A.I. Teaching Itself New Skills...Programmers Don't Know Why

Google CEO doesn't know why his artificial intelligence (AI) is teaching itself new skills

Google CEO says he doesn't 'fully understand' how new AI program works

Artificial intelligence teaching itself things, independent of programmer

(Google’s cure to AI’s hallucination problem)

They know why....

They set the parameters lol
AI teaches itself by using a technique called machine learning, which involves analyzing and learning from large amounts of data.

There are various methods that AI can use to teach itself, including:

1. Supervised learning - this involves teaching the AI using labeled datasets, where each data point has a label or category that the AI tries to identify. The AI uses this labeled data to learn how to classify new, unlabeled data.

2. Unsupervised learning - in this method, the AI doesn't have labeled data to learn from, and instead tries to identify patterns in the data on its own. This can be useful for tasks like clustering and anomaly detection.

3. Reinforcement learning - this method involves the AI learning by receiving feedback based on its actions in an environment. The AI tries to maximize a reward signal, such as a score or a goal, while performing actions in the environment, allowing it to learn through trial and error.

Overall, AI teaches itself by finding patterns and relationships in data and using this information to improve its performance on various tasks.

AI equations==> input(good or bad) = output(good or bad)

Ex ==> poisoned datasets in = poisoned datasets out :(

Just don't let AI control power supply or electric power or energy. Nothing to worry about. :)

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