A Short History: Israel Vs Islam


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
When the Creator introduced Israel to the world, it was as if a master gardener had planted a beautiful, immaculate lawn of fescue to complement the flora and fauna of nature. All would have gone well, but around the year 610, Satan walked by and in his envy and jealousy, planted a stalk of dock in the yard.
Fast forward to 2012 and we find the dock has almost completely choked off the fescue. But,hark, the Master Gardener has in his catalogue of plans, a recently discovered weed killer: the Zionist!
So there we have it and this is where it stands. And all lived happily everafter.:eusa_whistle:
The real story is that God planted some fine fescue but then it became weedy so God enlisted the Roman lawn service to remove the weedy fescue and God made fancy blue grass his lawn grass of choice.

If you want to be a good servant of God, stomp out weedy fescue wherever you find it. Regardless of what we do, God has created an everlasting furnace to burn up that nasty fescue.

Granted, this doesn't have anything to do with Muslims.
The real story is that God planted some fine fescue but then it became weedy so God enlisted the Roman lawn service to remove the weedy fescue and God made fancy blue grass his lawn grass of choice.

If you want to be a good servant of God, stomp out weedy fescue wherever you find it. Regardless of what we do, God has created an everlasting furnace to burn up that nasty fescue.

Granted, this doesn't have anything to do with Muslims.
Who said anything about Muslimes? Now, maybe if I had said poison ivy instead of dock.........Oh hell, same difference.
The Muslim Occupation of Israel :bow3:

Muslim Commentator Burak Bekdil, Hurriyet [Turkey] :clap2:
Hardly a day passes in the Islamic world (or in the western intellectual world) without people standing up against and decrying the occupation of “al-Quds” (otherwise known as Jerusalem). In this column I have often argued otherwise: A counter-occupation is no occupation.

Now, dear Islamists, I have a “witness” whom I guess you could hardly refute. Forget my words and listen to what Turkey’s top Muslim cleric, Professor Mehmet Görmez, had to say just last week: “After the Prophet Omar conquered al-Quds he was invited to pray at a church (since there were no mosques in Jerusalem). But he politely refused because he was worried that the (conquering) Muslims could turn the church into a mosque after he prayed there.”

Now, read that line once again, or a thousand times if you wish to: “After the Prophet Omar conquered al-Quds…” And think about why there were no mosques in Jerusalem at the time of the conquest. Still no clue? Allow me to explain: Because Jerusalem was not a Muslim city. And now you claim it back because it is under “Jewish occupation!”

The refusal to pray at the church was very noble of the Prophet Omar. I personally do not expect you, dear Islamists, to behave as virtuously and gallantly as the prophet, but at least you can do something easier: Stop fighting for a city that belonged to other faiths before your ancestors conquered it. And please recall my witness when you flood my inbox with more hate-mail tomorrow. Or is Professor Görmez, too, an infidel like me?

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The real story is that God planted some fine fescue but then it became weedy so God enlisted the Roman lawn service to remove the weedy fescue and God made fancy blue grass his lawn grass of choice.

If you want to be a good servant of God, stomp out weedy fescue wherever you find it. Regardless of what we do, God has created an everlasting furnace to burn up that nasty fescue.

Granted, this doesn't have anything to do with Muslims.
Maybe we can enlist someone from the mental asylum that you are locked up in, to help us translate what you just said?

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