A Rebuttal, short and sweet, to that Princeton Economist's claims...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...not to mention, to Romney's fanciful claims...

...by a very conservative guy from the very conservative 'Human Events'.

Let’s be honest: No one is closing tax loopholes

After the lack of journalistic vigor displayed during Barack Obama’s magnificently ambiguous 2008 campaign, it’s comforting to see so many reporters clamoring for details about Mitt Romney’s policy proposals.

Romney, you see, has a tax plan — a vague plan that relies on the sound notion that tax cuts can generate economic growth and even, consequently, raise revenue. Many in the media disagree. But as Harvey S. Rosen, an economist at Princeton University, recently wrote (pdf), “under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on high-income individuals about the same.”

The problem is that keeping the plan revenue-neutral on paper can be achieved only by closing tax loopholes. Which loopholes? We don’t know. Romney, as vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan explained, believes “the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans and then to work with Congress to do this. That’s how you get things done.”

This might be solid political reasoning, but in reality, it’s not going to happen. And the problem isn’t that wealthy oil barons or special interest lobbyists love loopholes (they do); it’s because we do....

Read on here:
Harsanyi: Let's Be Honest: No One Is Closing Tax Loopholes - conservative news

He's telling you what I've been telling you; at least now you can't dismiss it as the rant of some liberal.
It doesnt rebut his claim, it's just saying that it's not feasible to do those. I for one am for vouchers for insurance for example or make it like car insurance, you buy your own.....let companies compete directly without all the you guessed it....regulation....that denies competition.....
I think what we have here is simple. Mitt Romney s point was that when he was Governor of Massachusetts in the State Senate their he had 79% Democrats. Then he went on to say he has to work with people to get things done. He is giving Congress wiggle room to work this out. It is obvious that liberals love the President Obama way my way or the highway. Shockingly nothing has got done in four years

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