A question for pro choice advocates..


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the question for pro choice advocates is this.....if a pregnant woman is attacked, and the attacker purposely injures the unborn child so that even though the woman lives she still has a miscarriage....is the attacker guilty of manslaughter or murder??:eusa_eh:
the only way to commit murder is to kill another innocent human being....so if it is murder then the unborn child is a person who should be protected under our laws.
Is the question is or ought to be?

Personally, I'd say he's guilty if the child has reached the point where (s)he is recognized as having the right to exist (the same point at which the mother loses the right to terminate the pregnancy outside of medical necessity). Until that point, it's clearly okay to kill the child. It makes no sense for it to be okay for one person, but not another, to commit the same offense (killing the same child at the same point of development simply because they did not want the child to live and be born)
the question for pro choice advocates is this.....if a pregnant woman is attacked, and the attacker purposely injures the unborn child so that even though the woman lives she still has a miscarriage....is the attacker guilty of manslaughter or murder??:eusa_eh:

if the woman considers her baby to be a child, it is murder.
if she considers the baby to be a fetus, it is a forced abortion.

either way it is an assault, it is against her will,
and it depends on what she believes if it is murder or not.

if everyone agreed on the law, then yes, even if there is a religious issue
involved, laws can be made that reflect public consensus

the laws on murder and the death penalty depend on the public
agreeing for the state to have authority to judge and to punish

so there should be consensus on issues of abortion and unborn
babies in the womb, in order for laws to be constitutional
and not impose any unfair religious bias

in this case, if there is not agreement religiously on the status of the baby,
I would go with what the woman believes.

if there are other people who feel the loss of this baby as a child,
such as a husband/partner or other family, I believe they have the
right to argue it is a murder in their case. they may not be able
to argue for other people, but certainly they have the right to
state what their losses and damages are in their own case.

by equal religious freedom, I would respect the people in any such case
to have their beliefs taken into account; just not imposing one person's
beliefs on any other case, but respecting the individual religious beliefs.

if there can be consensus on all cases, yes I would support laws based
on consent, but not imposing values or laws on each other without consent.

this issue of children in the womb is a religious matter until and unless
teh conflicts in law are resolved, either by proof or agreement on belief,
or whatever is required to form a consensus. in the meantime I do not think
it is fair or constitutional to impose laws that carry a bias one way or another
to exclude or discriminate against other views, so I urge consensus instead.
[smartass]They'd be charged with performing an abortion without a license. [/smartass]
the question for pro choice advocates is this.....if a pregnant woman is attacked, and the attacker purposely injures the unborn child so that even though the woman lives she still has a miscarriage....is the attacker guilty of manslaughter or murder??:eusa_eh:

if the woman considers her baby to be a child, it is murder.
if she considers the baby to be a fetus, it is a forced abortion.

either way it is an assault, it is against her will,
and it depends on what she believes if it is murder or not.

if everyone agreed on the law, then yes, even if there is a religious issue
involved, laws can be made that reflect public consensus

the laws on murder and the death penalty depend on the public
agreeing for the state to have authority to judge and to punish

so there should be consensus on issues of abortion and unborn
babies in the womb, in order for laws to be constitutional
and not impose any unfair religious bias

in this case, if there is not agreement religiously on the status of the baby,
I would go with what the woman believes.

if there are other people who feel the loss of this baby as a child,
such as a husband/partner or other family, I believe they have the
right to argue it is a murder in their case. they may not be able
to argue for other people, but certainly they have the right to
state what their losses and damages are in their own case.

by equal religious freedom, I would respect the people in any such case
to have their beliefs taken into account; just not imposing one person's
beliefs on any other case, but respecting the individual religious beliefs.

if there can be consensus on all cases, yes I would support laws based
on consent, but not imposing values or laws on each other without consent.

this issue of children in the womb is a religious matter until and unless
teh conflicts in law are resolved, either by proof or agreement on belief,
or whatever is required to form a consensus. in the meantime I do not think
it is fair or constitutional to impose laws that carry a bias one way or another
to exclude or discriminate against other views, so I urge consensus instead.
so a fetus is not a living human???what is it then a dead rabbit ??:eusa_eh:
If fetuses are alive why don't we count them in the census?
If you have a miscarriage, why don't you have a funeral?
If a woman is pregnant, why does she say "I have a child on the way" instead of "I have a child"?

And no, you would only be charged for injuring the woman.
fetuses are alive, they are living....but they have not been BORN, BIRTHED. Only after they are BORN and take their first breath, are they considered BIRTHED, with a birth certificate stating such, and all laws then counting and covering the born child.
If fetuses are alive why don't we count them in the census?
If you have a miscarriage, why don't you have a funeral?
If a woman is pregnant, why does she say "I have a child on the way" instead of "I have a child"?

And no, you would only be charged for injuring the woman.

I remember learning the difference between 'and' and 'with', that way. "A woman and child" is obviously different than "A woman with child."
I think the more important question is:

Do went want to reduce the number of abortions in this country and worldwide or not?

And that question should be asked of both pro-choice people and pro-life people.

If fetuses are alive why don't we count them in the census?
If you have a miscarriage, why don't you have a funeral?
If a woman is pregnant, why does she say "I have a child on the way" instead of "I have a child"?

And no, you would only be charged for injuring the woman.

I remember learning the difference between 'and' and 'with', that way. "A woman and child" is obviously different than "A woman with child."
plenty of people have funerals for miscarried babies !! and i guess libbs now decide what is a human being and what is not,what is racist and what is not,what is free speech and what is not,and so on and so on................keep on killing off your voter base libbs!!!conservative women rarely have an abortion!!:lol::lol:
the question for pro choice advocates is this.....if a pregnant woman is attacked, and the attacker purposely injures the unborn child so that even though the woman lives she still has a miscarriage....is the attacker guilty of manslaughter or murder??:eusa_eh:

What has this situation got to do with pro-choice? The woman here was not seeking abortion, was she?
If fetuses are alive why don't we count them in the census?
If you have a miscarriage, why don't you have a funeral?
If a woman is pregnant, why does she say "I have a child on the way" instead of "I have a child"?

And no, you would only be charged for injuring the woman.

I remember learning the difference between 'and' and 'with', that way. "A woman and child" is obviously different than "A woman with child."
plenty of people have funerals for miscarried babies !! and i guess libbs now decide what is a human being and what is not,what is racist and what is not,what is free speech and what is not,and so on and so on................keep on killing off your voter base libbs!!!conservative women rarely have an abortion!!:lol::lol:
Libs don't define it, logic does. Then conservatives come along and deny the logic with blind partisanism.
the question for pro choice advocates is this.....if a pregnant woman is attacked, and the attacker purposely injures the unborn child so that even though the woman lives she still has a miscarriage....is the attacker guilty of manslaughter or murder??:eusa_eh:

What has this situation got to do with pro-choice? The woman here was not seeking abortion, was she?
leave it to a libb to devalue an innocent life with opinion!!

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