A Tale of 'Environmentalism' Folly


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

While some of the darker elements of the belief have been ...modified...., the elements of stupidity and misunderstand, alas....remain as a hallmark of what is know as 'environmentalism.'

2. The most direct result of the Enlightenment was the ritual slaughter that we call 'the French Revolution.' J.J.Rousseau, the intellectual godfather of the movement, blamed society for man's degradation, specifically the aristocracy and organized religion.

Ironically, Rousseau plus the Enlightenment produced a new religion, some bizarre iteration of 'science.'

a." April 13, 1798, was a Friday. But it was springtime in revolutionary Paris, meaning that under the Directory’s new calendar it was the twenty-forth day of the month of Germinal in the Year Six, and the next day of rest was still six days distant, not two.

Has any reform been more futile? The Government’s arrogant discard of Christianity means that weeks have been extended to ten days instead of seven. The revision’s intent is to supplant the papal calendar with a uniform alternative of twelve months of thirty days each, based on the system of ancient Egypt.

Bibles themselves were torn up to make paper gun cartridges in the grim days of 1793, and now the biblical week has been guillotined, each month instead divided into three decades of ten days, with the year, with the year beginning at the autumn equinox and five to six holidays added to balance idealism with our solar orbit. Not content with regimenting the calendar, the government has introduced a new metric system for weight and measure.

There are even proposals for a new clock of precisely 100,000 seconds each day. Reason, reason!...The new calendar is the kind of logical idea imposed by clever people that completely ignores habit, emotion, and human nature and thus forecasts the Revolution’s doom." From the novel “Napoleon’ Pyramids,” by William Dietrich

3. Perhaps the most wrong-headed myth that sprang from Rousseau's over-taxed imagination was that of 'the Noble Savage,' an apocraphal pre-civilization human being living in harmony with nature, not wanting for anything more than his daily bread......that provided by Gaia, the Earth....the personification of environmentalism.

Today, the 'Nobel Savage' nonsense remains a central theme of environmentalism.
A Nobel Savage, like St. Francis of Assisi was?

St. Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church and live in poverty. He is the patron saint for ecologists.


That was an.....interesting.....attempt.

Seems you need a more 'picturesque' description.

4. It is hard to imagine how attached some can be consumed by absurdity...although there is so very much of same all around us today...but this example, quoted in "The Invented Indian: Cultural Fictions and Government Politics," by J. A. Clifton, p. 319, must give one an idea:
When a polynesian islander was brought before the KIng of France in the 18th century...
"...not only did he butcher and cook the meat, but....he also ate it, and then defecated in front of the noble audience, therewith completing the nutritional cycle and registering his disgust about having been made a mere object of curiosity."

5. I bring that example up because it continues to this very day.

In 1989, Sting, 'the English musician,singer-songwriter,multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist,' escorted Chief Raoni around to various nations of the Western world...

"an important chief of the Kayapo people, a Brazilian Indigenous group from the plain lands of the Mato Grosso and Pará in Brazil, south of the Amazon Basin and along Rio Xingu and its tributaries. He is a famous international character, a living symbol of the fight for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and of the indigenous culture.


Raoni Metuktire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The plan was to draw attention to a project to build a hydo-electric dam in the Amazon which would have flooded areas of the rain forest and displaced some 'Nobel Savages.'

Lots of Hollywood stars, church leaders, and talk show host got behind the 'Save The Rainforest' project.

Now.....the resemblance....more like St. Francis or more like you?
So it's wrong to be a conservative conservationist, yet the Bible clearly states that man has to be a good steward for his creation..I do not think you should be calling God a fanatical ecologist, but you can..people that profit at the hands of God's creation are not willing to save anything but the profit left from such en-devours..Fortunately there are laws now that help protect God's creation in the USA, and play the part of the good steward..
If I remember correctly, Rousseau forced his mistress to give up every one of their babies to an orphanage and death, rather than look after them. I don't think he was even married at the time. An intellectual, doncha know.
So it's wrong to be a conservative conservationist, yet the Bible clearly states that man has to be a good steward for his creation..I do not think you should be calling God a fanatical ecologist, but you can..people that profit at the hands of God's creation are not willing to save anything but the profit left from such en-devours..Fortunately there are laws now that help protect God's creation in the USA, and play the part of the good steward..

So very good to see you've discovered religion....there is hope for your eternal soul!

In other threads I've shown that environmentalism is simple Marxism dressed as fake science. Of course there are dolts who actually believe that big government bureaucrats are better stewards of the land than the owners of the property themselves.

But, try to focus like a laser: the lesson in this thread is to show what fools 'environmentalists' are.
Actually....a good thing that you dropped by for the lesson!

6. " Like almost all western environmentalists, Sting saw the conservationist lifestyles of the rainforest Indians as the key to preserving the forests. He petitioned the President of Brazil to establish an Indian reserve and in this, too, he was successful. In 1991 the Kayapo Indians were granted rights to a protected area of about 25,000 square miles, and Sting announced that this would end rampant logging and mining in the area. ‘Brazil is setting an example for the world’, he announced. ‘Now we have to do all we can to help ensure the decisions become reality’
Whelan," "Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage."

Now....remember the title of the thread?
Sting's great awakening: his 'Nobel Savages' are no different from anyone else....they turned out to be....


7. " The Kayapo Indians of the Amazon are an example of a people who have been empowered economically and who have used their empowerment in ways that have brought consternation to those who once romanticized them.

It may spoil our image of the Kayapo to learn that they own an airplane and have a variety of modern technologies such as video cameras, which have become an integral part of defending their heritage as they understand it. These technologies are instruments of empowerment. The Kayapo are no longer “dependent on the outside world for control over representations of themselves and their actions but possess to a full and equal extent the means of control over their image...

. ...the idea of the noble savage has really confused the issue .... (Brazilian) Indians, like everyone else, are opportunistic." http://s1.downloadmienphi.net/file/downloadfile8/200/1375234.pdf

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeee???
So it's wrong to be a conservative conservationist, yet the Bible clearly states that man has to be a good steward for his creation..I do not think you should be calling God a fanatical ecologist, but you can..people that profit at the hands of God's creation are not willing to save anything but the profit left from such en-devours..Fortunately there are laws now that help protect God's creation in the USA, and play the part of the good steward..

So very good to see you've discovered religion....there is hope for your eternal soul!

In other threads I've shown that environmentalism is simple Marxism dressed as fake science. Of course there are dolts who actually believe that big government bureaucrats are better stewards of the land than the owners of the property themselves.

But, try to focus like a laser: the lesson in this thread is to show what fools 'environmentalists' are.
Actually....a good thing that you dropped by for the lesson!

6. " Like almost all western environmentalists, Sting saw the conservationist lifestyles of the rainforest Indians as the key to preserving the forests. He petitioned the President of Brazil to establish an Indian reserve and in this, too, he was successful. In 1991 the Kayapo Indians were granted rights to a protected area of about 25,000 square miles, and Sting announced that this would end rampant logging and mining in the area. ‘Brazil is setting an example for the world’, he announced. ‘Now we have to do all we can to help ensure the decisions become reality’
Whelan," "Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage."

Now....remember the title of the thread?
Sting's great awakening: his 'Nobel Savages' are no different from anyone else....they turned out to be....


7. " The Kayapo Indians of the Amazon are an example of a people who have been empowered economically and who have used their empowerment in ways that have brought consternation to those who once romanticized them.

It may spoil our image of the Kayapo to learn that they own an airplane and have a variety of modern technologies such as video cameras, which have become an integral part of defending their heritage as they understand it. These technologies are instruments of empowerment. The Kayapo are no longer “dependent on the outside world for control over representations of themselves and their actions but possess to a full and equal extent the means of control over their image...

. ...the idea of the noble savage has really confused the issue .... (Brazilian) Indians, like everyone else, are opportunistic." http://s1.downloadmienphi.net/file/downloadfile8/200/1375234.pdf

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeee???
I discovered religion over 50 years ago, I just have no use for it...
So it's wrong to be a conservative conservationist, yet the Bible clearly states that man has to be a good steward for his creation..I do not think you should be calling God a fanatical ecologist, but you can..people that profit at the hands of God's creation are not willing to save anything but the profit left from such en-devours..Fortunately there are laws now that help protect God's creation in the USA, and play the part of the good steward..

So very good to see you've discovered religion....there is hope for your eternal soul!

In other threads I've shown that environmentalism is simple Marxism dressed as fake science. Of course there are dolts who actually believe that big government bureaucrats are better stewards of the land than the owners of the property themselves.

But, try to focus like a laser: the lesson in this thread is to show what fools 'environmentalists' are.
Actually....a good thing that you dropped by for the lesson!

6. " Like almost all western environmentalists, Sting saw the conservationist lifestyles of the rainforest Indians as the key to preserving the forests. He petitioned the President of Brazil to establish an Indian reserve and in this, too, he was successful. In 1991 the Kayapo Indians were granted rights to a protected area of about 25,000 square miles, and Sting announced that this would end rampant logging and mining in the area. ‘Brazil is setting an example for the world’, he announced. ‘Now we have to do all we can to help ensure the decisions become reality’
Whelan," "Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage."

Now....remember the title of the thread?
Sting's great awakening: his 'Nobel Savages' are no different from anyone else....they turned out to be....


7. " The Kayapo Indians of the Amazon are an example of a people who have been empowered economically and who have used their empowerment in ways that have brought consternation to those who once romanticized them.

It may spoil our image of the Kayapo to learn that they own an airplane and have a variety of modern technologies such as video cameras, which have become an integral part of defending their heritage as they understand it. These technologies are instruments of empowerment. The Kayapo are no longer “dependent on the outside world for control over representations of themselves and their actions but possess to a full and equal extent the means of control over their image...

. ...the idea of the noble savage has really confused the issue .... (Brazilian) Indians, like everyone else, are opportunistic." http://s1.downloadmienphi.net/file/downloadfile8/200/1375234.pdf

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeee???
I prefer it over exploitation of resources that will negatively affect people to benefit the few...
So it's wrong to be a conservative conservationist, yet the Bible clearly states that man has to be a good steward for his creation..I do not think you should be calling God a fanatical ecologist, but you can..people that profit at the hands of God's creation are not willing to save anything but the profit left from such en-devours..Fortunately there are laws now that help protect God's creation in the USA, and play the part of the good steward..

So very good to see you've discovered religion....there is hope for your eternal soul!

In other threads I've shown that environmentalism is simple Marxism dressed as fake science. Of course there are dolts who actually believe that big government bureaucrats are better stewards of the land than the owners of the property themselves.

But, try to focus like a laser: the lesson in this thread is to show what fools 'environmentalists' are.
Actually....a good thing that you dropped by for the lesson!

6. " Like almost all western environmentalists, Sting saw the conservationist lifestyles of the rainforest Indians as the key to preserving the forests. He petitioned the President of Brazil to establish an Indian reserve and in this, too, he was successful. In 1991 the Kayapo Indians were granted rights to a protected area of about 25,000 square miles, and Sting announced that this would end rampant logging and mining in the area. ‘Brazil is setting an example for the world’, he announced. ‘Now we have to do all we can to help ensure the decisions become reality’
Whelan," "Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage."

Now....remember the title of the thread?
Sting's great awakening: his 'Nobel Savages' are no different from anyone else....they turned out to be....


7. " The Kayapo Indians of the Amazon are an example of a people who have been empowered economically and who have used their empowerment in ways that have brought consternation to those who once romanticized them.

It may spoil our image of the Kayapo to learn that they own an airplane and have a variety of modern technologies such as video cameras, which have become an integral part of defending their heritage as they understand it. These technologies are instruments of empowerment. The Kayapo are no longer “dependent on the outside world for control over representations of themselves and their actions but possess to a full and equal extent the means of control over their image...

. ...the idea of the noble savage has really confused the issue .... (Brazilian) Indians, like everyone else, are opportunistic." http://s1.downloadmienphi.net/file/downloadfile8/200/1375234.pdf

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeee???
I prefer it over exploitation of resources that will negatively affect people to benefit the few...

Spoken like a true Leftist.
Americans favor private property.

Now let's broaden the aim of this lesson.

Not only is this an indication of how bogus the 'Nobel Savage' myth is....but it also proves that environmentalism is simply Liberalism dressed in green.

As usual, Liberals know best what is good for everyone else....

8. " If the Kayapo Indians of Brazil wish to sell logging (mahogany) and mining rights to their land, then their former “defenders” (in this case Greenpeace) attempt to prevent them from doing so (Holloway 1993,93).

... the Kayapo fought back using their newly acquired revenue and have been able to continue logging (Moffett 1994). For the Kayapo Indians who had “been trading in mahogany for more than a decade,” the timber sales “allowed them to join the consumer society.”

.... Interestingly, organizations such as Greenpeace are often less successful in protecting forests in the developed countries or regions where they were founded, so there is a serious ethical question about their right to impose their policies on others who must bear the cost (Economist 1997a).

Outsiders fail to understand that trying to earn a living from sustainably harvesting a rainforest is “very hard work” and that as “soon as people can, they get out of these activities.” Knowledge of consumer products available in the “outside world” has spread even to seemingly remote areas of Borneo (which are really not as remote as outsiders wish to believe) where the people want “televisions, engines for their boats and manufactured products” (Pye-Smith 2001)."

The Nobel Savages stopped being same and, instead, became rich!

I love how the totalitarians like environmentalists, want nothing more than to control everyone else's lives.

Liberal devotees would do well to take a lesson from this and recognize that their 'welfare industry' merely serves to keep the poor ....poor.

Feminism, the same as environmentalism.....Liberals telling others what's good for 'em:
Simone de Beauvoir: “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”

Umbrella Underworld

The street-walking police of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) carry neon-lit specially designed umbrellas that withstand the corrosiveness of acid rain.

Manmade pollution creates acid rain, which makes these Malaysian umbrellas quite the trophies.

Time and again, we find that for Liberalism, feeling passes for knowing.
Liberal environmental policies
, based on imaginary factors, often decimate what they claim they will protect.....

9. "Sting’s disillusion with the rainforest Indians was the result of unrealistic expectations that they would behave like the noble savages of legend, living in harmony with nature.

Such legends have acquired a life of their own, often with unfortunate results. Measures designed to conserve populations of fish and animals are often suspended with regard to American Indians, on the assumption that they are unnecessary. For example, Indians can use gillnets which are banned for other fishers in the Great Lakes, and the ‘closed-season’ on walruses and polar bears in Alaska does not apply to them. Terry Anderson has written of the perverse outcomes of such measures:

• Major runs of salmon on the American West Coast have been wiped out by Indian gillnetting

• On most western reservations big game populations have been brought to the verge of local extinction

• Shoshones and Araphos have almost wiped out elk, deer, moose and bighorns on the 2.2 million-acre Win River Reservations in Wyoming.

Despite these failures, which have been well documented, the image of native peoples as natural conservationists is pervasive amongst policy makers."
Whelan," "Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage," p. 50.

What a shock! Liberals are incapable of shaking off their ideology, and actually learning from experience, and from actual data.

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