A Merry Chicago Christmas


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Peace on Earth, Good Will to men.


More pix & tweets @ Protesters Vandalize Christmas Tree In Millennium Park
I wonder if the protesters are worried about not receiving the monthly presents Santa Obama puts in their stockings every month?
Hmm. 500 blacks killed by their neighbors....no protests. 1 black killed by a dumb cop....time to destroy the city haha.
And they wonder why the entire world's population considers them too stupid to keep their pants pulled up.
This is nothing compared to the march on Miracle Mile today. There goes that rumor about how black rioters only burn down their own neighborhoods.
Hmm. 500 blacks killed by their neighbors....no protests. 1 black killed by a dumb cop....time to destroy the city haha.
And they wonder why the entire world's population considers them too stupid to keep their pants pulled up.

The "entire world's population" is not concerned with our domestic problems. They are more concerned with the domestic problems America causes them.
Hmm. 500 blacks killed by their neighbors....no protests. 1 black killed by a dumb cop....time to destroy the city haha.
And they wonder why the entire world's population considers them too stupid to keep their pants pulled up.

The "entire world's population" is not concerned with our domestic problems. They are more concerned with the domestic problems America causes them.
You are correct to point out America does have a "domestic problem". The "problem" can be found in every fucking inner city in the country.
It's to the point now where the average person couldn't be bothered about how many "problems" murder each other every fucking day in every negro shithole city in the country.
"Problems murdering other "problems" isn't even news worthy anymore.
I am of the belief that if the people who pay the countrys bills (taxpayers) would stop shopping in these cities, cutting off much of their tax revenue, it would change EVERYTHING quickly!

I live 20 mls outside Chicago, and I refuse to go there for anything! It is not fear, it is the belief that denying them their outlandish taxes they charge, will force the left to capitulate much quicker than debating them. They need our money, we don't need them!
This is really disturbing. African Americans call for equality, say they can't get along in life - never given an opportunity, then they choose to act like hoodlums and loot, rob and cause mayhem. We have enough problems from outside enemies - i.e. ISIS. Hey Black America - grow up, or go to jail. Seems many of you belong there.
Stupidly, blacks act like fools believing they are bringing the community together.

They don't realize how far they lowered the bar on obnoxious.

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