A Nazi Analysis of the American People


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?

Europe and America:​

Failures in Building an American People​

Main Points:

  1. The USA has no ethnic unity.​

  2. Every attempt to built an American people has failed.​

  3. Instead of an American people, there is an American class.​

  4. Jewry is a primary reason for the absence of an American people.​

  5. There is also a noticeable absence of a moral and national ideal.​

  6. The development of a unified people is also hindered by streams of asocial elements from around the world.​

  7. There is therefore no unified people in the USA, only a population.​

Opinions? Is it true? Now more then ever?
Mongrels defeated the Master Race, and their Fuehrer committed suicide like a pussy rather than fight.

America will become just another latino shithole in a very short time. This means Europe will be in another war soon, probably several, and so will Asia and the ME. All the America haters, domestic and foreign, will be nostalgic for the American hegemony soon enough. It's going to be hilarious watching blacks try and get 'Reparations' from a latino bloc. lol
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Generalisations like yours get slaughtered Mortuary and rightly so .

IMHO, knowledge about this area is best served by understanding the place Freemasonry held from the beginning and how that morphed into Khazarian Mafia which is one way of terming the comparatively more modern Nazi creed, but run by faux Jews .
Contentious and conspiracy for those that who know no real History but a gold mine of info if investigated .
Freemasonry in Europe was most Sephardi from Spain. Sephardic Jews founded the first two Scottish Rite Mason lodges in America. Where does 'Khazarian Mafia' come in? One of my grandfathers and grandmothers were Jewish and a Mason; I don't recall any expensive plaid suits, Cuban cigars, and shoulder holsters and Thompson SMGs laying around their house, no bullet holes in the Buick.
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Freemasonry in Europe was most Sephardi from Spain. Sephardic Jews founded the first two Scottish Rite Mason lodges in America. Where does 'Khazarian Mafia' come in? One of my grandfathers and grandmothers were Jewish and a Mason; I don't recall any expensive plaid suits, Cuban cigars, and shoulder holsters and Thompson SMGs laying around their house, no bullet holes in the Buick.
Glad you agree although surprised you do not understand the roots of the Khazarian Mafia and their total identification as deliberate faux Jews .
Glad you agree although surprised you do not understand the roots of the Khazarian Mafia and their total identification as deliberate faux Jews .

Agree on what? I pointed out Khazarian Jews weren't the main demographic of Jews in Freemasonry. Masons are fairly secular, except in Germany they faced some discrimination. Orthodox Jews had restrictions on associating with goy and wouldn't have joined. Jews who joined were secular and assimilated easily into the prevailing cultures, as opposed to the racist Babylonian cults who demanded to be segregated away from the sub-human goy.
Agree on what? I pointed out Khazarian Jews weren't the main demographic of Jews in Freemasonry. Masons are fairly secular, except in Germany they faced some discrimination. Orthodox Jews had restrictions on associating with goy and wouldn't have joined. Jews who joined were secular and assimilated easily into the prevailing cultures, as opposed to the racist Babylonian cults who demanded to be segregated away from the sub-human goy.
Feel sure you will catch on after YDYOR .
Feel sure you will catch on after YDYOR .

I have; the conspiracy theories are rubbish. Jews can't even agree on who is a Jew, much less anything else, and certainly not 'global domination n stuff'.
Americans are the most monolithic nation in the world, most Americans have Altai genetics for both sexes, there is no such monolithic people anymore.

The German people are prone to servility and submission, not too smart and creative. Collectivist. This is the main difference. Americans come from a higher culture.
Unfortunately, thousands of years of slavery left the mark on the mentality of the Germans, they always have complexes, and they always attribute to themselves someone else's history and other people's merits. They are terribly afraid that the world will remember who they really were in their swampy forests, in their barrack-type long houses.
if rammstein pisses on their heads and at the same time says that they are great, they believe that they are great. This is their strength. This unites them like dogs in a pack and they go to expand by every possible ways. no matter how pathetic the German slave is, they always tell him that he is a hero
and god be with them
This is what they get. The offspring of German pimps became the President of the United States. No matter how great the American is in his spirit, he still loses to their resourcefulness and collectivism
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing the Nazis don't like and approve of our country. Maybe there really is hope.

Europe and America:​

Failures in Building an American People​

Main Points:

  1. The USA has no ethnic unity.​

  2. Every attempt to built an American people has failed.​

  3. Instead of an American people, there is an American class.​

  4. Jewry is a primary reason for the absence of an American people.​

  5. There is also a noticeable absence of a moral and national ideal.​

  6. The development of a unified people is also hindered by streams of asocial elements from around the world.​

  7. There is therefore no unified people in the USA, only a population.​

Opinions? Is it true? Now more then ever?

It was the racism and pure race idiocy that doomed the Nazi’s before Hitler was even in power. Hell, while he was sitting in jail writing Mein Kampf, the fool had already set up the failure of his philosophy.

Let’s take anything you want. Heck, let’s take the Superweapons that Hitler wanted. The most powerful superweapon was of course, the Bomb. The Atomic Bomb. America was taking in the Jew Scientists that Hitler wanted to round up and send to the Gas Chambers. And those Jews set to work creating the first Atomic Bombs. Enrich Fermi, Neil Bohr, Leo Szilard, Albert Einstein, and many more including Lise Meitner, a Jewish woman.

These were all European Jews, and without them in America, we would have never gotten the bomb built in time. They loved their homes, the land they came from. But the idiots in charge didn’t love them. So these people fled the persecution and went to America, where they built the first Bomb.

This ended any hope Germany had of making the beloved Superweapon that would change the outcome of the war, forever.

But it wasn’t just Nuclear Physicists who were chased out by the Nazi’s, in search of their perfect society. It was Doctors, Financiers, and every other profession. Everyone who could flee, did. Taking knowledge and intelligence out of the reach of the Nazi’s, and creating a group who would be tireless in seeing the fall of the Reich.

In a fitting epitaph to the Third Reich and their idiotic ideals, the Jews who fought to establish Israel after the war ended, used Nazi equipment including planes, and weapons, to defeat the Arab armies. They flew Messerschmidt 109 aircraft against the Arab planes and pilots. They flew American surplus cargo planes to transport desperately needed war materials.

Nazi Technology helped establish a Jewish Homeland for the very people that they wanted to eradicate. Perhaps that is Karma, or poetic justice. But I think it is fitting that the Jewish Homeland has survived ten times longer than the Third Reich did.

Hitler was a fool, the mongrel Americans, with mixed blood from all over the world, produced better equipment, and far more of it. The American Solider was superior, despite not being part of an American Race, whatever that was.

So what do I think of the Nazi philosophy and their assessment of America? It is more race based nonsense that has been demonstrated as false as has every other similar idiotic idealism. Frankly, the fools who continue to idolize and advocate for those ideals are even worse than the Nazi’s. At least the Nazi’s had no historical proof that their ideals were idiotic. They could pretend that there was some truth to it. With history as our proof, and scientific proof of the truth that they were wrong, anyone who believes it today is even dumber than the Nazis were. That is why I heap so much scorn upon them.

It is one thing to make an ass of yourself trying something new. There might even be something admirable about the effort to risk all. But to do so with the knowledge that the thing you are trying has always failed, that isn’t courageous, that is just dumb.
You need to research the A-bomb background trail . Suppose Germany twice exploded A-bombs DURING WW2 . They did . Suppose the Hiroshima bomb was fuelled by Germany because the Manhattan project was so far behind schedule . It was . Suppose this deal was brokered by Allan Dulles . It was . Suppose that is the true History and you have been bamboozled . You have . Go and do some Research .
You need to research the A-bomb background trail . Suppose Germany twice exploded A-bombs DURING WW2 . They did . Suppose the Hiroshima bomb was fuelled by Germany because the Manhattan project was so far behind schedule . It was . Suppose this deal was brokered by Allan Dulles . It was . Suppose that is the true History and you have been bamboozled . You have . Go and do some Research .

I love Revisionist History. It is always so entertaining. Tell us more about this imaginary Nazi’s actually ran everything insanity you are peddling.

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