A Nation Adrift


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
It is now an unquestionable reality that the United States is no longer the beacon of freedom and hope for all mankind. As America careens toward not only a fiscal cliff, but a societal one, theories abound as to why, including changing demographics and technology. But the answer is relatively simple: an increasing number of people in the United States, in their pursuit of lives of relative ease, have turned their backs on the basic rules of human behavior as espoused by Judeo-Christian teachings and have instead placed more and more trust in man.

Unfortunately, a majority of the American people, as revealed in the most recent national election, whose numbers have consistently increased over the past twenty years, are choosing to follow in the footsteps of European political, economic and moral failings.

In the post-mortems following the re-election of Barack Obama, many Republicans and conservatives were focused on the usual platitudes of better messaging or to be more "inclusive" as the solutions to winning future elections and reversing the course of the nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The American left dominates the cultural and political scene because they exploit and appeal to the most fundamental trait of the human race: the desire to survive and prosper with the least amount of effort and hardship.

No amount of conservative messaging or supposed inclusion will counter that human impulse as long as the government, controlled by its current leadership, can tax, print and borrow money while convincing the people all is under control, there are no behavioral boundaries, and as for whatever problems that do exist -- they are the fault of the greedy, self-centered and anachronistic political opposition.

The United States is now at the point where the last chance to avoid an ignominious fate is for the nation to descend to the depths of experiencing first-hand the early stages of the turmoil and suffering extant in Europe and elsewhere. Perhaps when reality does finally set in, the people will turn to the leadership of their fellow citizens who are still committed to the nation's founding tenets. Unlike Europe, there remains in America a large swath of the populace that lives by and understand the importance of not only the moral underpinnings but the historical success of individual liberty and freedom.

However, in order to weather the potential catastrophe looming over the horizon and the tumult inherent in a requisite change of direction, the American people must begin to acknowledge that throughout history, the key to peace and prosperity lies in a relationship with God and striving to live by traditional moral and ethical guidelines. In the 1840's Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: "Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith." Once established, liberty cannot be sustained without a just and moral society

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