ignorance as you are obviously totally ignorant of some of Chrissy Ford's alliances and Soros-infused political activities before she made herself famous. I hope the FBI takes a real hard look at her subversive background.
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!
C. Christine Fair
How nice, another fine professor like Chrissy Blasey Ford.
I have something to solve both their problems for all of them, AFAIC, Ms. Fair can jump foot first into this:
If I was paying to send my kid to Georgetown and found out that Fair was teaching them this, my first thought would be to take a bat to her smug mouth, then get a full refund. Tell me, has Professor Fair been removed from the faculty yet? And why not?

Oh, too bad.

What's too bad?
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

They say that from the safety of their liberal fortress. Not one of them would actually try it. Especially an idiot like her.

You may want to read the article again.

Yes “they” dumbass, because this isn’t the first time or the first person.
We did this already in this thread, the Unhinged Bitch is NOT an Isolated Incident, the majority of Leftists are exactly like her.

Then show me the majority of 'leftists' calling for Republican men to be castrated.

Because so far you have this woman. And.....this woman. Your polling sample is one.
Now your spinning like a top. Leftist skanks all over call for all kinds of bad things to happen, that's the point. Now blow some more smoke troll.

If the majority of 'leftists' want republican men to be castrated, then it will be remarkably easy for you to cite them.

I don't even need a 'majority'. Give me 10. 10 leftists calling for all men to be castrated.

So far you have this lady. And....this lady. The rest is your imagination.
As stated liar, that wasn't what was said, but go ahead and ignore that fact and keep lying. Everybody can what trash you are.

Then by your own admission.....you have this one lady, Snowflake.

Sorry, sweetie.....but this one person isn't 'leftists'. No matter how you're triggered.
Keep repeating the same lie, we all know what you are. It's been explained to you but like the kind of pure scum you are, you choose to continue that charade in hopes that somehow you come out on top and your fantasy is somehow made real.
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Did you expect anything less from a lefty loon college professor??

I sure didn't. They are all liberal idiots.
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

That's the problem with extremists in this country. These people talk way too much shit. There's not enough smacks in the mouth going on.

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