A Stolen Presidency – America’s Shame


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This article shows how evil and corrupt our congressmen and judges and esp media are to let this obvious fraud into our WH.

A Stolen Presidency - America's Shame | Obama

Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:59

Recap 1:Former Army Lt.Col.Terrence Lakin, a Bronze Star recipient and leading flight surgeon charged with caring for the Chief-of-Staff’s pilots and air crews, after going through channels to no avail, twice wrote to Obama, asking for confirmation of his eligibility status since the Colonel had taken an officer’s oath to uphold The Constitution and Obama’s legitimacy was now being challenged by millions. Obama’s response was silence, a silence which hastened the Colonel’s court-martial and dishonorable discharge for refusing to accept a second mid-east assignment until Obama responded to his requests.As I mentioned above, Obama wanted the Presidency at any cost….to others.

Shameless, also,was the conduct of the presiding Army trial judge, Major General Carla Hawley-Bowland, who would not allow Colonel Lakin to introduce any Obama records in his defense “lest they embarrass the president (her words.)- years of faithful military service ended by her disgraceful deference to Obama. Vigilante justice prevailed at that trial. A special reflection: two men had taken an oath to defend The Constitution. One did, and, for so doing,lost his career. The other upended The Constitution and stole a Presidency. Obama’s title should be Commander-in-Thief for he is the only person in our history to use fraudulent documents to secure our Nation’s highest Office!

Recap 2:In previous letters(freely available via e-mail), I had written of how Obama tried to induceKapIolani Medical Center to confirm his birth there, to no avail. Not one hospital in Hawaii will admit to having been Obama’s birth hospital….not one! I hope Bill O’Reilly, karl Rove and Chris Matthews read this for they certainly don’t mention it through their own organizations.

Recap 3:Globe Magazine offered Obama $100,000 to help minority students who desperately(and deservedly) sought aid for higher education and a better life. Also, Donald Trump recently offered $5,000,000 (that’s 5 million) dollars to help others in need but Obama did not have the “guts” to respond to either offer. Why….because each asked for proof of his eligibility. Remember, during the recent election Obama kept “pushing” Mitt Romney to produce his previous tax returns for public viewing. Too bad Mr.Romney didn’t challenge Mr.Obama to produce a valid Birth Certificate. The result could have saved me writing this letter.
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Recap 4:Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie stated he personally knew the Obama family and would prove Obama’s eligibility with a copy of the Health Dept.birth certificate. A few days later he said nothing was found to confirm Obama’s birth in Hawaii; no “Certificate of Live Birth” and no “Certification of Live Birth(COLB), the document which Obama said matched his Daily Kos posting.How does one photocopy a non-existant document? The Governor’s fruitless search contradicted Obama’s claim of having provided proof of his status. I must congratulate the Governor for his candid admission that no actual birth certificate of any kind was found.

Recap 5:In May, 2011, when Obama claimed the Hawaiian Health Dept. had “located” his long-form “Certificate of Live Birth”, General Colin Powell (ret.) then told South Carolina University graduates that “he particularly enjoyed when President Obama took out his birth certificate copy and blew away Donald Trump and all the birthers. What an uninformed and irresponsible remark for what Obama “took out” was the fraudulent “Certificate of Live Birth” which was previously unmentioned, unseen and never before offered as proof of his eligibility. Remember, in 2008, he said his COLB matched the Health Dept.copy, which would have made both COLB’s ineligibile. Now, in 2011, he claims his newly found long form certificate also matches the Health Dept copy, a clear contradiction. Two fraudulent certificates do not add up to a legitimate one. Since his 2011 copy was also “branded” a fraud by experts, he no longer allows anyone to examine the Health Dept files, including General Powell, whose blind acceptance of Obama’s copy was followed by ignoring an offer of the “Birthers Summit” organization of $15,000 for allowing them three hours to challenge Obama’s 2011 claim and hear the General’s response.
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Recap 6:John Jay convinced George Washington to include in The Constitution (art.II) a provision limiting the Presidency and Vice-Presidency to natural-born American citizens, so no on with a dual-nationality or other foreign allegiance could adversely influence the Office of President. Obama, by withholding access to virtually every document bearing his name plus criminally offering a false COLB and a more recent false “Certificate of Live Birth” has cloaked his eligibility in secrecy and lies. What Jay feared has become reality! Recently, on National TV, America accidentally overheard Obama telling his subordinates to “find a way around The Constitution,”this from a man who, when inaugurated, swore under oath to defend it. Well, what’s one more act of deception?

Recap 7:Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona sent a special task force to Hawaii, on their own time and expenses, to verify Obama’s status and concluded that his birth documents were fraudulent, yet, Media representatives attending the presentations of their findings were only interested in questioning his team’s motives for pursuing this isue, not the issue itself.

Recap 8:Barack Obama,a man whose national allegiance is unknown to the American people, is governing us and controlling our military, thereby determining our future survival yet his hidden identity is never challenged by the Major Media. Lawsuits and subpoenas ordering him to appear in Courts with a valid birth certificate were ignored,yet were not reported by them.

One instance, in particular, took place in Georgia where Obama’s attorney actually wrote to the Judge, saying that neither Obama nor their firm would appear in Court, as ordered by the subpoena. Obama had spoken….and the cowering Court wilted. I wonder why the name CZAR came to mind.O’reilly’, whose “unfair and unbalanced” reporting on the Obama “eligibility” issue consisted of sarcasm or suppression, only succeeded in high-lighting his ignorance (feigned or otherwise) of this issue. He adds insult to injury each evening when ending his program with “we’re looking out for you”, for, if he is, he’s “looking out” in the wrong direction. None of the above recaps were reported by the Major Media, but at least they kept us up to date on Romney’s previous years tax returns.
Aw, crap. The birther's are back.


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No. He has every right to be angry that Obama got reelected.

I'm still withholding judgement. Time will tell people if they did the right thing and voted for him, or if it was the wrong thing.

That said, I'm still not confident that Mittens would have been any better.
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Aw, crap. The birther's are back.

Of course. Since obozo stole the election, we now have to force him out of office and the birther issue is the best way. All we need is one judge to try the case on it's merits.
Aw, crap. The birther's are back.

Of course. Since obozo stole the election, we now have to force him out of office and the birther issue is the best way. All we need is one judge to try the case on it's merits.

Too bad a judge would never try the case since there is no merit to it. Obama is an American and legitimately won the presidency twice. For better or worse he is our President for the next four years. Cut down on the crazy or watch another Democrat win the White House in 2016.
None of that was evidence, just a litany of falsehoods and already debunked allegations. Every time it's been brought to court, the suits have been dismissed. Bring us something new.

No evidence??? HAHAHA So how do you explain that obama's own literary agent claiimed O was born in kenya?
why do you ignore the decades of court records that show the republicans have cheated to win for decades?
None of that was evidence, just a litany of falsehoods and already debunked allegations. Every time it's been brought to court, the suits have been dismissed. Bring us something new.

No evidence??? HAHAHA So how do you explain that obama's own literary agent claiimed O was born in kenya?

Why does that need to be explained? It's been done over and over again. I said, do you have anything NEW? I'm not going to rehash your old, tired stories. It's up to you to make the case.
There's an ill wind blowing across America. It first made its presence known when the near collapse of the American banking system and the accompanying national economy enabled the ascent of one Barack Hussein Obama to nearly unimaginable power September and October, 2008.
It reappeared when it blew the timely for Mr Obama but bizaare and very, very late season Hurricane Sandy ashore in New Jersey enabling the same Barack Hussein Obama to maintain his grip on the same nearly unimaginable power.
It blew again on Friday morning last at 9:40 AM Eastern making its reappearance this time to enable Barack Hussein Obama to strip Americans of their Constitutional right and ability to be governed only by a government of their consent.
There's a saying that goes like this "People should choose their parents very, very carefully." There are those among us that pine for a hyper pro active government like the one espoused by Barack Hussein Obama whose EPA is now suing the State Of Virginia for the ability to evict Virginia homeowners, Hugo Chavez style, in order to bulldoze down their house and plant grass in their former home's locations to ease rain water pollution. Perhaps that will be Mr Obama's next task for government. deciding who will be allowed to reproduce with whom, based on the infinite wisdom of Mr Obama's government. Of course, not until after Mr Obama's government strips the American people of their constitutional right and ability to be governed only by a government of their own consent.
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