A Jewish Man's Thoughts on Americans Muslim "Bashing"

How many people are asking Virginia governor elect Robert McDonnell to repudiate what Rev. Pat Robertson has said about Islam? If it's just this guy, I doubt it'll happen. However, if there are a lot of Virginians calling for it, McDonnell will probably speak up.

He did quote some interesting and disturbing statistics about the way people in America view Islam:

According to a Pew Research Center study in August: "Views of the link between Islam and violence have fluctuated in recent years. Currently, a plurality (45%) says Islam is no more likely than other faiths to encourage violence among its believers, compared with 38% who say that Islam does encourage violence more than other religions. This is similar to positions on this issue in 2005. By contrast, in Pew Research Center surveys conducted in 2004 and 2007, more people said Islam does encourage violence than said it does not."

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