A "Meet The Press" Laugh-RIOT!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
This could have been titled "The BEST Of Republican Tap-Dancing!!"....except the Repubs kept fallin' FLAT-ON-THEIR-FACES!!!!!

Watch David Gregory slap-the-CRAP outta these clowns!!!!!


(Re-shown @ 2:00pm EST on MSNBC, or See: the Full Broadcast video.)​
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Odd in his narrative he didn't say WHAT they were slapped for. Another Troll thread I suspect.
you have to consider that NBC is hostile ground for the GOP to begin with
and so far, the GOP has had the high road

well, i have to admit that the GOP is not hitting back on the crap the dems are spewing
dems comp,ained about the GOP and their bad spending policies, and the GOP guys just sat there and didnt point out that the dems have DOUBLED the deficit spending the GOP had already
Neither republican would say what they would do to improve the economy. Sessions kept repeating that they should spend less, the host rightfully called him out on not having specifics.
This could have been titled "The BEST Of Republican Tap-Dancing!!"....except the Repubs kept fallin' FLAT-ON-THEIR-FACES!!!!!

Watch David Gregory slap-the-CRAP outta these clowns!!!!!


(Re-shown @ 2:00pm EST on MSNBC, or See: the Full Broadcast video.)​

You must use that gay-ass red font for your rose-colored glasses, too.
"Slapped republicans"??

Senator Menendez, if you look at where the president stands, these are policy issues that the senator is bringing up. Here's the president's approval rating, it's upside down, he's at 48 percent disapproval. The Washington Post poll from this week that we referenced shows that six in 10 Americans lack faith in the president. And here's how the Post reported it: "Public confidence in Obama has hit a new low, according to the latest poll from The Washington Post-ABC. Four months before midterm elections that will define the second half of his term, nearly six in 10 voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapprove of how he's dealing with the economy." Is November a referendum on Obama?
No, November's a--is a, a choice election. And the reality is, is I listen to, to John talk about the agenda in the Senate, the Republicans have been the job killers in the Senate.

But, but you just heard, but, but you just heard your, your, your colleague from the Congress, from the House say, "Look, it's going to be perceived as a referendum on Obama and his policies." How does it not?

And here is the kill shot to your hero from Gregory:

Right. But, Congressman Van Hollen, here's the reality. In Newsweek, Howard Fineman in his column reports it out in terms of what Democrats are facing as a result of the president's policies. We'll put it on the screen. "Obama won over [male independent] voters in 2008, and they may be all that stands between Democrats and catastrophe this fall. ... The Democrats' support among that group has fallen to as low as 35 percent in some polls. And the reasons are clear. They do not believe that Obama's actions have produced results - and for these practical voters, nothing else matters. The $787 billion stimulus bill is widely regarded as an expensive, unfocused dud. ... Healthcare reform remains, for most voters, a 2,000-page, impenetrable, and largely irrelevant mystery. The BP oil spill has hurt Obama's ability to fend off GOP charges that he's ineffective as a leader. Democrats are hoping to win back this group with one strategy: attacking the Republicans, individually and as a group. ... The plan is not to blame George W. Bush ... but to warn that a return to the GOP brand ... would be a disaster." And we're hearing all this this morning.
I just watched the first half and I can give an UBER quickie synopsis:

"If Repugs are elected, they'll do the SAME things they did under Bush;"
"It's all Bush's fault about the deficit/the job situation/the economy;"
and "It's the dirty rotten Repugs that have blocked EVERY SINGLE bill/proposal that would allow Obama to Get The Job Done."

All said (by the one) in a girlishly, high sort of whiny voice, like Clinton's... hmmm...

And I kid you NOT, the little mexican dude BUSHWHACKED the debate within 1 min of his opening turn! :lol:

For the Dems, it's still ALL ABOUT being Bush's Fault.

Sad, but true.
i'll watch the replay
and see how much of an idiot you really are
Lemme save you some time.

Watch the video:

What will GOP agenda be if it regains power?

already watched it
and you are a massive fucking idiot

neither side got "slapped" if you ask me
seemed more like a jojn t press conference where both sides did nothing but spout their own talking points and settled NOTHING

but the clear partisan hack you are will continue to post the massive stupidity you have posted since you joined
I just watched the first half and I can give an UBER quickie synopsis:

"If Repugs are elected, they'll do the SAME things they did under Bush;"
"It's all Bush's fault about the deficit/the job situation/the economy;"
and "It's the dirty rotten Repugs that have blocked EVERY SINGLE bill/proposal that would allow Obama to Get The Job Done."

All said (by the one) in a girlishly, high sort of whiny voice, like Clinton's... hmmm...

And I kid you NOT, the little mexican dude BUSHWHACKED the debate within 1 min of his opening turn! :lol:

For the Dems, it's still ALL ABOUT being Bush's Fault.

Sad, but true.
exactly, and the GOP didnt even respond to the bullshit he spouted
Neither republican would say what they would do to improve the economy. Sessions kept repeating that they should spend less, the host rightfully called him out on not having specifics.

BOTH those "badd boyz", from Texass, were caught FLAT-FOOTED!!!!!

exactly, and the GOP didnt even respond to the bullshit he spouted

Actually, it might have been a little stroke of genius 'cuz I'm pretty certain that they weren't expecting that sort of response,

and chose to just kick back and let the Dems make fools of themselves.

Even the HOST got a little short with them over the Bushwhackings! :lol:

Seems like the Repugs DO have more of the same planned, actually.

Good Grief.
In fact, SOME sort of Contract with whomEVER gets elected is starting to sound pretty damned good right about now...

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