A real alarmist viewpoint

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm

Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm


Although the sudden high rate Arctic methane increase at Svalbard in late 2010 data set applies to only a short time interval, similar sudden methane concentration peaks also occur at Barrow point and the effects of a major methane build-up has been observed using all the major scientific observation systems. Giant fountains/torches/plumes of methane entering the atmosphere up to 1 km across have been seen on the East Siberian Shelf. This methane eruption data is so consistent and aerially extensive that when combined with methane gas warming potentials, Permian extinction event temperatures and methane lifetime data it paints a frightening picture of the beginning of the now uncontrollable global warming induced destabilization of the subsea Arctic methane hydrates on the shelf and slope which started in late 2010. This process of methane release will accelerate exponentially, release huge quantities of methane into the atmosphere and lead to the demise of all life on earth before the middle of this century.


The 1990 global atmospheric mean temperature is assumed to be 14.49 oC (Shakil, 2005; NASA, 2002; DATAWeb, 2012) which sets the 2 oC anomaly above which humanity will lose control of her ability to limit the effects of global warming on major climatic and environmental systems at 16.49 oC (IPCC, 2007). The major Permian extinction event temperature is 80 oF (26.66 oC) which is a temperature anomaly of 12.1766 oC above the 1990 global mean temperature of 14.49 oC (Wignall, 2009; Shakil, 2005

Arctic News: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm
I think that the estimate of the effects of the Arctic release are too high, but, given what we have already seen from the clathrates, something to consider.
Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm

Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm


Although the sudden high rate Arctic methane increase at Svalbard in late 2010 data set applies to only a short time interval, similar sudden methane concentration peaks also occur at Barrow point and the effects of a major methane build-up has been observed using all the major scientific observation systems. Giant fountains/torches/plumes of methane entering the atmosphere up to 1 km across have been seen on the East Siberian Shelf. This methane eruption data is so consistent and aerially extensive that when combined with methane gas warming potentials, Permian extinction event temperatures and methane lifetime data it paints a frightening picture of the beginning of the now uncontrollable global warming induced destabilization of the subsea Arctic methane hydrates on the shelf and slope which started in late 2010. This process of methane release will accelerate exponentially, release huge quantities of methane into the atmosphere and lead to the demise of all life on earth before the middle of this century.


The 1990 global atmospheric mean temperature is assumed to be 14.49 oC (Shakil, 2005; NASA, 2002; DATAWeb, 2012) which sets the 2 oC anomaly above which humanity will lose control of her ability to limit the effects of global warming on major climatic and environmental systems at 16.49 oC (IPCC, 2007). The major Permian extinction event temperature is 80 oF (26.66 oC) which is a temperature anomaly of 12.1766 oC above the 1990 global mean temperature of 14.49 oC (Wignall, 2009; Shakil, 2005

Arctic News: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm

This may have happened before, huh? Part of the Natural order? How about developing a harvesting technique for this great energy source?
Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm

Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm


Although the sudden high rate Arctic methane increase at Svalbard in late 2010 data set applies to only a short time interval, similar sudden methane concentration peaks also occur at Barrow point and the effects of a major methane build-up has been observed using all the major scientific observation systems. Giant fountains/torches/plumes of methane entering the atmosphere up to 1 km across have been seen on the East Siberian Shelf. This methane eruption data is so consistent and aerially extensive that when combined with methane gas warming potentials, Permian extinction event temperatures and methane lifetime data it paints a frightening picture of the beginning of the now uncontrollable global warming induced destabilization of the subsea Arctic methane hydrates on the shelf and slope which started in late 2010. This process of methane release will accelerate exponentially, release huge quantities of methane into the atmosphere and lead to the demise of all life on earth before the middle of this century.


The 1990 global atmospheric mean temperature is assumed to be 14.49 oC (Shakil, 2005; NASA, 2002; DATAWeb, 2012) which sets the 2 oC anomaly above which humanity will lose control of her ability to limit the effects of global warming on major climatic and environmental systems at 16.49 oC (IPCC, 2007). The major Permian extinction event temperature is 80 oF (26.66 oC) which is a temperature anomaly of 12.1766 oC above the 1990 global mean temperature of 14.49 oC (Wignall, 2009; Shakil, 2005

Arctic News: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm

This may have happened before, huh? Part of the Natural order? How about developing a harvesting technique for this great energy source?

Were you to actually read the home site to this article, you would find that is part of their suggestions dealing with clarthrate outgassing.
Calm Down ye OleRocks --- There's a truth here that probably hasn't dawned on you.. IF YOU'RE right and WE are responsible for releasing that Methane, then we are living on an EXTREMELY unlivable ticking bomb of a planet..

Because if 1 or 2degC is all it took to trigger Armageddon --- It was gonna happen anyway.. And now you know that warmists MUST organize and call for the mothership to evacuate the deserving before this Mother blows up right under our asses..

you can't even fart or exhale around here anymore without being cited for planetcide.. what kind of flimsy spaceship Earth is this?? I think there must be a FIAT hood ornament at the North Pole...
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Now Flats, I don't think that we will get an extreme release event on the order the author hypothesizes. However, it would not take an extreme release to really mess up the climate.
I'd be reauthorizing the manned spaceflight program just in case we ARE sitting on a volatile fuel-air bomb.. 2degC as trigger for the kaboom means we have bigger problems than CO2..
Well now, Flats, if you want to read a careful and thoughtful essay, book length, on clathrate outgassing and it's affects, here is an excellant presentation.

Methane catastrophe

Why OleRocks: After such a celebrated and authoritative science buff as yourself ASSURED ME that ugly scenario wasn't gonna happen ---- Why the hell would I want to read that crap?? If I want nightmares, I'll watch Sharktopus or PirahnaConda.

I am somewhat interested in why BP had to take Deep Horizon down more than a MILE before getting blasted out of the water by methane.. A mile of mud and rock is a pretty huge insulator for a couple degrees of temp.
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Well now, Flats, if you want to read a careful and thoughtful essay, book length, on clathrate outgassing and it's affects, here is an excellant presentation.

Methane catastrophe

Why OleRocks: After such a celebrated and authoritative science buff as yourself ASSURED ME that ugly scenario wasn't gonna happen ---- Why the hell would I want to read that crap?? If I want nightmares, I'll watch Sharktopus or PirahnaConda.

I am somewhat interested in why BP had to take Deep Horizon down more than a MILE before getting blasted out of the water by methane.. A mile of mud and rock is a pretty huge insulator for a couple degrees of temp.

OK. I overestimated your scientific background. I hope this is not too advanced for you.
Well now, Flats, if you want to read a careful and thoughtful essay, book length, on clathrate outgassing and it's affects, here is an excellant presentation.

Methane catastrophe

Why OleRocks: After such a celebrated and authoritative science buff as yourself ASSURED ME that ugly scenario wasn't gonna happen ---- Why the hell would I want to read that crap?? If I want nightmares, I'll watch Sharktopus or PirahnaConda.

I am somewhat interested in why BP had to take Deep Horizon down more than a MILE before getting blasted out of the water by methane.. A mile of mud and rock is a pretty huge insulator for a couple degrees of temp.

OK. I overestimated your scientific background. I hope this is not too advanced for you.

No you overestimated my giveashit quotient for imagined catastrophes..
Ray........I'll tell you something science related I'm far more worried about = the island of LaPalma off the northern coast of Africa. For centuries, steam has been building up inside the northernmost quadrant of the cone. If it blows, half the island falls into the sea and a 1,000 foot tsunami is coming my way with an arrival time of about 6 hours on the eastern seaboard. These scientific realities are not a matter of if...........they are a matter of when from all Ive read.

If you're not aware of this Ray, you're focusing on the wrong thing my friend...........

What are people going to say if that happens, the scientists knew about it and we were spending trillions on fucking windmills!!!:blowup::blowup::blowup::slap:
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Old Rocks is a geologist. They know alot about women, but not much about science. Which sort of makes sense...
I'll be darned. Sucksassandballs actually knows something, interesting.

Yep, sucka, La Palma is going to calve a big piece, right into the Atlantic, and NYC, DC, DDD, and Florida all get swamped, by the resulting tsunami.

DC was once a swamp, it's full of alligators and other swamp-critters, anyway, so when La Palma blows, go surfin.' La Palma and Yellowstone are probably the volcanoes, posing the worst disaster scenarios, for FEMA, but Mammoth Mountain will probably be the first, to blow.
I'll be darned. Sucksassandballs actually knows something, interesting.

Yep, sucka, La Palma is going to calve a big piece, right into the Atlantic, and NYC, DC, DDD, and Florida all get swamped, by the resulting tsunami.

DC was once a swamp, it's full of alligators and other swamp-critters, anyway, so when La Palma blows, go surfin.' La Palma and Yellowstone are probably the volcanoes, posing the worst disaster scenarios, for FEMA, but Mammoth Mountain will probably be the first, to blow.

Should we all invest in big plastic life raft bubbles?

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