a note to GOP faithfuls from an independent

Is trickle down economics all you know about free market growth?

Do you even have a concept of what the negative effects of the equal pay for women would be?

What rights do gays and lesbians not have that the rest of us have?

When you finally learn what the hell you are yapping about, maybe you would be in the market for new ideas, or at least have a reasonable grasp of your own ideas.

Are you then advocating that women not be payed equally, or denying that the LGBT community actually has less rights than a normal citizen?

No, I am not advocating that women be paid less, and I am not advocating that gays or lesbians be discriminated against. I am advocating that truth and honest discussion should prevail, even in political discussion.

You insinuate that women being paid equally would have a net negative result.

You also made the claim that the LGBT community has the same rights as everyone else. They are just NOW starting to get the same rights, but in a majority of the world, and in the US, a country once considered a bastion of civilization, they still lack some very basic rights. In some places they are not allowed children. Did you know that?
Occasional lurker, 1st time poster here. I wanted to mention something to the folks on here who subscribe to these crazy ideas about the election like:

-obama voters won because the "takers want free shit"
-romney was favored to win(an objective look across numerous independent polls showed obama favored to win handily)
-obama voters were just marketed to more effectively
-generally refuting anything factual or statistically based

For your own sake, you really need to get your head in the game. This is all utter bullshit. The GOP will be best served by trying to incorporate reality, whether it pertains to polling, science, or anything else. They really need to entertain that voters actually understood the policies espoused by both sides, and made an informed choice. I frankly dont give a flying fuck if the GOP spends the next 20 years in the bubble that they just cruised through this election in, as long as they keep losing. But if they eventually put a candidate in the white house, and he is one of these ideologues on the far right who denies science and statistics, we're all gonna be in a world of hurt, thus I DO care. Id frankly rather have a GOP that can compete with the dems, than what it is now.
A word to the wise: reside in cuckoo land at your own peril.

the key is for members and leaders of all parties
to stand on the Constitution, and seek agreement on those grounds,
and QUIT relying on popularity of party politics to get elected to justify authority.

the authority of the govt and laws resides with the consent of the governed
as the spirit of the Constitution: equal protection of interests, representation and due process

NOT abusing politics and majority rule to bully and coerce back and forth
while the taxpayers are expected to foot the bill for this learning curve
and all the mistakes and unchecked crime and corruption that comes with it.

All leaders need to get real, not just the GOP.
If the Dems depend on the GOP to check them by enforcing the Constitution,
that is why we are in trouble, we should all be checking ourselves and each other
by the same Constitutional laws, standards and ethics.

Do you know what a libertarian is?

Technically, a pure libertarian would be neither left nor right, but more often they fall right on the political spectrum.

"Right vs. Left" is just the x axis on the spectrum. There's also a y axis: it's authoritarian vs. libertarian. There's plenty of ways to interpret it and it's more complex than this but here's a simple picture:


Left = authoritarian economically, libertarian socially. Right = authoritarian socially, libertarian economically.

So, in general, a Libertarian would support lower taxes and less regulation in the marketplace just like a conservative would. However, a Libertarian would share similar views on abortion (pro-choice) and gay rights. One thing that libertarians have become known for a little bit is the legalization of marijuana.

So, when you say "libertarians are right" in a general sense, you're wrong; it depends on the issue.

In the general sense, they usually vote center-right. I'm not wrong in that statement. However, I am quite well aware that libertarian is on a Cartesian political spectrum, and not a linear one.
The problems with the GOP have much more to do with branding and marketing than the product.

Okay, let's stipulate to that, for the sake of argument.

Assuming that's true, the two parties are taking very different approaches to the marketing of their product. The Republicans are arguing whether they should be trying to "attract" women and minorities. Some are lobbying for some kind of outreach program, the rest are against that because it looks like pandering, and that reaching out is somehow capitulation. So the two sides of the party can't even agree on the strategy.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are, and have been to great success, going right after that vote, face to face. They don't waste any time on "attraction", they go right after it and grab it, aggressively. So while one party debates whether it even wants to engage in outreach, the other has been aggressively doing it for decades.

The party certainly can't be surprised it's doing so poorly with these rapidly-growing, demographic-changing groups.


Caving in on all principle to gain popularity may win Elections, as long as the populace remains confused, in denial, and in perpetual want, but, you need to be honest here, Justice is the first casualty. It's no way to govern. It's actually the antithesis to good government. Party all you want. The end game here is either sack cloth and ashes, or devastation. I don't celebrate Injustice, all politics aside.

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