A Liberal Democrat Lays Blame Where It Belongs


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Frank Bruni, gay-Liberal-Democrat-NYTimes columnist, writes what those of us on the Right knew years ago.

Liberals, Liberal policies, are a failure.

1. The 'proof of the pudding'...
"A party that keeps the White House for eight years customarily suffers losses elsewhere, as if the electorate insists on some kind of equilibrium. That happened under Bill Clinton and again under George W. Bush — but not to the extent that it has happened under Obama.

His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

2. You voted for Obama, despite what we on the Right warned you about, either
a. because you hoped that his skin color would mark you as a good-hearted individual...
or because
b. you actually imagined that one (or two) pulls of the vote lever would end racial strife.

You couldn't have been more wrong.
And, for those wrong reasons, you chose an incompetent, one never qualified for the office.

Bruni continues:
3. "We geniuses in the news media spent only the last month telling you how Donald Trump was losing this election. We spent the last year telling you how the Republican Party was unraveling.

And here we are, with the Democrats in tatters.
...the G.O.P.....will soon control the presidency as well as both chambers of Congress and two of every three governor’s offices. And that’s not just a function of James Comey, Julian Assange and misogyny. Democrats who believe so are dangerously mistaken.

4. ...Democrats adopted a strategy of inclusiveness that excluded a hefty share of Americans and consigned many to a “basket of deplorables” who aren’t all deplorable.

5. Liberals miss this by being illiberal. They shame not just the racists and sexists who deserve it but all who disagree.
A 64-year-old Southern woman not onboard with marriage equality finds herself characterized as a hateful boob. Never mind that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton weren’t themselves onboard just five short years ago.

6. Political correctness has morphed into a moral purity that may feel exhilarating but isn’t remotely tactical. It’s a handmaiden to smugness and sanctimony, undermining its own goals.

I worry about my and my colleagues’ culpability along these lines.

I plan to use greater care in how I talk to and about Americans more culturally conservative than I am."

Perhaps in the future Liberals well consider voting policy rather than party.
7. Blame Democrat/Liberal allegiance to the Clinton Criminal Cartel

"...the Clintons bear considerable blame.

It’s hard to overestimate the couple’s stranglehold on the party — its think tanks, its operatives, its donors — for the last two decades. Most top Democrats had vested interests in the Clintons, and energy that went into supporting and defending them....

In thrall to the Clintons, Democrats ignored the copious, glaring signs of an electorate hankering for something new and different and instead took a next-in-line approach that ....was more due than dazzling.

After Election Day, one Clinton-weary Democratic insider told me: “I’m obviously not happy and I hate to admit this, but a part of me feels liberated. If she’d won, we’d already be talking about Chelsea’s first campaign. Now we can do what we really need to and start over.”

Imagine....a willingness to overlook a life-long criminal career, and behave as do iron filings in a magnetic field, rather than honest, respectable human beings.
That's the Democrat voter.

It's a party of drones who take orders, starting with the mandate that they are forbidden to actually do any thinking.
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His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll.

DAYUM...that should worry Libs. Obama may have destroyed the Democratic party. You can't argue with those numbers.

If liberal policies were so wonderful, they wouldn't have lost so much of the legislature.
Frank Bruni, gay-Liberal-Democrat-NYTimes columnist, writes what those of us on the Right knew years ago.

Liberals, Liberal policies, are a failure.

1. The 'proof of the pudding'...
"A party that keeps the White House for eight years customarily suffers losses elsewhere, as if the electorate insists on some kind of equilibrium. That happened under Bill Clinton and again under George W. Bush — but not to the extent that it has happened under Obama.

His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

2. You voted for Obama, despite what we on the Right warned you about, either
a. because you hoped that his skin color would mark you as a good-hearted individual...
or because
b. you actually imagined that one (or two) pulls of the vote lever would end racial strife.

You couldn't have been more wrong.
And, for those wrong reasons, you chose an incompetent, one never qualified for the office.

Bruni continues:
3. "We geniuses in the news media spent only the last month telling you how Donald Trump was losing this election. We spent the last year telling you how the Republican Party was unraveling.

And here we are, with the Democrats in tatters.
...the G.O.P.....will soon control the presidency as well as both chambers of Congress and two of every three governor’s offices. And that’s not just a function of James Comey, Julian Assange and misogyny. Democrats who believe so are dangerously mistaken.

4. ...Democrats adopted a strategy of inclusiveness that excluded a hefty share of Americans and consigned many to a “basket of deplorables” who aren’t all deplorable.

5. Liberals miss this by being illiberal. They shame not just the racists and sexists who deserve it but all who disagree.
A 64-year-old Southern woman not onboard with marriage equality finds herself characterized as a hateful boob. Never mind that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton weren’t themselves onboard just five short years ago.

6. Political correctness has morphed into a moral purity that may feel exhilarating but isn’t remotely tactical. It’s a handmaiden to smugness and sanctimony, undermining its own goals.

I worry about my and my colleagues’ culpability along these lines.

I plan to use greater care in how I talk to and about Americans more culturally conservative than I am."

Perhaps in the future Liberals well consider voting policy rather than party.

You're full of sewage.

Trump won because he won 3 states in the Rust Belt that Romney didn't win, and Trump won them by taking a leftwing protectionist position on trade,

which appealed to labor, union and otherwise, in those states.

That is ALL that happened. Everything else is just noise.
His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll.

DAYUM...that should worry Libs. Obama may have destroyed the Democratic party. You can't argue with those numbers.

If liberal policies were so wonderful, they wouldn't have lost so much of the legislature.

It must rename itself....no longer the Democrat Party, it is the party of New York and California...

....the Coastal Party!
His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll.

DAYUM...that should worry Libs. Obama may have destroyed the Democratic party. You can't argue with those numbers.

If liberal policies were so wonderful, they wouldn't have lost so much of the legislature.

It must rename itself....no longer the Democrat Party, it is the party of New York and California...

....the Coastal Party!

...or the PARTY FOUL.

or the "It's my Party and I'll cry if I want to" Party.

(As an aside...the Chelsea Handler crying is my favorite...she is such a bitch)





8. Blame the politically inept Obama:

"Obama, too, contributed to the party’s marginalization. While he threw himself into Hillary Clinton’s campaign, he was, for much of his presidency, politically selfish, devoting less thought and time to the cultivation of the party than he could — and should — have. By design, his brand was not its. Small wonder, then, that its fate diverged from his.
He anointed Clinton over Joe Biden, though Biden had more charisma and a better connection with the white voters who ultimately supported Trump. Had Biden been the nominee, he probably would have won the Electoral College as well as the popular vote (which Clinton indeed got).

His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

Obama actually believed what Liberals wrote and said about him....that he is God!

Democrats/Liberals should shuffle off to a retreat and carefully consider the basis for choosing their candidate.
Just tryin' to help.
9. While I'm almost as pleased by Mr. Bruni excoriating the Leftists' Party, as I am with the Trump victory....the columnist for the Mexican paper makes the glaring error of blaming politicians rather than policies.
These are the reasons the Democrats took a thrashing:

the Supreme Court,


the debt,

rebuilding the military,

the Second Amendment,

school choice,


reforming the tax code,

reexamining regulation,

energy exploration and production,

illegal immigration,

sanctuary cities,

Iran nuclear deal

Wise up, Democrats
Last week I wrote:
It must rename itself....no longer the Democrat Party, it is the party of New York and California...

....the Coastal Party!

Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, Democrat running to replace the arch-villain Pelosi-galore, said yesterday:

"The question really to my fellow colleagues is: How many seats do we have to lose before we make a change?

80 seats? 90 seats? 100 seats?

We're at the point now where we're not even a national party at this point. We have some support on the coasts, but we've lost the support of middle America, and we've got to make some changes. So I'm pulling the fire alarm here, because the house is on fire. We need to do something."
Pelosi Challenger Rep. Tim Ryan: Democrats "Are Not A National Party" Anymore
9. While I'm almost as pleased by Mr. Bruni excoriating the Leftists' Party, as I am with the Trump victory....the columnist for the Mexican paper makes the glaring error of blaming politicians rather than policies.
These are the reasons the Democrats took a thrashing:

the Supreme Court,


the debt,

rebuilding the military,

the Second Amendment,

school choice,


reforming the tax code,

reexamining regulation,

energy exploration and production,

illegal immigration,

sanctuary cities,

Iran nuclear deal

Wise up, Democrats

Goddam, the content of your post is indicative of brain damage. Did you suffer a recent trauma?

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