A Possible Solution To The French Crisis


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Following their own advice, the two state solution:

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/article.php3? id=5720

Got That "Ooo La La, Intifada" Feeling?
by Steven Plaut
Nov 06, '05 / 4 Cheshvan 5766

Well, there are very few things as amusing these days as watching the French grapple with their backyard intifada. The suburbs of Paris are now more dangerous than Jenin, and the French are getting their comeuppance for decades of snootiness, for anti-American and anti-Israel agitprop, for decades of cowardice, and especially for the repulsive French love of old Jerry Lewis movies.

Paris is now being targeted by violent rioting hordes. For years, the French accused American racism of having produced the race riots in the US in the 1960s and 1970s, as well as the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King business. And the French are sure that only Jewish cussedness and just plain Israeli evil lie behind the behavior of the Palestinian pogromchiki. The Gall of dem Galls!

Well, now that the French are experiencing their own intifada, we suggest that they resolve the problem using the very same plan that they have been trying for decades to impose upon Israel. Yes, comrades, it is time to implement the Land for Peace Plan, Paris-style. Here it is:

The French Solution: Land for Peace

So after leading the Solidarity-with-the-Baathists movement in Europe during the recent Gulf War, France is now enjoying its own intifada by urban Muslim resistance fighters, in suburban Paris. Of course, this is all on top of France's long history of supporting Islamist fascism and Palestinian terrorism.

Now, a few years back, during a trip to Israel, French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin urged Israel to make concessions for peace. More interesting yet, in documents relating to his visit, Jerusalem was called the ''capital of the Palestinian Authority.'' And what do the French consider to be the capital of Israel? Tel Aviv, of course. This trip followed by a few years a visit made by President Jacques Chirac, who used the occasion of his visit in 1996 to announce that ''Syria has a moral right to demand return of the Golan Heights.''

These French politicians may be on to something important. Never one to back down from a challenge, I have prepared a set of proposals for consideration by the French people, so that not only can they preserve peace in Parisian suburbia, but they too can achieve a full, lasting and just peace with their urban resistance opponents.

First, until this plan is implemented in full, we must insist that the French government acknowledge that there is no military or police solution to the problems of violence in its suburbs, and only through recognizing the legitimacy of the demands of the murderers and rioters outside Paris can the problems be resolved.

Second, we all agree that territory must not be annexed by force. Therefore, we can also agree that Germany has a moral right to demand the return of Alsace-Lorraine, for the French aggression in 1945 and its consequent occupation must not be rewarded. ''A full withdrawal for full peace'' should operate here. Further, France must agree to the return and rehabilitation of all ethnic Germans expelled from Alsace-Lorraine after World Wars I and II, as well as all those they define as their descendents.

But this, of course, is just the first step toward a solution, as no aggression can be rewarded, and France has much other stolen territory to return. It took Corsica from Genoa, Nice and Savoy from Piedmont. As the successor state, Italy must get back all these lands. By similar token, territories grabbed from the Hapsburgs go back to Austria, including Franche-Comte, Artois and historic Burgundy. The Roussillon area (along the Pyrenees) must be returned to Spain, its rightful owner. And Normandy, Anjou, Aquitaine and Gascony must be returned to their rightful owners - the British royal family.

Not even this is enough for the sake of peace. Brittany and Languedoc must be granted autonomy at once, recognizing the Breton and Occitan liberation organizations as their legal rulers. This leaves the French government in control over the Ile de France (the area around Paris).

That, however, still does not solve the problem of the Holy City of Paris, sacred to artists, gourmets and adulterers. The Corsicans obviously have a historic claim to the Tomb of the Emperor Napoleon, their famed son, as well as the Invalides complex and beyond. For the sake of peace, is it too much to ask that Paris be the capital for two peoples? The French authorities must agree to prevent French Parisians from even entering the sacred tomb area, lest this upset the Corsicans.

The Saint Chapelle and the Church of Notre Dame, of course, will be internationalized, under joint Vatican-art-historical auspices. Indeed, the French should consider it a compliment of the highest order that so many people see Paris as an international city.

The French have nothing to complain about. They will enjoy the benefits of peace and retain control of the Champs Elysees.

Actually, come to think of it, even the Champs Elysees may be too much. Recalling the French position that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, perhaps the true French capital is not Paris at all, but Vichy.
I don't know whether to gloat or whether to cry

The French made their bed now let them lie in it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if they ask US for help, militarily, that is!

But, I have a feeling that the Europeans will now take the threat of radical Islam seriously. (Well, one can hope!).

They had the Seville train bombings, the London subway bombings and now Paris...

Even Osama Bin Loser's friends aren't immune from the mob mentality of the horde from the Middle East.
KarlMarx said:
I don't know whether to gloat or whether to cry

The French made their bed now let them lie in it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if they ask US for help, militarily, that is!

But, I have a feeling that the Europeans will now take the threat of radical Islam seriously. (Well, one can hope!).

They had the Seville train bombings, the London subway bombings and now Paris...

Even Osama Bin Loser's friends aren't immune from the mob mentality of the horde from the Middle East.

Most of what I've read from Chirac and Villepain has been 'stop it' and 'we'll address your grievances...' Sounds like what they've done with Iran and look how well that has gone. :rolleyes:
I wonder what the left has to say about these animals now? Appease, appease, appease is all the left tells us to do. LEave them alone and don't provoke them. Well the French have been doing that for years allowing muslims to immigrate in the millions every year for the past 10-15 years there. Now that they have a foothold, they have made their move for power. This "riot" is a military attack against these european nations. They have attacked those that they know to appease the enemy. They know that they will be met by little resistance until its too late. So if they can continue to disrupt and push the mayhem outward, then they can gain control of a large part of France.

We will have a French Palestine when it is all said and done.
Kathianne said:
Most of what I've read from Chirac and Villepain has been 'stop it' and 'we'll address your grievances...' Sounds like what they've done with Iran and look how well that has gone. :rolleyes:
(Sung to the tune of "The Mickey Mouse Club" theme song)
Who's the leader of the pack
That hates both you n' me?
J-A-C-Q-U-E C-H-I-R-A-C!!!!
Now he's up to his neck in shi*
And he's as worried as can be!
J-A-C-Q-U-E C-H-I-R-A-C!!!!
Jacque Chirac, Jacque Chirac
Paris is burning brightly at night!!!!!

The whole Palestine/Israel issue is obviously something else entirely, save for the fact that there are Muslims and Jews in France as well. It will be a long time before there is going to be a showdown between Paris bases Ghamasse and Lille based Lillekud.

Obviously there are quite a bit of problems in France at the moment; violent riots already into the 11th day, and spreading across France as well. Belgium is already preparing for the eventuality that it will spread into their land, and across the sea the British minorities are going swell too: mass fighting between the Asian and black subpopulations continue to escalate.

Meanwhile, Europe has been closing it's borders and regulations have been tightened - resulting in an everincreasing pressure on those groups that are yet to hear whether they may stay or not. Breeding ground for violence, one may say. Although in my view that is an oversimplification of the events.

I think a large part of the problem stems from the fact that these minorities have not been given the chance to integrate into the societies they now live in; and on the other hand they themselves have not shown a willingness to integrate on their own accord. This results in almost ghetto-like areas in the cities that harbour them, with their own little culture and society. Thus, some sort of mini-country would seem a logical result.

Nevermind the fact that the French or any other nation will never surrender part of their land to some imported foreigners - somewhat like Israel after all.

If it is not already too late, as in the case of France they seem to be on the brink of a social breakdown, I would suggest they get into these areas and re-educate the imported population into being French. And spread them over the country instead of piling them all together in some pile of 3rd-world living conditions. Like I've said before, fine if they want to practice their religion of Islam or Swahili of whatever, but they need to get their heads around the idea that when they move to another country, they need to learn the laws and common courtesies of that country, and abide by them. Period.

And yes, close the gates until this group is sufficiently dealt with.
insein said:
I wonder what the left has to say about these animals now? Appease, appease, appease is all the left tells us to do. LEave them alone and don't provoke them. Well the French have been doing that for years allowing muslims to immigrate in the millions every year for the past 10-15 years there. Now that they have a foothold, they have made their move for power. This "riot" is a military attack against these european nations. They have attacked those that they know to appease the enemy. They know that they will be met by little resistance until its too late. So if they can continue to disrupt and push the mayhem outward, then they can gain control of a large part of France.

We will have a French Palestine when it is all said and done.
like they couldnt have jsut come up and knocked on the door and took over? this is what generation of pacifism get you.
fuck the crazy shit, bring in the US riot squads. sure... a bunch of people are going to die, but the mob will disband
Harmageddon said:

The whole Palestine/Israel issue is obviously something else entirely, save for the fact that there are Muslims and Jews in France as well. It will be a long time before there is going to be a showdown between Paris bases Ghamasse and Lille based Lillekud.

Obviously there are quite a bit of problems in France at the moment; violent riots already into the 11th day, and spreading across France as well. Belgium is already preparing for the eventuality that it will spread into their land, and across the sea the British minorities are going swell too: mass fighting between the Asian and black subpopulations continue to escalate.

Meanwhile, Europe has been closing it's borders and regulations have been tightened - resulting in an everincreasing pressure on those groups that are yet to hear whether they may stay or not. Breeding ground for violence, one may say. Although in my view that is an oversimplification of the events.

I think a large part of the problem stems from the fact that these minorities have not been given the chance to integrate into the societies they now live in; and on the other hand they themselves have not shown a willingness to integrate on their own accord. This results in almost ghetto-like areas in the cities that harbour them, with their own little culture and society. Thus, some sort of mini-country would seem a logical result.

Nevermind the fact that the French or any other nation will never surrender part of their land to some imported foreigners - somewhat like Israel after all.

If it is not already too late, as in the case of France they seem to be on the brink of a social breakdown, I would suggest they get into these areas and re-educate the imported population into being French. And spread them over the country instead of piling them all together in some pile of 3rd-world living conditions. Like I've said before, fine if they want to practice their religion of Islam or Swahili of whatever, but they need to get their heads around the idea that when they move to another country, they need to learn the laws and common courtesies of that country, and abide by them. Period.

And yes, close the gates until this group is sufficiently dealt with.

Ghetton like? They make our 'ghettos' look good. They have no jobs for these people, heck they have over 10% unemployment already. They do have the 'state welfare' though. So what's the problem? They don't have to worry about rent or medical care? So what's the problem?

French arrogance? Well it's about 1000 years too late to stop that now. They do not see the foreigners as French. They never have. Germans too do not see foreigners as German, never have. And so on. Really, liberal is not the adjective to use with most European nations regarding immigrants.
Originally posted by Kathianne:
Ghetton like? They make our 'ghettos' look good. They have no jobs for these people, heck they have over 10% unemployment already. They do have the 'state welfare' though. So what's the problem? They don't have to worry about rent or medical care? So what's the problem?

What's up with quoting my entire reply and then going off over my choice of one word in my post; in this case, ghetto-like. Does this mean you agree with everything else I've said? It seems you do, because you don't raise a single complaint to the rest of my post.
What's the problem you ask? It seems the riots are a problem now, doesn't it?
Besides that, the French population is growing old, they have, as the rest of Western Europe, a very large group of so called "baby-boomers". These are the generation born right after the end of WWII that are getting into the retirement age - this is a very large group, and so the balance between working individuals and non-working elders that need to be taken care of is shifting to the point where the system is cracking under the weight of the elders. THAT, Kathianne, is a major problem.

The immigrants are a secondary problem on top of that: they are mostly people without an education or working experience, and the policies in the eighties and nineties have chose to ignore this group entirely. So they've taken care of themselves. Which is not too bad, save for the fact that they have been forced to do so in a ghetto-like environment; no integration at all.

And the French did not feel a necessity to get into these ghetto's and check out how the neighbours were doing there - also a fairly logical result of failed policies. The policies are being changed, but the effects on the population are always a decade behind the policies - that is what is going on now as well.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
French arrogance? Well it's about 1000 years too late to stop that now. They do not see the foreigners as French. They never have. Germans too do not see foreigners as German, never have. And so on. Really, liberal is not the adjective to use with most European nations regarding immigrants.

You choose to go berserk over the French arrogance and whatnot.
Very constructive. I should say now that as a simpleton redneck American trailertrash racist fascist you probably would not know how to react sensibly to my snobbish Euroliberal communist fag sissypants remarks.

I will not do that however, since it will get this discussion nowhere.
Harmageddon said:
What's up with quoting my entire reply and then going off over my choice of one word in my post; in this case, ghetto-like. Does this mean you agree with everything else I've said? It seems you do, because you don't raise a single complaint to the rest of my post.
What's the problem you ask? It seems the riots are a problem now, doesn't it?
Besides that, the French population is growing old, they have, as the rest of Western Europe, a very large group of so called "baby-boomers". These are the generation born right after the end of WWII that are getting into the retirement age - this is a very large group, and so the balance between working individuals and non-working elders that need to be taken care of is shifting to the point where the system is cracking under the weight of the elders. THAT, Kathianne, is a major problem.

The immigrants are a secondary problem on top of that: they are mostly people without an education or working experience, and the policies in the eighties and nineties have chose to ignore this group entirely. So they've taken care of themselves. Which is not too bad, save for the fact that they have been forced to do so in a ghetto-like environment; no integration at all.

And the French did not feel a necessity to get into these ghetto's and check out how the neighbours were doing there - also a fairly logical result of failed policies. The policies are being changed, but the effects on the population are always a decade behind the policies - that is what is going on now as well.

You choose to go berserk over the French arrogance and whatnot.
Very constructive. I should say now that as a simpleton redneck American trailertrash racist fascist you probably would not know how to react sensibly to my snobbish Euroliberal communist fag sissypants remarks.

I will not do that however, since it will get this discussion nowhere.

Ohhh, I'll have to get back to this. :smoke:
harm said:
my snobbish Euroliberal communist fag sissypants remarks.
too true, more later.
Ok, first for your original post that I quoted...

Harmageddon said:

The whole Palestine/Israel issue is obviously something else entirely, save for the fact that there are Muslims and Jews in France as well. It will be a long time before there is going to be a showdown between Paris bases Ghamasse and Lille based Lillekud.
On that you are quite incorrect. Truth is these ghettos have been 'no go' areas by police for at least the past 10 years. The residents have been mostly isolated, as you site, to 'govern' themselves as they wished. In a real sense, that has been to allow criminals to slip in and out of the ghetto without state involvement. THAT is France's own fault-much like the English of the 15-early 1700's. It's called 'benign neglect' and tends to lead to major problems when the 'empire' or 'state' tries to consolidate their power again.
Obviously there are quite a bit of problems in France at the moment; violent riots already into the 11th day, and spreading across France as well. Belgium is already preparing for the eventuality that it will spread into their land, and across the sea the British minorities are going swell too: mass fighting between the Asian and black subpopulations continue to escalate.
It's not an 'at the moment' problem. To the intensity, yes. It's already spread beyond Belgium, today it was Germany. You are about 4 countries behind.
Meanwhile, Europe has been closing it's borders and regulations have been tightened - resulting in an everincreasing pressure on those groups that are yet to hear whether they may stay or not. Breeding ground for violence, one may say. Although in my view that is an oversimplification of the events.

I think a large part of the problem stems from the fact that these minorities have not been given the chance to integrate into the societies they now live in; and on the other hand they themselves have not shown a willingness to integrate on their own accord. This results in almost ghetto-like areas in the cities that harbour them, with their own little culture and society. Thus, some sort of mini-country would seem a logical result.
I am sure a wonderful scholar like yourself already knows that some of these ghettos are hundreds of years old? They were occupied by the Jews in the earlier part of the 20th C. For some reason, room was made for the Algierians/Morrocans. Something about a war???
Nevermind the fact that the French or any other nation will never surrender part of their land to some imported foreigners - somewhat like Israel after all.
Ah, but they have had no problem trying to force Israel to do just that, saying it will bring peace. If that's the case, they should try it, non?
If it is not already too late, as in the case of France they seem to be on the brink of a social breakdown, I would suggest they get into these areas and re-educate the imported population into being French. And spread them over the country instead of piling them all together in some pile of 3rd-world living conditions. Like I've said before, fine if they want to practice their religion of Islam or Swahili of whatever, but they need to get their heads around the idea that when they move to another country, they need to learn the laws and common courtesies of that country, and abide by them. Period.

And yes, close the gates until this group is sufficiently dealt with.
Ah but the people are not 'imported population' they have been where they are for over 40 years-around the time the French did the massacres in Algiers. But I'm sure you knew that! They don't want to 'integrate' into other areas, are you suggesting 'forced movements?' They do speak French and hold French citizenship-have for decades.
a message from Smokey Bear


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Harmageddon said:
What's up with quoting my entire reply and then going off over my choice of one word in my post; in this case, ghetto-like. Does this mean you agree with everything else I've said? It seems you do, because you don't raise a single complaint to the rest of my post.
asked and answered now. Feel better?
What's the problem you ask? It seems the riots are a problem now, doesn't it?
Besides that, the French population is growing old, they have, as the rest of Western Europe, a very large group of so called "baby-boomers". These are the generation born right after the end of WWII that are getting into the retirement age - this is a very large group, and so the balance between working individuals and non-working elders that need to be taken care of is shifting to the point where the system is cracking under the weight of the elders. THAT, Kathianne, is a major problem.
Oh sonny, thanks for explaining the baby boom to me. France's was never the problem it is here, as anyone holding a sociology degree would know and understand.

The reason the French population is 'aging' is because they stopped having babies quite awhile ago. So base, you understand. They would have an even more serious problem if they did have a larger young population, as they do not have jobs for the people they do have. May have something to do with their social programs, ya think?
The immigrants are a secondary problem on top of that: they are mostly people without an education or working experience, and the policies in the eighties and nineties have chose to ignore this group entirely. So they've taken care of themselves. Which is not too bad, save for the fact that they have been forced to do so in a ghetto-like environment; no integration at all.

And the French did not feel a necessity to get into these ghetto's and check out how the neighbours were doing there - also a fairly logical result of failed policies. The policies are being changed, but the effects on the population are always a decade behind the policies - that is what is going on now as well.
On this please provide some links! :laugh:
You choose to go berserk over the French arrogance and whatnot.
Very constructive. I should say now that as a simpleton redneck American trailertrash racist fascist you probably would not know how to react sensibly to my snobbish Euroliberal communist fag sissypants remarks.

I will not do that however, since it will get this discussion nowhere.

Hey, since so many are sick of education=brains, (which I agree they are NOT synonomous, but education does help). I'll pm you.
TheButlerDidIt said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find that these riots in france has them believing more in KARMA?

i would bet the french belive if the US had not invaded afganistan to get OBL and had not held saddam accountable for honouring his treaty....everything would be just fine in france......couldn't be that they are more racist than the KKK when it comes to how they treat the non-french
You have quite an interesting way of making your point.

First you say I am incorrect, and to build up a foundation for that statement you rephrase what I am stating. It boils down to the fact that you agree with me, but wish to say that in your own words and thus you feel that we don't agree, because the words are different.

Basically I have said that there are "ghetto-like" areas which are comprised mainly of foreigners, that are not given the chance, nor are they willing, to integrate into the French population. Thus, they have been "neglected" by the French government.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
On that you are quite incorrect...

Then you say I am incorrect, and try and make your point by stating these areas suffer from "benign neglect" from their governments, thus they create their own. That is exactly what I have said, albeit using different words.

The Palestinian/Jewish issue is something between just that: Palestinians, and Israeli Jews. It has nothing to do with the French riots.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
It's not an 'at the moment' problem. To the intensity, yes. It's already spread beyond Belgium, today it was Germany. You are about 4 countries behind.
I have read before you never show humor on the board, so I'll take this as an example. I stated Belgium already, and Britain as well, so it seems you just want to be mad at me for no reason other than the fact that I post stuff.
Originally posted by Kathianne:
I am sure a wonderful scholar like yourself already knows that some of these ghettos are hundreds of years old? They were occupied by the Jews in the earlier part of the 20th C. For some reason, room was made for the Algierians/Morrocans. Something about a war???
Can you understand the difference between GHETTO and "ghetto-like"?
If you figure it out, maybe you'll see we agree on the matter.

As for the war that cost millions of people's lives, I find it sad that we should only remember some people of a different faith than my own, and forget about 20 million Russians for example... as if they were lesser humans.
Jews died. So did Christians, Muslims, and atheists.
If you want numbers to count, the Russians (a people) deserve a holocaust day before the Jewish do (a faith), by a factor of three.

Of course the ghetto-like areas are old. Hell, Europe is old. Go figure.
The integration - or non-integration - problems Europe faces today started roughly 50 years ago, I'll give you that. But then I've said:
I think a large part of the problem stems from the fact that these minorities have not been given the chance to integrate into the societies they now live in; and on the other hand they themselves have not shown a willingness to integrate on their own accord.
Which is basically the same, I just didn't mention a timeframe.
So you see, we actually agree once more on the major topic at hand.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
Ah, but they have had no problem trying to force Israel to do just that, saying it will bring peace. If that's the case, they should try it, non?
As you may know, it was the Palestinians that lived there before the Jewish did. It's called history, not faith. So basically the Palestinians have every right to oust the Israeli's by any standard.

I've even posted before that this is exactly what Israel's first Prime Minister (David Ben Gurion) has said, and I quote:
"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

Originally posted by Kathianne:
Ah but the people are not 'imported population' they have been where they are for over 40 years-around the time the French did the massacres in Algiers. But I'm sure you knew that! They don't want to 'integrate' into other areas, are you suggesting 'forced movements?' They do speak French and hold French citizenship-have for decades.
Actually quite a lot of them don't, that is part of the whole problem.
Obviously, the problem is a bit deeper than failed integration alone; I would say banning religious symbols is not helping the situation one bit.

I am suggesting "movements" yes. Not forced ones, on cattle-trains to detention camps, mind you. But more in the order of movements to different schools; at present, there are schools that are comprised of 90% or more of these minority groups; no wonder they do not fully understand what French culture is about. They should be more widespread, into a system of mixed schools with a maximum percentage of minorities in a single school below 50%, to maximize the integration potential of young children. For example.

Stuffing them in "ghetto-like" parts of town has never worked, to underscore your "something to do with a war" point.
Originally posted by Kathianne:
Oh sonny, thanks for explaining the baby boom to me. France's was never the problem it is here, as anyone holding a sociology degree would know and understand.
You're welcome.
Originally posted by Kathianne:
The reason the French population is 'aging' is because they stopped having babies quite awhile ago. So base, you understand. They would have an even more serious problem if they did have a larger young population, as they do not have jobs for the people they do have. May have something to do with their social programs, ya think?
Actually, anyone holding a degree in sociology should understand that it is more complex than you state. It has to do with multiple factors, one of them being the lower birth record (stemming from the opening of career moves for females in our modern age), a second one being the baby boom generation reaching retirement age.

Social programs function to keep the population at a certain level of acceptable life - a strategy that requires money which is raised by income tax. Everyone pays for his or her own and everybody else's access to health care and education. Obviously this system is being stretched to the limit by the enormous amount of baby boomers ready for their retirement.

Think of it what you will, in Europe most people see it not as a sign of weakness to take care of other people, but a sign of a strong democracy and a strong framework of moral values.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
On this please provide some links!
It is a simple matter of physics: to move a large mass one needs to apply a continuing amount of pressure. In other words, it takes time to move a mass.
Of course, if that is too slow for one's liking, one can always apply shock and awe to speed up the process.

Originally posted by Kathianne:
Hey, since so many are sick of education=brains, (which I agree they are NOT synonomous, but education does help). I'll pm you.

People that are sick of education are going backwards to a more primitive level. We learn something new each day, if that ceases to amaze and fulfill someone, he or she might consider suicide.
manu1959 said:
i would bet the french belive if the US had not invaded afganistan to get OBL and had not held saddam accountable for honouring his treaty....everything would be just fine in france......couldn't be that they are more racist than the KKK when it comes to how they treat the non-french

stupid stupid stupid......

Not terrorists, guy... just inhabitants of the suburbs.
I think I know it best than you and your GREAT CNN's REPORTS....(a full piece of shit, the biggest ever made. I will speak of it later).
In the youthes there are non-muslims...

Don't compare this crisis with terrorism. I know that USA only understand terrorism and hate against muslims, but this is not.
Don't make moral and lessons, nobody died for the moment. (the man who died : not in relation with these things, said his widow) Not like the wars between your gangs...These are really wars.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (and not Villepain) and Interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy decided the instauration of the curfew.

About CNN : thery said it was a civil war in France : bullshit, not worse than in USA in the suburbs. even better.

And they show a "maps" with the most touched cities in FRance : I never saw a such stupid thing : They took a map of Europe with France on the center, and putted Cannes near Montpellier ( 200 miles from its real place), Strasbourg was not in FRance but outside...don't remember where exactly..and don't remember for the other cities' places...but if somebody can have it... it would be great : what a professional information !!!!

it would be like I put London in Edimburgh, Glasgow in Cardiff and Dover in Manchester.

or if you prefer : NY in Miami, LA in Houston, Detroit in Salt Lake City and Chicago near the mexican border...

I can't belive that the bigger US TV information channel does so awesome mistakes....They did in their reporting, when they say wrong things...and above all with this map, showing the non-competence of the journalists.


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