A new front opens in the fight to save Tiktok...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
"The most powerful generation that ever was" has joined the fray!

Unfortunately "the most powerful generation that ever was" looks like he would struggle in a battle against a strong breeze.
Lol,. Anybody heard about the 80 year cycle? If it continues your so called soy boy generation will become the next hero generation. Steel is formed in fire. It is relatively evident that fire is stoking as we speak. They say nessity is the mother of invention. The same can be said about heroism. We will see if they rise to the test. History says they will. We shall see!!
Lol,. Anybody heard about the 80 year cycle? If it continues your so called soy boy generation will become the next hero generation. Steel is formed in fire. It is relatively evident that fire is stoking as we speak. They say nessity is the mother of invention. The same can be said about heroism. We will see if they rise to the test. History says they will. We shall see!!

Lol just lol.
Lol just lol.
Spoken by a fucking retard. Hilarious. Educate yourself and study some history. I find it funny that your dumb ass wants to blame the problems of today on the youth. Mean while the youth have had no power or influence. It was those who came before them that set the stage. Today's youth are the unfortunate recipients of the stupidity that came before them.. boomers have held the wealth and influence fora very long time. They are the ones responsible for the conditions of today.
Spoken by a fucking retard. Hilarious. Educate yourself and study some history. I find it funny that your dumb ass wants to blame the problems of today on the youth. Mean while the youth have had no power or influence. It was those who came before them that set the stage. Today's youth are the unfortunate recipients of the stupidity that came before them.. boomers have held the wealth and influence fora very long time. They are the ones responsible for the conditions of today.

I don't care. Really I don't. You're just fodder
I don't care. Really I don't. You're just fodder
Lol, not surprised ya don't care. You are only capable of blaming others. Not capable of introspection. Today's youth were screwed by their parents. They should have been taught better. Now the world is screwed up. They will be left to clean up the mess. They will be forced to do it or they will parish. Ya, don't come out the womb tough. Toughness is obtained by survival of disparity. If they survive the mess they have inherited they have no choice but to become something more. Survival of a crucible is where Toughness and grit come from. Your lack of understanding this tells me you have faced a crucible. All you do is sit around and bitch not understanding you made your own bed.
Lol, not surprised ya don't care. You are only capable of blaming others. Not capable of introspection. Today's youth were screwed by their parents. They should have been taught better. Now the world is screwed up. They will be left to clean up the mess. They will be forced to do it or they will parish. Ya, don't come out the womb tough. Toughness is obtained by survival of disparity. If they survive the mess they have inherited they have no choice but to become something more. Survival of a crucible is where Toughness and grit come from. Your lack of understanding this tells me you have faced a crucible. All you do is sit around and bitch not understanding you made your own bed.

Wut? You basically agreed with me but just with word salad.

Go away
Lol. Agreed with you. Like he'll. Today's soy boy is tomorrow's hero. A crucible is coming. This is evident. Those who survive will be cold hard steel.

It's sad you can't keep up and today's soy boys will wither in any confrontation.

Seriously, look at them.
Lol,. Anybody heard about the 80 year cycle? If it continues your so called soy boy generation will become the next hero generation. Steel is formed in fire. It is relatively evident that fire is stoking as we speak. They say nessity is the mother of invention. The same can be said about heroism. We will see if they rise to the test. History says they will. We shall see!!

Not a chance. These are the weak men that create hard times.

I'm sure there are a minority of tough Gen Z'ers....the rednecks, the inner-city poor, some suburbanites with based parents...and some others. But by and large the generational bell curve continues on the ever lengthening downhill slide.

I am of the decided opinion that no upswing will ever occur again.

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