A step closer to confirming ET life? Hydrothermal activity on Enceladus!


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Study shows Saturn moon Enceladus ocean may have hydrothermal activity

" A new study by a team of Cassini mission scientists led by the University of Colorado Boulder have found that microscopic grains of rock detected near Saturn imply hydrothermal activity is taking place within the moon Enceladus.

The grains are the first clear indication of an icy moon having hydrothermal activity, in which seawater infiltrates and reacts with a rocky crust, emerging as a heated, mineral-laden solution. The finding adds to the tantalizing possibility that Enceladus, one of at least 60 Saturn moons or moonlets and which displays remarkable geologic activity including geysers, could contain environments suitable for living organisms."

Earth's own hydrothermal vents (aka 'black smokers') are teeming with life in the deepest ocean.

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